Enlisted is coming to Steam!

Grenade launcher and impact grenade enjoyers :sunglasses:

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The New Year’s holiday and vodka over-references caused them to possibly forget how the playerbase reacted to the merger: I. Further modifications (br adjustments, manpower mechanic adjustments, occupation rate adjustments, birth point adjustments, impact grenades, etc.), Ⅱ. Concerns about improved support services (e.g., corp system, matchmaking, rewards and penalties, etc.), Ⅲ. and overconfidence in the mines they are laying or satellites they are launching (airplane mount adjustments, Kurdsk adjustments, etc.), legion systems, matches, rewards and penalties, etc.), and overconfidence in the mines they are laying or satellites they are launching (airplane mount adjustments, Kurdsk plug-ins, further development of the U.S. and Japanese armies, the stagnant Soviet and German camps, France, etc.).
It’s like they’ve been formatted to once again be confident in poor reviews.

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Lol im pretty sure China has a strict vpn policy

Merge was not rushed. They had endless tests and it was getting developed so long people started to become really impatient. It was over a year before it was released.


Hopefully old event squads will come back due to the influx of new players from steam. Fingers crossed :grin:


@ChuchaDrucha Wait, does this mean we won’t be able to bounce back and forth between logging in and playing the Gaijin.net client version and the Steam version with our Gaijin.net account like we can with War Thunder?

Time to slaughter new player with those (now unobtainable) sweet low tier paratroopers event squads I guess.


to be fair they will be slaughtered regardless. Paras will be more, “look what I got and yooou dooont ner nerrrr!”


The USA not only need Pershings
They need a true fully automatic infantry weapon like:T20E2

Would it be possible to implement the version of EAC that is compatible with Linux as well. I do not mean a full Linux version of the game. I am referring to an updated implementation of EAC that is compatible with WINE/Proton.

i expect this some 2 years after steam release… cause they are fast in implementing stuff for their targeted audience…

Finally, seems there is a way to let Darkflow know how bad the game they made now. haha

As the current queue system, new players will definitely be slaughtered by BR3 and BR2 players. It is expected that there will be a lot of bad reviews for this game.

I don’t buy anything in this game except a premium account. All premium squads are poorly built and are inferior to units available for free. Buying premium units is currently unprofitable. The topic has been discussed many times on the forum. Finally, change the policy of premium units to make them more profitable.

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Yes its possible


seems like the game is in trouble, i remember when devs were like " NO, Enlisted will NEVER release on steam"

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…when did that ever happen? oh right, never. it’s even hinted at in the Roadmap


2021 dev q&a

for now =/= Never

so. yeah, they never said what you think they said.


sooo that means we gonna get the better animations?
also since its gonna be steam shouldnt the game be more polished? better customization better silver rates and could you please fix pak40 being everywhere?germany has it in moscow and normandy they should have 5cm pak same goes for soviets give em the 53k or how its called for moscow,stalingrad

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Sadly, this is not a Steam ready game at the moment guys…