Country factions-historical accuracy

What do ya mean with no?

thatā€™s not funny.

HA has been already pestered enough with yā€™all irrationality / cheap shots.

let it rest in peace and quiet like it came & go.

It do same for stalingrad, all depends by the equipment of all player but this should be rare because german player end matched with end war allies and end war russian player with that equipment BR

I dont see why it should matter now but if it makes people like Veekay mad, why not.

There is nothing inherently wrong with the Sherman fighting Tigers, but even then I donā€™t have a sweatlord mentality

I use whatever I want (barring time traveling King Tigers). Maybe I feel like playing Puma, maybe Panther. Every vehicle has a role to play.

I truly donā€™t care about balance, I assure you if I was a Sherman I wouldnā€™t complain about getting destroyed. Thatā€™s just a war game for you.

To quote myself from another thread


Dat damn time traveling king tiger :rofl:

i mean.

he did managed to make changes on the mp35 though.

mad lad actually did it through HA arguments and the mp35 is gonna get a model change.

not even joking.

because apparently the letter used was a post war production of the czech or something.

soā€¦ .show some respect.

what did you managed to change u h ?

( donā€™t ask that question back or iā€™ll might cry )



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Jumbo still in Normandy but at least the MP38 looks more authetnic (we might not mention its ahistorical performance though).

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i never claimed i follow thoroughly :upside_down_face:
but thanks for corrections.

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cheap shot

Why? No one really gives a crap about a stupid stample. Its like repainting the wall of your burning house and claim it as a win.

thatā€™s where youā€™re wrong :relieved:

someone, somewhere. does.

and did.

( delusion is strong with this oneā€¦ i know )

soā€¦ anyway.

pves when?

I watched your three or so Normandy replays out of fun.
Why are almost all of your squads low levels ones with their starter line ups, including the Puma you claim to use a lot/ use whenever you want?

Did you like skip the beginner squads for some reason and want to finish their levels? Or are you such a pro that you dont need to upgrade your squads?
Woah Wie krass.
(Seriously, is this the wrong name or next gen of bot players?)

What did he manage to change?

(Sorry sorry, Iā€™m seeing myself out :stuck_out_tongue:)

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I purposely have my squads low level because I donā€™t want them sprinting, reloading, crouch running, crawling, and jumping like the Flash. Or healing themselves in less than a second. I prefer the default as they feel like they have real weight behind them and like an actual person

The reason why I havenā€™t added any new soldiers to my squads is because Iā€™m waiting for the impending major update to see how it changes any systems. Even then Iā€™m kind of used and even fond of playing in my ā€œrestrictedā€ state

Level has little to do with your actual performance in battle. Sometimes Iā€™ll be at the top of the scoreboard, sometimes bottom, sometimes here and there. Iā€™m not one of those players that has to suck up all the kills and XP

I play ā€œimmersivelyā€, I focus on each of my squadā€™s role and play them to the best of my ability. Iā€™m the one crazy enough to bipod with my MGs

And yes I use whatever I want, at the moment I feel like playing the Puma. Just like in Stalingrad for a while I was the KV, at the moment Iā€™m a plane, I do feel like playing T-70 soon

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Nicholson - Laugh

Surry, buddy.

And care so much that you give them worse weapons and equipment (and skills) so they can die better.
Makes sense I guess.

Ehm Yeahā€¦ makes totally sense. Playing the game for like a year now and even refuse to add more soldiers because of a merge that wasnt a thing until Early Spring 2023.

Stormtroopers have better aim, I saw Steven Seegal being more agile and the reaction time is comprabale to a Borg.
And most of the time you are in the lower end of the scoreboard so sometimes isā€¦ a nice way.
(But making fun of other peopleā€™s performance. My humore).

In fact, some people might consider you a burden or a bot and who can blame them, really?

And getting like three killsā€¦

Please dont fly. For the sake of your team. Your flying is worse than your tanking or aiming skills.
All you do is wasting tickets.

  • Complains about meta peopleā€¦ and literally people who wanna contribute to their team.
  • Plays shitty onā€¦ lets say ā€œpurposeā€.
  • Makes fun of people who are complaing about balance because they suck and are salty.
  • Claims he doesnt want to enforce anything.
  • Wants people to enforce his shitty delusional status quo even though he can still deploy M5s against Tiger with br if he wishes.

ironic-star-wars (1)

Sry mate, but I make the bold claim and say 99% of the players are not masochistic or just accept that they suck and refuse to improve.

