Enlisted is coming to Steam!

This is great news, Steam will bring a new influx of players and expand on social capabilities.

But first impressions matter and I dont see new animations coming out before Q1 is over. But hey, would love to be proven wrong.

Also I hope DF invests and integrate Enlisted into Steam Workshop, via editor and mods. It’s the bread and butter of modding.

We can all agree the workshop does wonders for games like CS2, TF2, DotA2, Black Mesa etc

Example 1

Example 2


given the matchmaker disparities,
( aka, 1br vs 2 & 3, and Br 3 vs 4 & 5 )countless bugs ( both in term of customization & others )
and piss poor incomes for non premium users

i’m not sure how or why enlisted on steam gets announced first.

i suppose i can get the reasons, more players = more influx,
but… one would make sure to fix things first rather than leaving bad first impressions for steam users.
and… given war thunder past situation, review bombing it’s not what enlisted needs.
granted, i believe enlisted isn’t to that state. but it surely would get a mixed review instead of negatives. when perhaps could have been prevented and more polished.

maybe that’s just me.
anyway, unironically, a friend of mine was waiting for this.

so here is that.


welp from my understanding if i do choose to transfer then i have to only use steam oh well im just gonna stick with the launcher


If i can use my Gaijin account on the Steam version of War Thunder, what is blocking Enlisted from doing the same?
If this limitation stays I bet not many will bother switching.

Yeah, exactly.

Plus no one bothered to answer my question if already existing link to my steam account with my current gaijin account which I am currently using to play enlisted is problematic or not.


Will we get gold discounts or goodies atleast if we keep using the “gaijin.net account” ? otherwise its more easy to use the steam wallet especially if you want to charge up again.

Explains the lull in other News recently! Well done lads! Congratulations on this milestone.

I’m glad it’s going on Steam but the uptiered bullshit matchmaking will probably leave the game review bombed (although much of the criticism will be deserved). You guys really should polish the game and fix the BR nonsense and shitty matchmaking before the Steam release.


Unfortunately, a lot of the time first impressions when releasing a game matter more than anything, even if it fixes its issues down the road.


This sounds a bit concerning, for war thunder all you have to do is link the accounts which means you could play on either with progress being shared but the way this is worded seems to imply that once you migrate the account progress wont be shared, is that how its going to be? If so then why not do it the same way war thunder does it?
And why are you introducing a fomo timer to account linking? I gathered that from the constant event cycle yall love fomo mechanics but why here too? This just feels like its trying to be as inconvenient as possible, why not just link accounts instead of migrating? Why not keep the option to do so permanently?


Yay Its finally here :smiley:

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Either way.

I’m “sure” I’m talking for everyone here, that what’s most important before Enlisted gets too big on Steam,

Is to add Pershings. Because Pershings Persh.


I want them. Give my Pershings.

Thank you.


War thunder ban 40K :laughing:

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idk if all negative reviews will be good for game’s health…

unified launcher for most of your games, friends list.
btw they are learning from mistakes of other games that didnt provide account migration option and got review bombed after their initial release.

do you really thing that average steam player knows about what tanks were in stalingrad? i would be more worried about people complaining about proto weapons.

you would need to ask some xbox/playstation players on how different prices/discounts are from pc players. i would expect same model to be applied to steam.


bit disingenuous considering you have not included weapon/troop upgrades. soldiers are pretty useless if they dont have all their levels.
btw both economies were/are shit, so it is pointless to compare them cause they are mostly similar.


We need a new statistical data to quantify the individual gaming level of players

Moreover, adding this statistical data and using it as a benchmark for matching is also very useful for improving the competitiveness of this game on Steam, as players enjoy playing as fairly as possible.

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Are you going to leave a lot of bugs and go to STEAM?
Oh dear…


Why can’t it be like other Gaijin games you simply connect steam account? I already had my War Thunder steam log-in.

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She is correct.
But no matter how much we advise, perhaps the Devs and their evil snails won’t change their decisions.
These are the people who ignored the many bugs reported in testing and dared to do the merge with the version that still had the bugs…

I have a prediction. Enlisted will probably be released on Steam with little to no changes and will be a huge disappointment. I think if the metascores and reviews write the real story, the game will forever lose its chance to get many customers.
They need to improve the game to retain new players and fix many bugs, especially the bad ones like losing charged items. They have a lot of work to do. I don’t think it will all be completed by the end of this year.
Enlisted is not ready to go to Steam yet.


My only question is this. If I migrate account to steam can I still come directly to gaijin.net store online to make purchases so they will be cheaper (like I do in war thunder)?

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When we see developers announcing Steam releases as positive news, it’s as if we and they don’t share the same reality.
Devs don’t have to listen to all the petty whining and crying of users, but some of our opinions and reports are still very real. If you know the current state of the game, you can’t ignore the issues we are complaining about and optimistically bring news.
This thread is as eerie as a cabin attendant smiling and bringing caviar on a falling plane. Or the musicians on the Titanic.
The news we want is not Steam talk, but piles of bugs and game improvements. This is no time to play the violin, please plug the hole in the bottom of the ship.