Darkflow's U.S. faction bias is quickly causing Enlisted's downfall

8,8 cm KwK 36’s Explosive filler weight of this game is only 698, but the real 8,8 cm KwK 36’s Explosive filler weight is 0.9 kg of amatol (3765 Kilojoules) 8.8 cm KwK 36 - Wikipedia


Here we go again… And because of username of the OP, don’t even know why I’m even putting a reply.


That’s the TNT equivalent

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That gun sure is weak! They should double its power immediately to keep you satisfied!

The thread right here. If it’s such a problem this bias or whatever, why don’t some of you get a stack or something… Also, I think Japan has been playing better than Axis lately. Food for thought.

it was heavily depended on how many people though when i played german normandy my squad line ups is pretty much whatever i want, so i had soldiers with breda mod 30s (love that thing), mp40s, mas-36s in 1 squad, zk-383 and MAB in another while i had an “elite” squad that is STGs and FG42s; all of which served me oh so very well in my main squads. for vehicles i used panzer 3N until i got panther and tiger while using bf110g-2 as my aircraft. though if you wonder why the tickets are like this it’s because as a only axis normandy was a side to farm bots

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American main here, plane vehicle cyclers have a special place waiting for them at the end of their lifespan

As for tickets and cap times, it’s a holdover from where we got buffed in the Campaign system to give us an edge over the Krauts. It still hasn’t been fixed. Like most issues in this game. Is what it is until DF gets round to it
Till then, lol Germany Suffers

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I was agreeing with you until you screwed up 500lb bomb

A man after my own heart when it comes to THIS WORD IN PARTICULAR

Glad to see more people not being absolute diehard US mains and finally call out the imbalance that is the US.this faction is always portayed as “weaker” than germany and yet with all their constant buffs to be “on par with” germany, japan is left to suffer more .giving BR5 to the japs is going to be the nail in the coffin with P47s and M2 carbines being spammed left and right while japan dosnt have a counter to these (germany also donsnt have a counter to the cancer plane).hope to see this mentality expanded when all the new steam players arrive


My guy
My dude
I know you’re smarter than that. Come on now. You KNOW our bombs aren’t in metric

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…1 shot. 1 single round from an Fw or Bf is all it takes to rip the tail clean off a P-47. Thing is stupidly fragile


Ive gotten hitmarkers on those things for quite a time when using BF109s sometimes.and it isnt easy at all to use AA to take it down as AA right now is trash (it takes multiple shots to kill a single paratrooper) and unless he is coming head on at you you likely only cause light wing damage


Don’t know what to tell you man. My tail’s gone in 1 shor

He’s not one of mine but I’m glad to find more allies


may i offer you the bf110g-2 solution?


You’re being Obnoxious guy. Alot of stuff in u.s. is not on par with reality. There definitely is no u.s. bias either on the developer end. I introduce the current event as evidence. The u.s. get apc with bren and boys atr. Germany gets 75 mm cannon (w/ ap, he, smoke) and mg 42. This is such a drastic difference in Germany’s favor.

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it is unfair, anti air vehicles are needed.

free kills that can’t defend themselves is the definition of unfair.

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i will just put this sage advice from our resident german main. german mains should really listen to his advice.


Now I remember why I made that post it was so that devs don’t give something stupid to the allies or the Soviets because they can’t build rally points and when they start working together it’s amazing what they can do,

So I guess thank you because I remember why I made that post now

And I ran out of hearts again :yellow_heart: