Enlisted is coming to Steam!

Steam will really just host… the Gaijin launcher. The very same one. Nothing else would change much.


For new players their first medic and assaulter squads should come with more than one smg, at least two fully upgraded, also reduce the grind to unlock tier 2 and 3 equipment for them. Do not claim to be a historically accurate game, otherwise you will be review bombed. This coming to steam should come with an event with a low br assaulter or medic squad with engineer and at guy/radio op that’s easy and chill to complete, not the hellish and tedious grind event we just had over Christmas. You also really should fix bipods, otherwise you’re gonna get a lot of whining in the reviews.



Here’s a Medal for you Gaijin and Darkflow :medal_military:


So, if I transfer to Steam I will still be able to use both the launchers, right?
And how would I be able to transfer?

Sadly it’s not possible due some agreements with Chinese publisher of Enlisted.

From this it’s most likely it’s a account migration and after that im assuming u can only go to the steam version perhaps. :thinking:

No, you will be only need to be use one, if you transferred your account to steam, use only it. If you didn’t use usual launcher.
Got updated about this one, sorry: Just usual binding of your already existing Gaijin account to the steam version of the game.

In the day of proper release we will publish special F.A.Q About it with proper links


Considering the… Half-baked state of the game, I’m surprised they still went with a steam release despite what happened to WT.


I am happy to hear the game is finally being released on steam, but, I hope the dev team is planning to push out patches at a lightning fast pace, because this game still has ALOT of rough edges, and steam reviews can snowball fast.


Looks like i will not be transfering based on current answers.

I only wanted to have achievements, but like i can do them on new account in few hours. Not worth losing ability to easly log in on other devices. Don’t get me wrong, i like steam. But logging on someones pc with steam is more pain than just writing login and password


Does the Steam release also mean that Enlisted is ‘fully released’ by then?

Or does it stay in early access on Steam?

What happened to WT didn’t happen because of bugs, not even because of balance, but mainly because of predatory economy.


The rate you get exp is the same, but…

Tier 1 Guns = 1 SWO pre-merge
Tier 2 Guns = 3 SWO pre-merge
Tier 3-5 Guns = 6 SWO pre-merge

I soldier = 3 STO pre-merge
II soldier = 6 STO pre-merge
III soldier = 9 STO pre-merge
IV soldier = 11.5 STO pre-merge

So… Shit economy.


Enlisted where grinding 173k xp to unlock new guns only gives enaugh silvers to eithe buy 3 of said guns, or just one and upgrade it, or just one good soldier.
I don’t see those problems with stacks of old squads, but looking at new guys that play with me and them having like 20k silver - they unlock mp40 but can’t even afford to buy soldiers or upgrade guns.

New players will get fked by economy in Enlisted too. But reviews may actually force devs to fix it.


This is happening way too early. Steam users are pretty demanding, the game is gonna get review bombed to high hell. To me it feels like Gaijin is throwing this game away for a big influx of players (and money), then it will be left by the wayside.


Not only are they demanding I’m sure they’ll find more ways to break the game


Hopefully review bombings won’t discourage you people from further development of enlisted.


Maybe they should try making a product functional before they send it into the abyss and hope for the best.


I only have one thing to say.
Veterans should not play Tier 1 for the next few months. If you want more players…


Meaning BR2 and BR3 as well btw