Enlisted is coming to Steam!

I had just seen the invisible plane flying in Enlisted on this forum. This will be fun indeed.



Honestly, I think Enlisted needs another couple months just to polish things and try an expanded MM tier system.


*couple years

If old bugs keeps reverting back, god forbit they are back to pre alpha stage lmao


It isn’t problematic, as i edited above, all you will need to do, is a usual bind gaijin account steam version of Enlisted.

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I apologize for asking again, but just to be clear and to make sure I understand it 100%…

So, we will link our current Gaijin Enlisted account with our Steam account and will be able to launch the game with our account both through Steam and possibly through the Enlisted Launcher? Or will this close the doors of the Enlisted Launcher to us, and we will only be able to launch the game with our account on Steam?

Yes, as answered above, you can bind your steam and go back to using the launcher, nothing will change


You are saying, that if for some reason I don’t feel using Steam anymore and wish to go straight with Gaijin launcher, that I’ll be able to even if my account is bound?

Edit: you answered above as I wrote, thanks!


Jesus! Please don’t release the game on Steam in this state. The Steam community is merciless with their ratings. They tear the game down in the reviews and then that’s it! Then we have a maximum of 2 - 3 years before the player numbers are so low that the game is no longer profitable and is closed. Or is that the plan? One last quick milking and then off to new shores?


One last question:

  • If our account becomes bound. Can we still use regular Gaijin shop normally, or will we have to pass through Steam to make purchases, using Steam wallet?

Okay, thank you for clarification. I missed your edit.

I was just worried I could be instantly linked to steam.

guys, don’t forget that on the 2023 road map we were promised 2 companies and only added a new one (Ardennes)


Looking forward to this bringing in a wave of new players. But before this happens Enlisted really needs the following so the new player experience isn’t so bad the new players just quit:

  • Br needs to be swapped to ±1
  • Impact nades should be restricted to Br5 or receive some sort of nerf/restrictions
  • Silver income increased
  • Better indication when 1 premium/event squad weapon/vehicle or gear is uptiering you

Impacts, GLs, and other Br3 weapons are just too strong to have a fun experience as a brand new player. I was able to carry the below Br2 game in part due to having a single 9 man squad with large grenade pouch full of impacts. Got 47 grenade kills (most I have ever gotten), and that’s nothing compared to what the professional impact spammers can get.

Now imagine someone running all their squads with impacts and throw range, because I know some players who do just that. They don’t even use their guns and still wipe the enemy team. If that is what I had been greeted with when I started playing Enlisted back in 2021, I would have quit and never looked back.

Many have already talked about how the new income makes it hard for new players to even afford their new gear so I won’t expand, but it needs to be looked at. At the least make early-mid gear mega cheap for them since they will be there quite a while.


Tell me, do you plan to add the second company you promised ? (On Road map 2023 have 2 company)


With WT you can use the regular gaijin.net shop on steam, so this will be the same case


This. Cheaper

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Yeah exactly as i told you all. There were many clues inside game files. But some of you wouldn’t believe me. PS there are some APIs with Epic Games Store so they could release it there too.

Yeah you could even buy GJN through gaijin.net and buy anything cheaper than through Steam.

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merge took them way longer than expected that’s why we have huge delays that are still continuing will at least Q1 2024


Sounds like Win-Win, just like H&G

Game is nowhere in healthy state to be released on Steam:
-Bipod not working as intended (it gives you higher dispersion when placed on objects),
-Explosives sometimes work and sometimes do zero dmg or kill you (impact nades/rifle nade launchers)
-Sometimes your machinegun will hit the enemies and don’t deal any dmg (they will be dancing to every hit)
-Ai is still :heart::heart::heart::heart: and react quicker at mid-long range even shooting you through the bushes but is completely retarded at close range.
-Economy is still bad with minuscule rewards even with year of premium.
-Game runs at significant lowered framerate in Pacific campaign for some reason when compared to any other maps
-Balance is pretty fine at low and mid BR but at the top BR nobody can compete against the Axis tanks and Jumbos are menace to the Japanese tanks, american AT launchers and tanks are a joke at BR5 when fighting vs Axis you can’t pen anything if they decide to take KT for a spin and you have to spam P47
-Gold soldier and vehicle orders from bp and events have zero use for me since they are just lazy reskins i want some unique rewards of same value of GO weapons.
There are probably way more things that i forget about (i have now only Palworld and Warframe on my mind lol)