Are you pro-merge, anti-merge, or neutral?

Personally I’m pro-merge since for multiple reasons:

  • Merge will create a balanced match with BR: No more M5 stuart against Tiger I, AB41 against Sherman II, etc. I can’t test this in test server since BR hasn’t been implemented yet.
  • No more unlocking same guns/vehicle: You won’t have to unlock MP40 on 5 different campaign.
  • Hopefully it will solve the player base issue from splitting them into 6 different campaign with 12 different factions into just 4 factions with variable battle ratings aka less bot lobby.

However, this is not without concern from me personally.

  • Silver, the currency of the new Enlisted: I hope this won’t turn Enlisted economy akin to War Thunder.
  • Too many squads (Germany, USA, and Soviet) for pre-merge players: I have like 100 different squads for Germany alone. This is too cumbersome to manage. I hope there’ll be a solution for this.
  • Unique nation squads losing its unique uniform: After the merge the Italian squads will be using German uniform outside of Tunisia. This is just a minor thing but I hope Italy will be given their uniform (blue and grey uniform) outside of Tunisia.

Also, you won’t able to choose your campaign/maps anymore since the matchmaking and BR will decide it arbitrarily. I have no problem with this since I played all campaign equally (mainly on Axis side) but some people don’t want to play on some maps.


I am pro-merge.


i am neutral

I completely disagree. I love seeing a variety of vehicles during a battle.

It’s like early in the war the Soviets used KVs against Panzers, but what now they’ll make them fight Tigers and Panthers just because of some tier level


Overall I’m pro merge. At least assuming soft HA rule will work as intended.

I’m sceptical about BR. But we have to wait for the test to say anything for real.

Oh, and also I’m against shit economy. Earnings seem to be too low.

So I guess I’m not really pro merge but more like pro tech tree.


The German forces succeeded against T-34s and KVs partly thanks to their better use of radios and better understanding of armored doctrine - factors that cannot be replicated in a casual FPS game.

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bruh i literally just use kv1 against a tiger

Because BR is non-existent in the test server (my Panzer III J went up against IS-2 in Moscow). Personally I think it should have been in the test server from day one so we can give input on the BR placement and stuff.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with using the KV vs Tiger

For example, I believe the early Tiger was used in the final stages of Stalingrad. And KV did see service here and there in the later stages of the war.

I just mean in terms of the KV never fighting Panzer 3s again because of some arbitrary “balance”

im not complaining man im just saying he predict something that was happening

yea no comment on that for me cause i just want to say that did happen to me that all

Leaning towards anti merge considering its going to remove the appeal of having to play different campaigns also putting iconic weapons in an awkward position due to the BR system like the potential why I cannot use PPSh in Moscow and Stalingrad because of the BR dragging me to Berlin maps most of the time.

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Or possibly the KV not being in the early Eastern Front battles even though it was there

I think the BR will potentially ruin battles. What is Moscow and Tunisia going just be “noob tiers” just because the devs deemed their content “early game”

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Same could be said about the 76mm T-34s how they were known on the early Eastern Front Battles. Some other vehicles and weapons would have problems on getting dragged up too.

Even Mkb despite being an early war weapon having to suffer high tier madness and would be made obsolete by STG-44.

mostly neutral for the moment.

it has it’s cons and pro sides.

but holy shit if the customization really setted me on fire during these days. ( by how bad it is )

legit, cosmetics disappearing, others being deleted, the ui not showing correctly stuff, cluttering bugging etc.

i spent the last 2 days to gather enough evidences and footage to document the customization system. it barely work.

and no, i’m not talking about the (still) lacking selection, but i’m talking about the system it self barely working. and i’m being generous.

but for the rest, it’s alright.
( though, easy for me to say as i have been playing this game almost non stop so… good or bad, i always come back. almost like stockholm syndrome :joy: )

even though, i realized by the lack of matchmaker how badly i need pves for my own sanity.

i loaded up my full volkssturm loadouts with bolties and what not expecting not much.

i had to tryhard against funny people with full autos and what not.
i still somewhat came on top, but not exactly what i was expecting for my first match.


Test server has exceeded my wildest expectations :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



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Iam pro-merge.
We don’t have enough players to fill all campaigns and most campaigns are only playable on one side while the other one is usually pure pain.
However the current state of test server, the update is far from ready. I rather wait than have such a game breaking update.
The Merge shouldn’t be implemented until the next Battle Pass, the BR system must be fair or it will hurt the game more thus it needs ample time.


For me, The Merge is like creating a new game that will be similar, but unlike the Enlisted we all know and have a lot of experience with.

As someone who has been playing the game for more than two years, and have played over 3,800 completed matches, I pretty much have all the gear, weapons, soldiers, and vehicles all maxed out with the best stuff. Unless the developers introduce a lot of new content, the whole currency change/price changes are not really going to make much of a difference to the people who have been around for awhile.

But for new players, and everyone who has not maxed out their campaigns… It’s a different story. Of which, from my perspective, I think the new currency system is going to be a major turn-off that deters people away from the game entirely (takes too long to acquire enough credits to make the needed purchases).

Personally, I think The Merge is going to be a disaster, but I’m neutral on the matter. Just waiting and seeing how it all plays out. If I end up losing squads and vehicles that I’ve already unlocked, then I’ll probably stop playing entirely.

If I’m not refunded the full amount for the squad slots I purchased, then I’ll probably quit entirely. Nor am I interested in wasting my time reporting “lost purchases” to customer service department. Once the merge is implemented, it needs to be flawless. Why the hell should hundreds or thousands of players be forced to report lost purchases, due to incompetency? In other words, there’s a lot on the line for Dark Flow to implement this BIG CHANGE without sabotaging their own game (and more than a year’s worth of hard work).

And if we can get past everything I’ve described above, the next assessment will be the quality of gameplay (which will determine whether I stick around or quit entirely).
-If matches consist of ENDLESS paratrooper spamming, then I’m DONE.
-If matches are consistently unbalanced, then there’s no reason to stick around anylonger.
-If matches are full of bugs due to a sloppy release, then we can expect nuclear fallout with mass casualties to the player-base.

But I hope it all works out! Dark Flow may have done better with releasing a separate game with all of these new mechanics, and keeping Enlisted the way it is (but with different types of changes to improve quality of gameplay).