Defenders suffer (An invasion without balance)

Not the same.

Devs said soon/ next major update.
So wouldn’t that be pointless spam?

Like actual recoil based on hidden recoil multiplier, recoil direction, and dispersion/ accuracy. or penetration for AT weapons. Or that guns like the MG15 gain more max. dispersion while shooting.
You know… the basics.

And who are you to tell other people whether they are worth enough for you to express their opinion?

Who are you to call Hitler a bad person? Do you ever have experience as a German politician? As a German military officer? How dare you call him a monster if you never did anything in your life while he did something in his life? Freaking losers.

Why should they waste their time with anyone, then? Including you?
Probably because we all are their customers and such, and last time I checked, you need customers to get money as a company. And looking at how much this game bleeds in terms of players in the past years (and how little it grew since merge), I don’t know why we losers even dare to think of questioning their strategy if around 40-50% of players were bots before the merge due to their wisdom and rightfulness.

And Im pretty sure he never played any match before.

That is not what I meant when you said he was some moron who wrote this after his very first match and also pointed it out in his complaint.
After all, he is not some prick who just joined this forum but someone who has been around here for a bit longer now, so I doubt it was his first match in his entire Enlisted career.

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I still responded to the very first post by the one who started it, he suggested that the attackers should have 500 tickets and wanted more time, which is simply ridiculous.

If you want to rework it so that the defenders have time to prepare the defense, then I’m in favor, but the defenders must get tickets and the game must be shortened. It could be not 5 points but only 3. This is a low TTK game and having a 40 minute game is tiring. Yesterday I played Tunisia where there is an old point capture speed system and I almost deserted because I just didn’t enjoy it. The game lasted 40 minutes, of which 30 we won one point, the remaining 4 we won easily. 5 points at such a slow point rate is not fun and boring. If you add the defenders’ time and start locking points, the battle can last for an hour and only a few people will enjoy it.

If someone wants to cry, let them go to the mess room and don’t put it in the “suggestions”. In the “suggestions” section, stricter rules should apply and should be enforced.

It is quite possible that there was some spam about Pershing. I don’t know, I didn’t see it, I didn’t read the whole forum until the last post. I write only for myself that I have not seen any such spam about Pershing.

These statistics are hidden probably for two reasons. The first is that they are probably constantly changing. It is better for developers to hide these statistics than to read people crying on the forums “they destroyed my favorite weapon”. The second reason is probably that the developers don’t want to have 7 weapons to choose from so that everyone can only play one. When the stats are hidden, everyone just has a personal feeling about which weapon is the best.


Joker - Laugh II
Nicolas Cage - Laughing
Predator - Laughing
Jack - Laugh
Yeah sure…

So lets pretend this is a serious response with serious ehm reasons.

  1. Almost everyone here already knows that the stats are wrong, and so do most CCs (despite their best attempts to delete posts linking to the sheets).
  2. Almost everyone in the game spams the same (high-end) weapons anyway, so nice job at achieving absolutely nothing, I guess (at least that’s what I assume with the second ehm “reason”).
  3. By applying 1) and 2), it didn’t lead to people not demanding buffs or nerfs.
  4. By that logic of changes, you shouldn’t show anything at all because everything can be a matter of change. Why are you still showing rof, mag size, muzzle speed, BR, and dmg then?
  5. Why do you still show stats of tanks and planes if
    5.1) They are a matter of change as well?
    5.2) Maybe it makes people play the Tiger 2H and not the Panzer IIIB because of ehm “stat bias,” showing them that the Tiger is superior.

All in all, the statement not only conflicts with itself but is also pretty dumb because it achieved absolutely nothing of its intentions. And even if this is true, this seems to be yet another reason why the devs are cleary superior to us because just look at how they failed to achieve their goals by hiding the weapon stats.

So I guess it’s a total coincidence that the entire German army spams their true service rifle FG42s and the StG and the Russians the zombie Fed and proto AS and AVTs. It’s only a coincidence that, as a matter of fact, those weapons are stat-wise the best weapons in the entire game. Or that those weapons are often a matter of balance discussions… together with the actual weapon stats.

