Darkflow's U.S. faction bias is quickly causing Enlisted's downfall

That’s just your opinion due to your lack of Enlisted experience.


Aint no way you just said that


In my opinion, it is clear that Darkflow hates Germany.


Bro the thing you said could be applied to yourself as well I understand why you made this topic I myself am avid seeker of balance for every faction you could have suggested stuff to counter spam or give Germans the same ability to spam


Yeah, that’s exactly why they have so many stuff in comparison to any other nation. What a hatred!


Why would I even want to touch the ground when they do this to American gun sights? The Russians, Soviets, and Japs seem to have normal gun sights, so why is it that Americans have these god-awful gun sights.

Do you want me to go through the Carbines and Thompsons next?


ah yes, lack of experience whilst being someone who’d been apart of the game before it went f2p the only thing i assumed was that they were done with the process of resetting all caps back to default


There is a lot of stuff in Germany, but all the important stuff in Germany is nerfed compared to reality. On the other hand, the stuff from the U.S. and the Soviet Union is much more powerful than reality.


Aren’t you friend with @Greyparrots ?

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Joining Enlisted early doesn’t mean you’ve played more hours or have better skills. I don’t think it’s worth talking to you until you provide evidence that America’s strategic capture time is the same as other countries. If a man from Carbine Land were to defend America without any evidence, even a passing dog would laugh.



oh you’re right joining early doesn’t mean i am better skilled just means i’ve been keeping up with the game but at the same time you joining later doesn’t make you better than me nor as knowledgeable

because i never made a statement, all i did state my belief on how it is from my knowledge of what the devs seem to be going for to which i made a correction because of new information presented to me

ironically enough i don’t main US, i just play whatever i get dragged to; that song you think is a “catcha moment” is nothing more than forum joke about me and the shitty m1 carbine. however you are clearly skewed towards the german in your play time and as such your opinions and beliefs are going to be skewed as such

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The sights are a little uncomfortable, but they are also realistic. AI soldiers fire and hit shots well regardless of whether the sights are good or bad. AI soldiers fire semi-automatically with the FG 42 II, but fire wildly with the M2 Carbine. The M2 Carbine, which AI soldiers fire wildly, is quite threatening to players, but the FG 42, which fires semi-automatically, is not a threat to players at all. An American 9-man rifle squad armed only with the M2 Carbine is almost always better than a German 9-man rifle squad armed only with the FG 42 II.



Where is your shame?


The US has one fighter with 250kg bombs, and that is the P-51.
The Germans have 20mm cannons and also one with 30mm that can pen tanks plus almost all of them also have bombs.
Flight performance only matters so much if you are too dumb to make your first hit count (or enemy).

I don’t know what this sentence is supposed to mean. I mean, it’s truly shocking that a non-jet doesn’t act like a jet.

The same applies to the Bf 110 G2.

Or six 250kgb.

I would like to know more about that since they are the same as other planes in terms of bombs. The German rocket also has the second-highest pen and dmg values, which sounds weird.

No. The FW can only rely on 20mm cannons, and the Bf 110 cannons can only be used on 30 and 35mm. Thats unfair.

Yeah. How unfair that the Reich cant be winner in every category.

Because most tankers in this game are dumb and always keep camping at the same spot.
I also would argue that a plane is still easier to kill than a tank since it does not have (much) armor and you even get an aim assist.

So, do the Tigers keep coming and coming, so what’s the issue here?

Because its unfair that the German can only answer to that with the FG42.

Any proof for that?
Otherwise all tanks are nerfed in Enlisted anyways.

So most other tank mgs, but I still would take a Tiger over the M1919.

Except do they?


(Is it though?)
Really important for a game where they add wood tanks.

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give me my fucking log on the back of russian tanks

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Your conspiracy theory is completely wrong. I’ve played 12 times more American teams than German teams, and my win rate when playing on American teams is over 90%. I play the Western Front with the American faction as the main player. I believed the U.S. faction was Over Powered since the M2 Carbine was buffed.


Ahahahahahaha, the Germans want the button to win???
Germans have better tanks, fg 42 2 has normal sights and no recoil, they have better mg with open sights, unlike Americans have assault rifles and better smg - stg and kiraly, you even have a sniper stg so you can have 5 men with stg in an assault squad!
Unlike the USSR the Germans have 250kg bombs on literally every plane, and unlike the Japanese you don’t have to try to take off from the water while the Americans can pick planes that may not.
But no, the Germans are suffering, jeez.
The only thing I, can agree with is that the Americans have an advantage in Normandy in terms of capture rate, this is totally abnormal. Other than that, it’s just that the German teams are garbage at this point.
In relatively equal teams, the Allies have nothing to answer the spam of tigers and better small arms, and the planes will die quickly due to both sides having airpower in the air.
But you literally complain that you can’t press the H button when using fg, US players can’t adequately use sights at all because it’s a horror in a diopter world.

And yes, hating Germans = adding the most content to them?


which is for normandy only, not accounting for other theaters, nor it is counting for the merge but since you graciously gave your normandy stats, here is mine