Are you pro-merge, anti-merge, or neutral?

For anyone that actually strives towards maximizing their winchances, picking anything but the latest tank you unlock is pretty much trolling.

Later tank unlocks have just way more upsides.

  • more armour so immune vs lower lvl tanks
  • better pen so it can actually tankfight compared to lower level tanks
  • way more splashdamage to hold capture zones and buildings down

Since there is no “light tank” and “heavy tank” only maps, there is 0 reason to not just run the latest tank unlock you can get.

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Are you saying I should choose SU-85 over both t-34/85? Mhhhhm… :thinking:

Ofc there are exceptions, but you get the idea what I am saying and I know it.

Why do you want to pick a Pz4 over a Panther in normandy?
Why would you ever pick a Panther when you unlocked a Tiger in normandy?

Why would you drive a T28 over T50 and why a T50 over a T34 in Moskau?

You get the idea.

Once the merge is released, I think this problematic will be highly less significant anyway. Still noticeable, but really not important.

For fun, for the novelty, for trying something different, for variety

I view it as every vehicle has a role to play and all that matters is the vehicle player is supporting the team one way or the other.

I play whatever I want, I don’t care about “balance” or power creeping. If I feel like playing Panther I’ll play it, or maybe I feel like playing Puma. In Stalingrad I don’t use the KV 24/7

In before but you get blown up…….that’s just the part and parcel of a war game.

I think many players are thin skinned and don’t bother playing vehicles because they’ll get destroyed by tanks/infantry/planes/AT guns. What kind of logic is that. Why even play a war game if they’re salty about getting killed

This game isn’t black and white, battles are fluid. I had an intense match in the Pacific where the enemy was constantly building AT guns. Sometimes I got him, sometimes he got me. As I say people shouldn’t have SuperN00bDestroyer420xD mentality where they have to be a super hero. Should I have quit because he killed my tank a few times, should he have quit because I destroyed his AT a few times. No, everyone should just suck it up and enjoy the sandbox

a drug addict friend said the same thing.

no. 99% you don’t help the team. you’re doing nothing.

If you want to play a different tank than the objectively best one in every metric, go for it.
It just comes with a detrement of literally trolling your team.

It’s like you would play an Attack damage based champion in a MOBA and build it on ability damage.
Or it’s like queuing up in BR 6.0 with a 3.0 vehicle in Warthunder.
Nobody forbids you from doing so but it’s quite bad mannering, since you make the game harder for everyone around you.

I hope you notice that there is little logic in your behaviour and you are by far the exception from the rule with this.
Usually, people strive towards picking what is best to play for them and for the team.

you seriously thinking that playing for fun and not for meta it’s " detrimental " to the team and means trolling your own team?

what makes you think “we” owe shit to the team?

my fun > others fun.

this ain’t a competitive game.
so stop pretending it is one.

the entitlement lol.

that is, if you want to win doing the same thing over and over.

that’s how usually people get burned out.

which, i reccomend to everyone to lay down the abusive full auto meta and start actually using something that they like even if it’s not effective as others.

the choice is there.


You are extremely harsh on him.The starter vehicles are the ones I see most often in battles anyway.

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I don’t know why you take it so personal, this is just how it is.

It’s not even a different playstyle, compared to WT or WoT, it’s just a worse version but very slightly faster.

Sure, you can pick whatever you want, but again, this approach is by far in the minority.
Going into a Puma when you can get a Tiger out, makes it not just harder on your team but on yourself and the majority of people find this frustrating.
The people that have no choice but to pick the Puma, because of their low level included.
Generally speaking, nobody has fun not being able to Pen anything and get absolutely dunked on by max tier vehicles and denying that is just cope.

There is a reason Battlerating in WarThunder exist for example.
Again: Yes you can try to drive 2.7 or so in 6.0 in WarThunder, but the people that actively do it because they have fun with it, are by far the exception, and again make it harder on their team as a result.

You can say “I don’t care about that” if you want, but this is just the reality of the situation.

Yes, the majority of people get frustrated when they can’t do anything with their tank such as the Stuart in Normandie, and then to the latest tank that can pen and/or bounce the most shots.
The difference between Tanks and overall Guns is, that Guns in general have Pros and Cons you switch between, while Tanks are just classified “worse version of V that can’t fight X,Y,Z” because of it.

Bolt actions technically have the lowest TTK with Semis having slightly less accuracy on the move and less range, while Autos can be very forgiving when you miss your opening shot.