My first phase of the game was getting used to its mechanics and finding my vibe. I settled into playing ā€œimmerisvelyā€ probably a few months ago. In fact I enjoy the game so much more now than I did in the beginning (obviously I enjoyed it back then cuz I got the game and my very first post praised it, itā€™s just a new level of enjoyment). Then the news of the Merge came and I said to myself welp Iā€™m used to playing this way so itā€™s no big deal to wait. Even then Iā€™m fine playing this way at the moment

Iā€™ve already said my enjoyment isnā€™t being SuperN00bDestroyer420xD that must absolutely be at the top of the scoreboard. I play immersively, I get into my class roles. Maybe I get a good amount of kills, maybe not. I just get into the battle

ā€œU mUsT b3 SuperN00bDestroyer420xD!ā€

Do you think every single match youā€™re going to get 200 kills. Just like anything sometimes you get a good run, others you get sniped the moment you get into position. In that Normandy match of mine got about 20 bipoded MG kills. Iā€™ve had good fights bipoding with the DP. Like I said I donā€™t care about kills on the stat board. Obviously yes I care about kills in that Iā€™m supporting the team, but Iā€™m not always chasing some number. Itā€™s a completely distinct mindset

ā€œU mUst b3 SuperN00bDestroyer420xD the Air King!ā€

Sometimes you have a good flight, others you miss your bombs. Battles are not black and white.

I find players should just enjoy the sandbox. I donā€™t care if someone wants to deck their Squad with all Stgs. But I think people shouldnā€™t make it be the end all be all of playing. Sometimes I feel like playing a Panzer 4F2, others Panzer 3. Heck Iā€™ve wanted them to add the Panzer 38t to Stalingrad just because

ā€œUre shitty if you donā€™t get 500 kills and 10 accoladesā€

Iā€™m not making fun of anyone. Iā€™m not salty when Iā€™m a Panzer 3 and I run into the KV. Or if the Stuart runs into the Tiger. Iā€™m trying to say they should role with the punches. Itā€™s like sometimes in Stalingrad Iā€™m the Panzer 4 and I happen to come across a T-70 that just spawned and chew him up. Other times maybe Iā€™m the T-70 in that situation

What am I enforcing, Iā€™m the one that enjoys having battles with a wide variety of vehicles from light to heavy. Many of us want halftracks in game but obviously they are practically one hit kills yet Iā€™d still enjoy playing their role. Otherwise why bother adding halftracks

We will have to see the BR first to truly know

I recognize Iā€™m a different kind of player. Heck I only use the anti tank rifles if Iā€™m fully bipoded as they should. But I wouldnā€™t say masochist, I just play immersively. Iā€™ve always found this game is a good blend of arcade and hardcore shooter. Itā€™s somewhere in the family as the classic Battlefields, Forgotten Hope, Easy Red, etc

ā€œu sUcK if youā€™re not a sweatlord with 50 white phosphorus grenades, super sprinting soldiers, 10 slots, 100 kills per match, and 10 acolades per matchā€

I do not suck whatsoever. I just play my immersive way. Sometimes I get a great ā€œteam performanceā€, sometimes not. Like I said I enjoy this game because I am not obsessed with kills or XP. I just fight the battle

For example, I do not use Medics as proto-assaulters. As with every squad, I do their job to the best of my ability. I entirely focus on healing the team. Is that how everyone else plays, no because I know most people use medics as assaulters. But I play my way and I have fun

Maybe build something as engineer.
Maybe use fighters to ehm kill other planes and not crash into factories.
Maybe dont use light tanks like taxis and more like light tanks.
You knowā€¦ get into your class roles.

I dont know since when its too much to ask for building rallies a bit more often and using planes when needed and not crash them all the time without killing anything at all or not standing with a light tank in the open.
Only slashers build more than one rally per match.

Well. Getting 20 might be a good start or at least compensate it with well using the engineer.

You literally admitted you dont even try and care.

That is also a bit contrary to your previous statements where you literrally dont care about your team/ negleting any well constructive method as ā€œbad metaā€.

I would say not making any effort surely wont decrease failure or increase success but well trying is meta-whoring now so praise nihilism I guess.
Is this a parody of todays generation and hippies?

Is this irony?

You are negleting the point that large portion of the playerbase feels different (not to mention the awful playernumber) and need to tell everyone about balance despite the fact you dont care about balance, your team and even your own efficiency.
So why should anyone listen at someone, who simply doesnt care except for making fun of?

And again, you can do all of this with br and custom battles so why letting other people still suffer except for your egoistic reasons?

And yet so preachy.

Because I guess using a Breda .30 as a German squad in Normandy with like four soldiers total is immersive.