SVT-38s should be reloaded with stripper clips instead of magazines, like all other BR3 SA rifles

Or they could drop guns like g43, zh 29, johnson 1941, and svt 40 into t3. No one uses semis over auto rifles


Yeah, let’s kill whole BR1 and BR2 because nobody is using few weapons on high BR queue.

Definitely not. And the only reason why SVT 38 is on BR3 is lack of any other soviet rifles that would fit this BR atm.
Otherwise svt would be on BR4 as well.


Br 3 should get its own queue without getting into battles against t 1-2


While the twice as fast reload of the SVT-38 is unreasonably better than the rest of the BR3 semi-autos, there aren’t many BR3 Soviet weapons, this might be an off topic issue, but I would appreciate a few weapons added.
Lend-leased weapons could be added at this very moment actually.

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Shouldn’t that have to do with the Soldier’s rank? A Rifleman III shouldn’t reload like a Rifleman I since the Rifleman III is not a beginner rank like Rifleman I.

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You forgot the best part:

It just isn’t possible to fix American gun sights huh?


To be fair, i think the logic the devs followed here is that Soviets had semi autos active in the war earlier than Germany - while the Garand was mass deployed.

Thus SVT and Garand being BR3 vs G43 being BR4.

I fixed it.



Gotta put the soldier’s eyeballs right behind the receiver in american guns.

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This game is not completely balanced in all aspects, so it doesn’t pose a serious problem at all. The Germans has KT in BR5, Americans has P47 in BR5, and AP4C in BR4, all of which have unique advantages and far more powerful than their counterparts in other factions.

Even complaining about KV1 is even more reasonable than SVT38 in BR3, because KV1 does indeed crush infantry and tank players in BR1 and BR2, but SVT38 Never Gets A chance.

At BR2 there is J1 and especially the Puma and something else I might have forgot to add.

Because it misses like 50% of the stuff/ is not set in stone.
Tiger II currently faces Shermans because DF thinks its better to add the other dozen Shermans instantly instead of adding the Pershing tanks right away. And even after Pershing, they could add more tanks like M36 or even the T34s.
Same applies to German planes though the FW and Ju188 are not as bad as a Sherman vs Tiger 2.

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… Except the KT will have proper counters in the form of Pershings, Super Pershings and hopefully, the M20 Super Bazooka with the next update.

This isn’t so much intentional asymmetrical balancing as it is just the devs beinf half-assed with implementing stuff. As always.

Practically extinct. Almost as if having a 7 second reload and armor that is meaningless against same-BR threats made it irrelevant.


I doubt it.

A week ago, when I was in the German BR2, I often saw KV1. I have played nearly 250 German games since merge, of which at least 70% were in BR2.

Even in the matches of BR1-3, 4J was a paper car that Soviet tanks except T60 could penetrate, while the KV1 was not. Indeed, KV1 is far from invincible, but the key is how much damage it caused to your team before being destroyed. At least, this thing is much more threatening than a few riflemen holding SVT38.

7 second reload, For an IS2 tanker it’s a speed that’s impossible even to dream of.

IS2 1944 seems to be a match for KT H, but in reality, it’s completely different. The gap between IS2 and KT H may be five times that between SVT38 and G41. I think DF should first promise to install a new Soviet tank, even if it may be a prototype or a model that has not been on real battle.

Nah, I think both are about one BR apart.

Good, I 100% support Soviet exchange SVT38 for G41, IS2 for Tiger II :innocent:

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What is the G43 or ZH-29 to the G41?

You’re trying to bring an analogy about tanks to an analogy in firearms where there are clear objective discrepancies that are not justifiable.

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Guns that live completely in two worlds because their matching logic in BR is different. G43 and zh29 are completely useless because they are BR4, while G41 is useful in BR1-3 matches.

Infantry weapons and vehicles are certainly two completely different concepts in the vast majority of cases, but they do have one thing in common: they are both part of the game’s balance.

Apply the same logic to the SVT-38 and -40.

Except unlike the G41, Otsu or the Garand, there are no real downsides.

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It could be load with a strip when the mag isn’t fully empty and when empty change mags.


Compared to G41 and Garland, SVT38 is indeed the best BR3 f2p semi-automatic rifle.

It’s not surprising that a faction excel in something within certain BR.