There is no “best Gun” (at least generally speaking), that you literally can’t do anything against.
Even in the worst case: half of the SMGs are just “worse version of” as well, but that never means that you can’t damage the other guy in front of you anymore while blocking everyone else from playing the class that is key for advancing or holding on certain spots.


i’m not taking it personal.

i’m just bothered by the meta fellas that needs everything " up to date " / latter equipment just to compete.

it’s not about efficency.

and you can’t expect nor pretend everyone to do the same.

heck, i’d argue that shouldn’t be the case at all.

just play whatever the hell you want.

and not to make your game easy ( more than it already is )

personally. i don’t really care if you full meta and what not.

but for you to sit around and tells others that they are trolls it’s quite a bold statement.

it doesn’t really matter.

if he likes, he should use it.

there’s a distinction between having a personal challenge, and making your self one while complaining.

believe it or not. unironically i have tigers, panthers but i (would) still use the puma.
( don’t use it lately because i haven’t touched normandy nor planning to ) in the merge though, it’s gonna be great.

that is correct.

and hopefully, that said merge would prevent that.

which you’re missing the point.

i get the feeling you’re one of those " perfect stats " / meta gloryhound.
which. you do you.

what i’m saying is, people do, and should pick whatever they want even if not effective.

the " 0 reasons " feels like it’s just that you don’t get it, and don’t play enlisted for fun.
rather, almost as a job.

call it trolling, ( which… idk how can you even claim that ) i call it having fun doing things my way.
and i don’t ask people to suit up to my play-style matching my equipment.
but i don’t see why you should expect me to fully use the top / best vehicle or weapons just because you think that?

you shouldn’t actively chase the optimal stats or " best x / y / z ".
but play for fun.

making the averange casual match an full meta / competitive thing you’re just hurting the game and making it less enjoyable for everyone involved.

especially the casuals.

now, by any means, i’m not casual. and i get the saying of casuals shouldn’t dictated the game. but retaining both veterans and casuals should be something of the utmost importance.

P.s. and i don’t mind " pulling my weight " when needed.
especially in berlin where it’s mostly full autos and what not.

i can still have my own fun with bolties and remain effective with it. ( heck, i grinded majority of berlin with just the basic volkssturm squads that you get from the beginning )


This depicts perfectly how emotionally personal you took everything, and still take it.

I just pointed out that it is really frustrating for players to be forced to play Pz2s vs T34s in Moscow for example.

It is frustrating for them, since they can’t do anything against any tank in the game and they can do less against inf as well.
It’s frustrating for the team, cause someone is locking away the only 1 or 2 tankspots with stuff that has no use for it, and whether you like it or not, people will care.
This is why every tank game in existence has a Battlerating system, because people in general don’t like the feeling of being absolutely hammered on by cold war tanks in their ww1 noodle, despite of you saying that “people overall dont care cause it can be fun somehow”.

If people wouldn’t care about the game they play at all, they wouldn’t play it.
It is a frustrating experience.

That doesn’t mean that everyone is ultra competitive min/maxing perks and blaming people for every loadout decision, but denying that battlerating in a tankgame has use and people find it frustrating to not be able to do anything in their low tier vehicle compared to the latest one you can’t unlock, is quite frankly completely delusional.

And I hope you understand why drawing an analogy to guns in this game overall doesn’t work.

This is how it is and this is literally one of the big reasons they implement battlerating in the first place.
How you handle it is your thing.

this has nothing to do with the point that you brought up.

you did, i didn’t.

it has nothing to do how i feel lol.

which once again.

i’m pointing you out, that not everyone needs meta. nor the majority should follow.

what matters in a game, is having fun with it.

looks like that isn’t the case for you.

which, following just meta, eventually, people will get bored of it.

but it’s up to them not you or me.

just don’t expect everyone to follow it lol.

Edit. you would be right that technically, meta allows you to gain more xps, gets more stuff etc.

but it’s not a criteria or a standard that clearly everyone follows. nor, again, should be one that should be followed like the bible or something.

it would just make the game miserable. ( especially like it will be in the merge for latter tiers. )

the good thing about enlisted is that you have a mix of players and what not.
as long they have fun, i think that’s what matters the most.

which involves both using metas and non.
but the choise is what matters. as well as the ability to have it and use it.

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KVs should in no way be supperior to Panzer IV F2, thus it has no right to fight tigers and panthers.

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This has everything to do with what I was typing.

Right now, since there is no BR, if you want to have impact on the game and not locked out of the tankrole by other Max Tier tanks, you are pretty much forced to play Max Tier tanks or get dunked on.

This has nothing to do with “META” but a base concept of playability.
You are pretty much forced to by the game itself, in the system we have right now, since otherwise “read opening lines above.”

People overall care about this type of stuff.
You don’t see people running around with knifes only cause it’s fun for them, or 9.0 BR in WarThunder with tons of 2.0 vehicles.
This just doesn’t happen.
Not cause “everyone plays meta”, but because it’s not playable and frustrating cause you force yourself into a situation of pure (or close to) unplayability.

It’s frustrating for you and frustrating to your team.

I really don’t know what is so increadibly hard to understand and controvercial about this.

I disagree, since you’ll end up more often just farming infantry than being locked in tank vs tank combat.

According to your logic, flamer tanks in Stalingrad aren’t fun nor efficient because they cant kill KV.


I decided to do my 3 games on test server tonight…all mk13s and panzer f2…nothing higher lol…

Didnt see a russian tank.

What’s that?

the next step from mk12, one below mk14.

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Bah…A13 mk II