SVT-38s should be reloaded with stripper clips instead of magazines, like all other BR3 SA rifles

It could be load with a strip when the mag isn’t fully empty and when empty change mags.


Compared to G41 and Garland, SVT38 is indeed the best BR3 f2p semi-automatic rifle.

It’s not surprising that a faction excel in something within certain BR.

It would honestly be nice if the Germans and the Japanese and the Americans got the same treatment that the Soviet faction does because when it comes to those factions some small details ending up screwing them over in a particular way but when you look at the Soviets they’re pretty much perfect except for when it comes to end game tanks but they can solve that problem with the panzerfaust

Soviets tier 5 tanks are powerful.

I’m almost ashamed to say something you’ll like, but…

I see those saying Is2 1944 being bad as insignificant commieboos.

“It reloads so sloooow uwuuu”

I was tired yesterday and played almost an entire match in that big bathub, at panzerfaust range of the enemy cap. 1 shoted panters, tigers (and poor pz4)… I miss my first tiger shot but instead of whining like a commieboo about long reloading time, I used it’s ludicrous reverse speed (seriously it’s among the fasted in game. It’s silly), reloaded peacefully, slowly peeked, tiger missed (in truth it ricochet) and I one shot it. Same goes for dreaded kt(H). Kt is a bit better, but not as much as booboos claim. I one shot them too anyway.

It took the enemy 5 tanks, around as much bomb pass (ridiculous reverse and acceleration speed, that is2) and many faust shots to take me out near the end of the match, with a finally successful bomb pass.

Booboos whine for nothing. As are those from other factions.

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I know about that tank it’s not bad and it really punishes bad tank players for not positioning the tanks properly or being aware of the surroundings.

MP40 >> G41.

Performance wise it doesn’t belong in BR3, just because most semi autos in BR4 are out of place as well.

It has 2 gears backward the only German tank I know with more than 1 backward gear is Tiger 1 which Porsche designed alas it doesn’t stop soviets mains crying about its reload speed and then asking for a tank that has worse reload cough IS-3 cough

It’s indeed a main symptom.
Right now we spoke of commieboos, but seriously ameriboos, wheraboos, weeboos are just a bad. (Except Teaboos. Teaboos players are the pinacle of sportsmanship players, they’re sophisticated and elegant… eheheh)

It’s very difficult for those emotionally attached to one faction in particular, to accept that other factions also have nice things.

What irks me is the hypocrites who say things like:
“our” things are bad, “theirs” are better!

Gets me everytime.


I thought it had electrical “gearbox” (simplification) because it was a hybrid. I see I need to learn more about this.

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I so rarely play with big tanks, that I didn’t know either :laughing:

Which makes it even more surprising that I could last almost an entire match in one, and not in grey zone, but at faust range of the cap!!! (Is2 1944 is really good. Wish the back turret mg was functional to surprise backstabbers!!!)


“I main x faction” is honestly a flag.

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the devs will have to add it eventually, otherwise the game will have something I like to call “Sherman paradox” (most/all nations having the same stuff) like WT has with… who would have guessed… Shermans, except it will be with PzFst 60/100.