Darkflow's U.S. faction bias is quickly causing Enlisted's downfall

And this is probably the best picture that someone made in that post because now I’m free from the misery which is public matches

500lb is about the same as 250kg plus minus a couple a kilos so who cares and why?

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Man, your humor sucks as much as your title writing skills.


thank you but I wasn’t even trying to be humorous at all I’m just being truthful


I do. It’s not a 250kg. It’s a 500lb


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Don’t see me saying the Kar98k is chambered in 31-03 now do you?

Why is the matching mechanism of this game so bad that it cannot balance the playerbase issue?
Matchmaking fairness is 100% a priority for game developers, rather than just summarizing it with “playerbase issue”

Imbalance before merge: playerbase issue
Imbalance after merge: temporary playerbase issue

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After USA gets new tanks like Pershing and Superpershing there will be zero reason to play as the Germans, they will have best tanks, best planes, best paratroopers (3 squads), best “semi” autos with T20, best bolties, smgs and m2 carbine have bad sights but at close range while hip firing their do the killing even as fast or faster than the German smgs, amazing M1918/M1919. They are only missing the AR but with the new AR engy event it wouldn’t be a problem. If they update thompson and m2 carbine sights then they are overpowered in every single way with no cons what so ever.


I would care as much as I care about feelings of Imperial metrics that is used in like 3 countries where two are failed states.

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What is so superior of the Pershing? Still have worse armor and their cannons mostly have same weakspots as 76mm only with better post pen.


And one of them is the most powerful nation on the planet that holds the world’s fate in its hands, has made huge contributions in every field of science since it was born (everything from medical to rocketry to nuclear), bankrolled entire nations more than once in a time of conflict
I can go on. Your point is moot. Just use the correct terminology for things. It’s not that hard

LOL YOU THINK THE PERSHING’S WILL GIVE US SUPERIOR TANKS? No buddy, it will help even the ground, but we will still be on the back foot as far as armor goes. They’re dope, and I love them, but dang a Tiger II still has the upper hand. Think only the Super Pershing beats it out in pen, and the Jumbo Pershing would be the only thing to rival its armor

Which is all absolutely important in a video game forum where you chat with people that are… lets say not very likely only from 'Merica.

*With some “minor” help from ehm “outsiders”.
But you still cant build good cars, eh?

I dont know if it is important to note that you guys committed war crimes and destabilized entire regions but to each their own.

Because I made the mistake to consider the fact that most people here are not Americans/ Non-Imperial users instead of admittinf how awesome America is.

No. Fuck you, Amerikaner. Dont tell 99% what to do. But please dont invade ehm liberate us. We dont even have oil.


Usa faction bias???

Eh… I go back to sleep.

(OF COURSE they like this… :expressionless:)


Yes so bias that this gun broke

I only bring it up because you said 2 were failed states while yourself failing to mention the third

Nuclear fission was a group project between our scientists, British scientists (which is how Stalin got the research, those stupid Brits), and some German defectors. Manhattan Project still happened in the US. Lot of it was in Tennessee too

My truck is almost 300,000 miles and over 20 years old

Every nation on the planet has committed war crimes and the Colonial Powers are the undisputed champions of destabilization, another moot point

Not that hard to use correct terminology buddy, but I’m sorry if your intellect isn’t high enough for such a simple task. I’d help educate you, but I feel like that’d be a waste of my time and effort for the likes of you


How do you fight both of them at the same time?

What do you mean?


You’re answering two posts at once.