Country factions-historical accuracy

which actually, i’m wrong ( not sure. could be).

that should be the case.

as the soft rule was supposed to do just that.

but it’s not clear what will happen if i for example, put a german tank, and an italian tank

with various squads using last ditch weapons and italian weapons.

will i… end up in berlin? or tunisia?

which both cases are… weird.

time travelers edition ( vgs 1-5 in tunisia ) or fairy tale edition ( royal italian army defending berlin ).

you pick.

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The soft rule applied to br.
Low br is Moscow
Mid is SG
High is Berlin.
And PPSh is not low br otherwise it would face OP 20 mag SMGs.

They told us something about Brits and Itals only fighting in Africa but this was probably something they just said out of their mind without considering how stupid it is.

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i’m not sure about that claiming to be fair.

because i doubt they’ll let you use vgs in stalingrad.

didn’t they stated that the weapons dictate the possibility of ending up in that said map?

am i day dreaming or something?

EDIT. that’s it boys. we’re going to poland with cold war vehic… no?

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Is easy the soft rule as staff explained take in account all the equipment of all the player selected and pick a map were most of the equipment appeared

If most player have moscow and stalingrad equipment they can go in both map and if some player have italian stuff him go as well

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It was br. Weapons dont make sense and would just mess the shit out of the mm.

Why shouldnt they at this point?

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so i’m not completely crazy.



perhaps i was hoping to get to play berlin without having to be top tier. and the tier 3 is full of volkssturm weapons.

otherwise i’d lose my sanity.

powerscore like crossout would be a solution.

but at the same time, seal clubbers wonderland…

No you are not, the part wen they say that italian and british fight only in nord africa was only a helper guess

Well. Then whats the point of br then?


I can understand situation of italy .
They dont have enought equipments and only front they fought without germans was east africa.
but How about brits ?
They fought at fronts without americans ( egpyt, burma, singapore, papua)
They have enough gear to have high tier tech tree.
Yet they are still not seperate.
The country that fought 2.5 years almost alone against germany, organised and helped every major resistance in german invaded countries, big brains behind amphibious operations like normandy and sicily etc… is just some subgroup of us army.

And that’s where I disagree. I personally don’t care about balance. The PPSH should be available everywhere because that’s exactly how it was used.

I don’t like players gnawing at each other like an endless power creep where dey mus B strongesttt.

Avoid unintentional t60 vs tiger 2 battle

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Yeah Man. We get it. You want to farm Stuarts with your Tiger.


Well. That wont prevent Panzer IIIs vs. T-34 if this soft rule still applies


i believe it will.

as they specifically told that the soft rules was for maps ( based on equipment ).

t34 is a tier IV vehicle.

and pz III are some tier III of lower brs ( theoricatically )

perhaps the PZ III J have some chances to see it.

Depends from the BR, but after penetration patch the J1 is able to pen the first t34 in moscow so a bit of work on it and the problem is solved

This wont work. Every brits squads is under murican tech tree, every italian is under german tech tree.
There is nothing prevents you to rquip them with fg 42 or m2 carbine. I dont think br will throw my m2 carbine equipped british squad to tunisia

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It would be funny though if the soft br will still put F2s and Mkbs in Moscow… just for the HA meme to continue.

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If you cant follow the discussion just take your time and read

but that isn’t what’s gonna happen though.

the only odd thing, is that you will be able to use those said soldiers of different nationality in places where they shouldn’t be.

as he said, it was just an helper guess.
( most likely a wild one… as well… that ovviously will not happen )

helpers can be wrong or right just like us.

outside few ones.