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  1. and 2. are just your unfounded subjective impressions for which you have no evidence. They are removing it because it is misinformation. If you know of any discrepancy, show proof. And no, they don’t all play the same guns. You would know that if you played more than you wrote on the forum
  2. I didn’t write whether people would demand/not demand something, but that people would cry on the forums if they found out that their favorite weapon has different statistics than it had before. Do you need to have written statistics, are you such a bad player that you don’t know how to test the weapons yourself, which ones do you play best with?
  3. Because the statistics you listed change only exceptionally
  4. You are comparing the incomparable

Not everyone plays STG-44. In fact, I very rarely see the STG-44 against me. Players play with different weapons. I also don’t see FG-42 against each other often, and if I do, people play different versions. I wrote it and I’ll write it again - if you played more than wrote shitposts you’d know that.

yes those statistics are really hidden and they are misinformation… so much misinformation that they are now pinned on this forum.

also you want disrepancy? well i dont want to write every automatic weapon here so i will just refer to my older post


Game files can be anything. Those statistics may still be from the prototype version of the game. The fact that you find some statistics in the files does not mean that it is actually used in the live game. So yes, if they are old files that come from older versions of the game and are no longer up-to-date and someone sends them to the forums, then it is misinformation.

In Mafia 3, an entire map from another canceled game was found in the files. In GTA Liberty city is a famous ghost town. Assets were also found in other games that were not in the final version of the game. It’s the same in Enlisted. Developers won’t waste time cleaning up the game’s files just because some weak player is looking for someone to blame for their incompetence.

Pfff Yeah, basically what rob wrote. The stats are true and were never debunked.
And the recoil alone should be enough to question the ingame stats.

Nah, just that people wouldnt complain because they dont know how the weapons changed.
Totally different.
And for the sake of balance, it is important to know the numbers.
You dont change feelings after all if you reduce recoil or increase dispersion.

The devs can and will and did change whatever they want.

Why not? War Thunder makes up armor and pen values and so did Enlisted.

I know. Never forget the one percent.

Most likely because you play low br. And since you are console player, did you also check for crossplay?


really no words. either you are a troll or *word that will get me muted*

if you bothered to click the link on post you would find out that:

  1. data is datamined from new files and it is up to date
  2. it is pinned topic on forum. that is as good as official recognition about its accuracy
  3. it is made by helper, which is official acknowledgment of their status.

I already wrote it above, the fact that there are some statistics in the files does not mean that they are also in the live game. Ensembles can also include a 20-meter dancing dildo.

I play Americans 2.0, 5.0, Germans 5.0 and 2.0 and most recently Japanese. I keep crossplay on all the time because I have more balanced games. I’ve tried almost all the weapons of both factions and I have 1000 hours logged so I think I can compare.

I’ll look it up.

There are no test servers beyond Callisto, which were not a thing until late 2023. So how exactly could they make them up before?
And if your best counter is basic skepticism, you have nothing as evidence at all. Just saying they might be wrong without showing evidence doesn’t make them wrong… especially since you didn’t even know them until now.

Yeah, wow, so at least 50% of the time, no BR5 stuff. Hard to find those guns I guess.

So many hours but never bothered to ask how the guns actually work.
Thats ignorance.

Ok so you play the game in the most perfect way possible with fully unlocked squads, all the “best” weapons fully upgraded and likely max rank soldiers at the best matchmaking BRs. then you claim that if anyone thinks that the current game is unbalanced they are just compensating for their lack of skill. Then make some strawman arguments which combines to make you come off as an elitist d**k.

I think that the problem is not just with defence but balanced matchmaking in general. When grinding up the Japan tree do you only use BR 2 equipment til you get to BR 5? What about leveling squads up for weapon and soldier upgrades? Because i always have at least 1 squad with barely any upgrades due to wanting to get the next rank of soldier and upgrade specific weapons.

I think if i always had upgraded squads, the best weapons/vehicles for the tier and high ranked soldier classes i’d probably not notice the balance as much either. The fact you only play BR 2 and 5 proves the the fact there’s an issue with every other BR. I want new players to stick around and ideally for every BR to be viable without rolling the dice on whether your gonna be outgunned or not.

Making excuses for the devs isn’t helping anyone and im hoping the devs use the new influx of players from the steam release to improve the MM before all the new players leave after hitting BR3 or being steamrolled by experienced BR 2 players. But i think they will only do something if people make a big enough fuss about it.


You have data there that is available in the game. Some may not. I still don’t know how it’s supposed to help me. Why should I look at stats when I can try out a weapon in a live game? Enlisted is not my first game, I know my preference for weapons. And from what I’ve seen over the years, only weak players look for stats. People like me who have been playing for years already know what our weapon requirements are. Someone wants less recoil, someone wants to play a machine gun, someone wants accuracy and shooting in bursts. What are your statistics supposed to help me if they were actually in a live game?

