Country factions-historical accuracy

Watching italians fighting in Berlin looks too inaccurate historically. I think it would be better to make Italy a diferrent faction and so italian squads will be able to participate in all battles except Berlin!(Mussolini helped germans on the eastern front so why not watch the italians wearing their own winter uniforms too). I hope the game will become historically accurate with the new major update again as it was at least before. I like this game because until this moment you try for as match accurate weapons and vehicles on each battle as you can.
Also i think the japanese will have a big disadvantage against the united western allies and their much better variaty of vehicles,(especially tanks) weapons and squads.
Thank you!


Sadly they lack equipment. They only have one mg, one semi auto, and 3 tanks


29th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Italian) what remained of the division partecipeted in berlin defense

Same history for the SS charlmagne (french) and SS nordland (danish) ecc…


Yes, agreed! Just think people joining Berlin with all four or even more italian squads(vehicles, weapons and infantry generally! I mean it will look fake especially speaking italian, italian names but all of them wearing german uniforms. Also think about moroccan troops in pacific… The new system will need improvements and many adjustments οn the history and battlefield section


Because is what they used german equipment and uniform


Maroccan colonial forces volunter used commowealth or french uniform outiside the north africa front

So there are 0 issue with their default uniform


that can be slowly added, like shoulda be with british

They can certainly be Premium or Event squad, but I don’t want the entire Royal army defending the Reichstag

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I think you need read this time

Whatchu mean

i mean…

last ditch weapons are in low tier along side italian troops and equipment so…

we will definitely expect some m14s and a13s rolling in the reichstag / opera / brandenmburg gate :upside_down_face:

( which it’s why i’m inclining to agree there should be an italian tech tree. but that alone is not a valid reason. it’s just a personal one unlike many other people that can’t logically see the issues with their own tech tree )

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If the regular Italian squads, vehicles, planes from Tunisia just suddenly appear in Berlin

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Oh yeah, hopefully the BR cuts them outside if they cant see reason and made them separate

br will not cut them as there are others italian weapons along side the berlin weapons.

and… the br does not prevent people italian units to end up in berlin if people have them in their own active line up.

Now I will preface this by saying I am anti BR in general and I will be fair that we don’t necessarily know this will be the case………but

BR is convoluted. High tier, low tier, blah blah whatever it’s a mess. The PPSH should be in every single Eastern Front battle, the MP 3008 should only be in Berlin, the KV should fight Panzer 3s, the Germans should have belt fed MGs eventhough the Soviets don’t, etc etc

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Another reason is overbloated German tech tree and the fact that Axis has too too many squads.


If its like wartunder yeah, couse just one uptier gets everything in the new BR
Maybe if they put some additional arbitrary limit for equipment


not really.

quite straight forward.

you unlock italian weapons within, pre and after br of the vgs, mp3008s, vg2s and what not.

which if people mix those weapons with others italian weapons

it’s… bound to happen unfortunately.

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that’s… not how the merge nor br works though.

despite our own preferences.

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I’ve seen people stating that the M5 Stuart shouldn’t be in the same battles as Tigers……even though they were obviously were


Just put a Stuart together with a bunch of M2s and you are happy to go.

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