Enlisted is coming to Steam!

With WT you can use the regular gaijin.net shop on steam, so this will be the same case


This. Cheaper

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Yeah exactly as i told you all. There were many clues inside game files. But some of you wouldn’t believe me. PS there are some APIs with Epic Games Store so they could release it there too.

Yeah you could even buy GJN through gaijin.net and buy anything cheaper than through Steam.

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merge took them way longer than expected that’s why we have huge delays that are still continuing will at least Q1 2024


Sounds like Win-Win, just like H&G

Game is nowhere in healthy state to be released on Steam:
-Bipod not working as intended (it gives you higher dispersion when placed on objects),
-Explosives sometimes work and sometimes do zero dmg or kill you (impact nades/rifle nade launchers)
-Sometimes your machinegun will hit the enemies and don’t deal any dmg (they will be dancing to every hit)
-Ai is still :heart::heart::heart::heart: and react quicker at mid-long range even shooting you through the bushes but is completely retarded at close range.
-Economy is still bad with minuscule rewards even with year of premium.
-Game runs at significant lowered framerate in Pacific campaign for some reason when compared to any other maps
-Balance is pretty fine at low and mid BR but at the top BR nobody can compete against the Axis tanks and Jumbos are menace to the Japanese tanks, american AT launchers and tanks are a joke at BR5 when fighting vs Axis you can’t pen anything if they decide to take KT for a spin and you have to spam P47
-Gold soldier and vehicle orders from bp and events have zero use for me since they are just lazy reskins i want some unique rewards of same value of GO weapons.
There are probably way more things that i forget about (i have now only Palworld and Warframe on my mind lol)


What is also a disaster with the Cosmetics is that the ammunition pouches don’t match the weapons. A soldier with an MP 40 and the ammunition pouch of a G43 just looks like shit. The equipment should be linked to the weapon. Otherwise it’s just BS. Even in old games like Red Orchestra 1 and 2 this was already taken into account.


This is great news.

With all those infos, I conclude there’s just no downside at all with binding accounts. No reason NOT to.

Perhaps we could even use the Steam overlay as a makeshift squad lobby!!!

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Not sure about North America but here in the other camp Stalingrad is a really big deal, and whereas small arms like PPS 43 might get a pass of ignorance, huge German late war tanks like Tiger 2 and Panther will raise eyebrows 100%.

That’s liie giving Abrams tanks for Americans on D day level of BS.

But after all I really do hope that before steam release we’ll see a replacement top BR map like Bagration, and good old Stalingrad can be left alone for low BR.

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Does that mean we can have the Reichstag map?

idk where is here, but i am certain that in most of the europe stalingrad is not really taught in details. ffs i dont remember even mention of zhukov inside my history textbook, not to mention tanks or weapons present there.

btw i checked history textbook for gymnasium and it covers mostly key points of ww2 without many details and western involvement is described in little more detail than the eastern (but overall not that much more, just extra politician or general).

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not really.
It’s just that Chinese game agents have their own ideas and have made some minor changes on squads set, which is different from the international version. The weapon name censor has been cancelled (the agent found that they were unnecessary and had no relevant laws at all)

As far as I know, WT also had Chinese publisher, but it has always been available on Steam. I can’t understand why Enlisted is different?
They don’t have to be so afraid, after all, the Chinese version is basically just the Enlisted before the merge

I mean I’m not surprised, cold war and stuff, don’t talk about USSR destroying 75-80% of German powers over 4 years, talk about Normandy and other stuff, remember no Russian.

But in Russia and ex USSR Stalingrad is a phenomenon, the city of Volgograd to this day is like one big Stalingrad memorial, there are at least 3 big movies about it and all kids in school study it

I mean, I remember when I was in school we had to study it and then draw the frontlines and arrows and stuff on a blank map like this

(And it was not just Stalingrad, it’s all key world history events, with a big focus on WW2)


In our history books, it was written that was just an excuse when your country has oil and the direct land route to Soviets (trying to move stuff through artic is hard)then those things seem like a joke, its like saying Swiss was N*zi because they speak German and stored German gold in their banks(believed to be 1.7 billion worth) or calling turkey an axis member because they export 45,000 tons of chromite ore(which used in making stainless steel and then tanks and other stuff ) while there is us who didn’t trade or did anything significant with Germany well anyway it doesn’t matter let the bygones be bygones who cares we do something we forget tomorrow

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The fact is that there was close military cooperation between the Nazi and Iranian regimes, and there were German spies operating within Iranian territory. Resources may be a secondary cause. In fact, as long as you expel German spies, provide aid channels, and join the anti fascist alliance (I don’t see any benefits in maintaining neutrality at the end of World War II, because even Poland has gained richer land), such things won’t happen

nah… it is not even that…whole international ww2 gets 16 pages with pictures, while domestic ww2 gets 14 pages (out of ~150 page textbook that covers post ww1 history). in international part they need to cover whole war, so besides general outlier of situation with key battles and few key leaders rest of the war is not described in detail.

i am not certain how ex soviet states are educating on ww2 post 1990, but i would think that it is not that big of a deal as in russia.

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There was none we bought a lot of stuff from Germany but there was no military cooperation

A British embassy report, dated 1940, estimated that there were almost 1,000 German nationals in Iran
of a total of 4,630 foreigners, including 2,590 British)
some might wonder which side had more spies in Iran

British and Soviet planners recognized the importance of that railway and sought to control it. As increasing U-boat attacks and winter icemade convoys to Arkhangelsk (which commenced in August 1941) dangerous, the railway seemed an increasingly attractive strategic route.

However, the Iranians began to reduce their trade with the Germans in the face of Allied demands. Reza Shah sought to remain neutral, not wanting to anger either side. This approach became increasingly difficult in the face of Anglo-Soviet demands.
Seems they didn’t care
Entering war would have made sense in 1945 had we were not occupied, like turkey and other neutral countries its like they didn’t even try to even let us do anything also they didn’t ask for us to help in lend-lease they just decided to invade
Reza Shah declared Iran neutral at the start of World War II. He feared both Soviet and British ambitions in his country and despite the benefits of economic relations with Germany, he considered Germany to be too committed to its program of race-based expansion and ideology. Neither side had Iran’s best interests in mind. In the wake of dramatic German victories against the Soviet Union in the summer of 1941, both the British and Soviet governments occupied southern and northern Iran respectively, using Reza Shah’s refusal to expel German nationals as an excuse, but in fact out of concern that a successful German drive into the Caucasus would not stop at the Iranian border and that continued Iranian neutrality would inhibit the transit of supplies from British India to Egypt and British supply routes to the Soviet Union. Allied intentions in Iran were also to protect British-controlled oil fields, to direct military supplies to the Soviet Union using the Trans-Iranian Railroad (the major railway linking Tehran with the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea), and to put a stop to German intelligence operations in Iran. Well like I said I don’t care its a pointless thing at the end it happened we just have ourselves to blame for these things every governments incompetence starts from its people.(lets not talk about what happened 80 years ago we have saying wasted water wont come back to Glass past is wasted water can’t do anything about it now just have to accept and move on)

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What I’m talking about is just some German experts, okay, this may be more like economy cooperation

In fact, which side has more spies is not the most important thing, what is important is which side’s spies are more threatening (of course, perhaps Iranians and allies have different answers to this question)

Alas, I can only say that this was a foolish decision. Wish your country good luck in the future.