A lot of stats are not useful or of little use but things like can my gun on my tank penetrate this other tank? Without having to suicide a tank into it to find out. I was surprised when my Sherman III cannot even scratch a panther regardless of where i hit. Again your comment comes of as very Elitist. Your saying that everyone should play as much as you to get a feel for what each item in the game can do. Caring very little for new players trying to learn the game and where the limits are without dying over and over to find out.

There are definitely stats that are not shown in game that can be helpful for new players to understand where they stand. Like penetration. If you fail to understand how these stats will help you then im at a loss for words.

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you want to know how it may help?

  1. before it was only source of actually knowing if your soldier was max stat or not (without having to calculate those stats for every soldier every single time)
  2. it shows penetration numbers for tanks so you can actually know what tanks you can penetrate and what you cant
  3. recoil stats are actually useful to know what gun you actually want to grind. you cant try those weapons before unlocking them and you need weeks or months to grind some weapons.
  4. shows accuracy (dispersion) of specific weapons
  5. shows predictability of horizontal recoil for weapons (random or leaning to one direction)
  6. removes guesswork when comparing weapon balance between factions

pure BS. weak players dont try to learn anything about game. high skilled players try to learn everything that might give them advantage.

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I grind the Japanese where I have nothing and I’m still in the table of the best three. And yes, I play from BR 1 with weapons against BR 3, so your argument that I don’t see an imbalance because I have all the best weapons is ridiculous. And imagine that even if I play BR 5, I also have BR 3 weapons, for example BAR. The M1919A6 seems too heavy to me, so I have a BR3 machine gun there because I feel it plays better with it. The whole system is only there so that the more technically advanced weapons of the end of the war do not go against the first weapons of the First World War. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all best weapon, everyone is comfortable with something different. If the player is experienced, he already has some preference. That’s why only weak players look at the statistics.

I rather grind everything, try everything because I believe that my own opinion is the best. I believe that statistics in games are unreliable anyway, and that the best thing to do is to try the weapons myself.

I don’t know who you consider an experienced player. I consider an experienced player to be someone who has been playing various games for 15+ years, and who is in the top 5 percent of the games he plays. If someone is an average player, then yes, they probably look at the statistics. I don’t want to sound elitist, but these players still have a weak impact on the game. And since they don’t understand the games, they shouldn’t suggest changes to the game. How can a person who finishes in the second half of the table propose changes when he does not understand the game. I see a lot of players in the game who are confused, don’t know what to do and run around like scared monkeys. Statistics won’t help these people anyway.

Yeah “weak” players or you can call them new players that use ingame information to find out where they want to put in their effort and time. But i give up you clearly have a deep rooted belief in what you are saying and there’s no point trying to put across other people point of views. Experience definitely goes a long way to making you better. But if you get sick of the game because all the vague nuisances and seemingly poor balance then most new players will not stick around.

Though i get the feeling you couldn’t care less about that since you seem perfectly happy playing this dying game til there is nobody left but people like you and bots. Also your claiming that BR1 against BR3 is balanced because YOU can win? You must be pretty good or lucky to get matches at BR1 against BR3 and not come across other people who know how to play. Since it seems your claiming that if your good enough there is no disadvantage for BR1 against BR3 or BR3 against BR5. Completely forgetting that player skill should ideally be balanced for (especially considering they already have a rank system) and i’m guessing you dessert or forget the matches where you face a decent BR3 team when you only have BR1.

So you think there is no issue with matchmaking? despite it being commonly spoken about in videos, the forums and ingame. Only weak players look at stats? haha ok so every professional gamer is a weak player lol do you even know how silly you sound? Your arguments are hilariously bad most of the time and you just come off as a bit of a knob. i think everyone should just give up on this guy as i suspect he might actually be trolling us lol.

Hahah you made me laugh soo much with that comment!

“I don’t know who you consider an experienced player. I consider an experienced player to be someone who has been playing various games for 15+ years, and who is in the top 5 percent of the games he plays. If someone is an average player, then yes, they probably look at the statistics. I don’t want to sound elitist, but these players still have a weak impact on the game”

So your saying 95% of players should have no say and only if you are “elite” should they be able to suggest anything. I agree that noobs and the bottom % should not get much say but saying 95% of players shouldn’t is the most elitist thing i’ve heard anyone say for a loong time. If you want a healthy playerbase with new players then you need to listen to more than the top 5%. I understand why you think the way you do now and it is because you are an Elitist and you don’t even realise it.

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