Coming Soon: Economy Changes

wait for veteran boxes to gamble like true degenerate

Still haven’t seen joe around weird maybe he haven’t awake I guess

I like that idea.


Great changes! But @MajorMcDonalds I would like to suggest two additional improvements namely:

  1. Increase the silver rewards from the Battle Pass (especially the repeating tasks at the end) in a major way. It should be 2,000 silver at the very least. 1,000 silver is not cutting it.
  2. Reduce the price of resetting perks on your soldiers. Currently it is close to 5,000 silver I guess. It should be reduced to 1,000 silver in my honest opinion (or even better doesn’t need to cost anything at all).
    Looking forward to this update. Cheers! :heart:

can’t wait to gamble all my money and get nothing just like in WT


I would honestly like to see them just remove Tier 1 and 2 perk reset cost. and only charge for Tier 3 perks to be reset.

I also would like them to finally get rid of the RNG that soldiers have with their perk points so that they can properly implement a perk preset functionality. With unique soldiers soon to get 20% squad xp for squad within (though I think it should just be 20% XP), they will have their benefit too.


I am so thankful and happy that Enlisted listened to the community. :slight_smile:


this is still the one previewed change I am quite nervous about … especially with countries that have banned rng stuff. I would much rather a shop that I can just “re-activate” an event and complete it later. . .

Yeah. This absurd pricing scheme defeats the entire purpose of the new perk system. By preventing us from experimenting with different perk combinations in-game.

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What is wrong with you?


meanwhile response on WT economy change:

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I have noticed there’s nothing about change of price for small pouches.

Was it already shared somewhere else?

Considering the sheer spectacular size of the changes announced today, I wouldn’t assume this is going to be considered, especially as 1,000 Silver is now actually a good reward! Then combine that with how many more times you can get it in the Battlepass - it’s a lot now! :slight_smile:

Possibly, since this price does look like a lot when put in comparison with the new prices of purchasing and upgrading equipment. Though, as said previously, there are about to be pretty massive changes - we will likely need to wait for a while, have developers focus on bringing new content and other parts of the roadmap, before revisiting whether this does need to be changed. :slight_smile:


The asterisk on the “backpacks” has a note, saying:

Example, price of a specific item

If one has that, it is just one example of something that is being reduced from that same equipment slot (since otherwise the graphic would have been a little too cramped). It is also being reduced in price. :slight_smile:


rerolling soldiers. for all 4 nations, for all max lvl squads, i have the squads lined up for leveling up and bought the specialists to have them handy when i unlock the relevant upgrades, most of them anyway. on avg 15 soldiers tier I only per faction… give or take.

Soon TM

So you wouldn’t happen to know the exact price?

Btw. Thanks. That * is so small I didn’t even notice it on my phone xD

I mean yeah, but these are big changes and most people wouldn’t have made purchases knowing about cost rebalances, it was all talk about silver gain not cost rebalancing, especially not one that is so radical. I should think silver reimbursement should be done starting the date of the last post about the economy changes. This should be more important than exp reimbursement… I mean I totally see your point but on the other hand sucks to suck and be the one who spent a good chunk of change just for the prices to suddenly dramatically change. Just as with the sudden drop of the merge with no prior warning with people unable to properly do their pre merge economic moves, people caught off guard were left in the “sucks to suck” situation. Not cool.

just be happy that we are getting rebalanced economy. dont overreach with excessive demands.


The merge was talked about months before it dropped. This change isn’t for veteran players. It’s for new and returning previous players.