Are you pro-merge, anti-merge, or neutral?

im afraid thats not my personal experience in this, or any multiplayer game since the birth of the multiplayer games. there are always the outliers that max enhance low profile gear,but majority of people naturally trends towards improving the end game equipment, mostly based on efficiency of resources spent.

when the gear requires further expenditure of resources to get it to its best state, players naturally, and logically, tend to keep those resources to enhance the best and most expensive/hard to get gear available.

to put it in mmorpg terms, very high majority of players tend to not max enchant gear that is not BiS, if you understand my example. the max enchants, the most expensive upgrades, always goes and is saved for the best base equipment it can be spent on.

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How is it trolling. I am helping the team one way or the other.

The Puma can still fight infantry. And given that vehicles are constantly getting destroyed chances are eventually lighter vehicles will spawn where you’ll be able to fight them. And even then the Puma can still take on various Allied vehicles. Not everything is about frontal pen xD lmao one shot

I know it goes without saying, but the vehicle system is balanced by the enemy’s job to destroy them. It’s like in Stalingrad I have matches where there’s an endless cycle of T-70s, KVs, and T-34s. Your team spawns this, enemy destroys it, your team spawns that, so on and so fourth

Now since we’re all debating vehicle performance and damage, let’s take a hypothetical look at halftracks

Half tracks for all intents and purposes are basically a light tank. No matter what armaments they have, flamethrower, mortar, assault guns, AT guns, AA guns, etc; they are all weakly armored. They can be taken out by pretty much anything

Now what does that mean, we wouldn’t be able to use half tracks in “late game” all because the enemy can easily destroy them. Then what’s the point of half tracks then

That’s why I say all this BR stuff is convoluted and leaning towards bad. I say play as whatever you want (as long as it’s not a time traveling King Tiger)

Agree, I very often still use a Panzer III in Normandy because its very great in infantry support and since there is no point in using Panzer IVs since both are equally bad against Jumbos.

Also fast driving Stuards with with their top mounted MGs are very potent - you just have to avoid the enemy tanks.

if it doesn’t nullify the progress, the customization, the skins, the upgrades, the perks and doesn’t overshadow other factions pros or cons I also personally think it will be an epic disaster for the game I think it was fine there’s this habit of modifying proven aspects that work well while you don’t fix other things that should be fixed but you tend to ruin the experience further