Coming Soon: Economy Changes

True antagonist speaking


It’s worth the trying imho.

If it’s not going to be profitable, they can always implement repair/ammo refills prices just like in WT. To push people to buy at least the premium account for 20/40 bucks per year.

I am kinda sceptical, but let see.

Good job Darkflow, keep this going and you are on the path to become another Creative Assembly.

and what to do with half of milion silver coins if i got all i want?

Give me my silver and XP back please. Without refunds you are just stealing our XP and our silver.
E.g. Tier 5: 176250 —> 123000 That means you are stealing 53250 XP from the players who have already unlocked it

If you steal my silver and XP i won’t play the game anymore. I want at least 75% refund.

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Lol, good luck with your demanding.


Sure, but with an account wipe, so you can start fresh and enjoy the new prices!


Those are some amazing changes that we all been waiting for.

And after selling everything but a few Ass1 and few remaining Italians i’m back to being a millionaire.

Other things i would change:

  • Squad levels and soldier xp need to be decreased significantly.
    Grinding Biker squad levels takes ages it should get xp drop by -80% because it takes like 10 matches for a single level and i need 23 of them to fully upgrade a single mediocre squad.

  • Fix perk points of older squads and give them more perk points

  • Remove rng from perk points it’s only there to make us waste our time, we still need to play many games to lvl them up to the max and then get slapped with subpar perks.

  • Run perk should get removed it’s pretty much useless when compared to the sprint perk. Crouching speed perk is way better than run (aka walk speed) since you can move around while shooting and not be as easily hit by enemies. And Sprint perk is the most preferable perk on every soldier except some Engineers.

  • Buff reload speed perk to have double reload speed than a current value, right now 6% bonus is nothing even on lmgs it takes ages to reload and my Lebel 1886 squad still need to waste over 8sec to reload all bullets. Keep the Assaulter IV reload speed as it is right now. With the change it would be 36% faster reload at max. Machinegunner I perk should be replaced with sprint speed or increased stamina.

  • Since Medics replaced Assaulter I, they should be able to be allowed to have backpack slot (however make it small only), that change should also come for the Artillery, Flamethrower and engineers should be allowed to have two slots now with one large and one small, for example large grenade pouch and small backpack/ammo pouch.

  • Stop forcing my soldiers to pick up a shovel it’s inferior to the axe/knife in most situations.

  • Give us auto equip for entire squad/army with presets that will be saving entire lineups. I’m tired of being forced to press 200 times just to play at BR2 or BR5 with Soviets (APC + 2x Paratroopers + new event Arty guys)

  • Give us one more soldier to some premium squads like Assaulters they are significantly weaker than Paratroopers with 6 crewman

  • Premium rifleman need one engineer just replace one soldier with one


you know i dont see anyone demanding refund for that little weapon cost change a while back only when the huge change happen kinda weird huh?

now of course it suck but what are you gonna do right? it happen with merge (remember all those duplicate from campaign unlock? there isnt a rp refund for that) and i doubt something new will happen anyway

this situation kinda remind me of clash royale lvl 14 (i think) controversy

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You buy some Beer and a Bratwurst


They are already them with how many MTX they are selling now

these changes are not little
-80% is not a little change

Let’s funkin go. Well done darkflow.
Now hoping for Ai cover mechanics.


then sale all tier 1 and 2 soldier and dont buy anything until it go live that what i did and i went from 300k to 730k a 100% increase in my silver

what about weapons
if you sell weapons you get about 10% of the price back

idk i havent check if it does give me more money then i will sale it too

it’s ~16% of 12.8k silver

Firstly: Great Changes! Very much looking forward to these. I do have a few questions though:

Pistols are not directly mentioned, can we confirm these will also be going down in price … 3000 for a pistol is just insane. If they are what will be the new prices for these?

Small bags are not in the image, and large bags are going down to their current price. Will small bags be also going down, or are we finally just getting rid of small bags?

Toolkits are also not mentioned, but I am assuming these will be the same as medkits?

Swords are not mentioned, as these are 1000 each, will these also be going down?

Overall, these are great changes and will help almost everybody. I would still like to see many other changes in this light in terms of making the experience better for players (QOL) and better new player experience (NPE), but this … this shows you all have the right mindset!

Also: I see

Great news … it was a bad idea.

more squads? being able to pick up extra copies of squads would sure help with making presets, especially with Japan … and close the issue of veterans having FAR more squads from the old campaign system than can currently be obtained, even before reviewing event squads.

really hope this gets changed to a selector instead of join any … and then the bonus just gets bigger the more factions you choose. Sometimes I may only want to play 3 factions (for example to keep my games played evenly spread).

double xp weekends?

quite the opposite. reducing barrier to entry will make game more popular to wider playerbase. with more players you will get more people actually buying stuff in the game giving devs more income. just look how other games have survived and thrived without heavy grind.


Mostly great points, especially this one:

At least a squad preset, something between preset and soldier preset, just set up all squad auto.

Every other point i good, except:

Yeah sprint is better, but on radio operator 2 or some paras you can get both run and sprint speed, making some sonic ass speeds possible. Why even bother removing perks lol, there are far more useless ones

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