Coming Soon: Economy Changes

yes, you will see very soon c:


It’ll help all players, and that’s a good thing.

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Hi Major, excellent change overall, hope we can see it soon.
Meanwhile, could we sell any leftover engineering hammers, infantry radio, and parachutes?

I got these leftovers from rolling the perfect perk soldiers

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Thank you. It appears maybe a shift is happening and the community is being heard. I take this at face value and will keep things positive. Thank you. This is better and hope to see it in action verrrrry soon.


I agree that the major changes with the merge and with this upcoming economy rework are for the benefit of new players and for helping them engage more with the game faster and get the community to grow, but how does not giving a heads up about the date of the drop, even 1-2 days ahead, help the community? that heads up might not help most of the new players, who likely won’t be reading news and that, but what harm can it do, except frustrate people who did not get to make their changes in time. Blatant willing frustration generator or just disregard of the more engaged “vEtErAn” of the playerbase? I’m not even insisting on reimbursements for exp and silver for the upcoming update, it would just be a nice feature.

All things said, I hope it goes without saying that if there is no bitching about an announced feature then it is accepted as good, if not great, from most people, so yes I also like and support all the changes announced, tentative “great job” on that, to be waited on implementation and further implementation of “veteran” boxes, UI, ETC.

Hmm. Welp, that’s the price for trying to roll perfects. Lol

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you fucking did it darkflow
You nailed it!

Joke! I can be certain that many players will also close their wallets due to bad economy. Because bad economy result in fewer new players, the lifespan of the game is also shorter. Clear minded people know that this is not a good investment.

If players cannot have a good gaming experience and are worried about the future of the game due to a lack of new players, who would be willing to pay? I don’t know why some people can’t even understand such a simple principle.

In addition, developers are much wiser than you. Instead of directly ncrease the yield of silver coins, they still choose to lower prices as a means that only benefits new players. Of course, this is understandable, as they ultimately did not force the experience of converting old players, which is a good compromise.

Old players should also stop complaining, after all, this change is overall good, that’s enough.


no way, now i will sell my each soldier and equipment

Well, you definitely shouldn’t do that.


How it should be. Veterans have everything they need. In order to sustain population for the game we need more and more new players. OGs can’t keep it running forever


Best to keep your equipment.


ok then soldier :}


Wohooo!!! Awesome

I think it’s a great move in the right direction - and I DO feel like you all are listening to our feedback. It’s obviously never going to be fast enough :slight_smile: But, I think it’s pretty fast overall.

As someone who started in May - I would have loved having it this cheap. :slight_smile: Even so, I can now actually envision myself playing the other factions. And actually using the “Play randomly” since I should be soon enough able to afford adequate equipment to compete.

It really did require both changes to happen: more silver as a bonus to play randomly, which can even out the match making… AND making things cheaper so one isn’t completely gimped playing a faction one rarely touches.


The only reason i have that much is because i play most events and never upgrade my guns. I also dont purchase any higher tier soldiers and i dont have to buy many new guns because i had bought so many pre merge. I also bought lots of soldiers pre merge and sold them for higher

If we would take f2p casual player who only plays during weekends and didnt invest in soldiers pre merge he would be fucked with the current system.

Luckily the devs listened and prices are lower now


When I started back in May, I saw nothing but Vets in my games, particularly from the Germans. (I play American.) Back then, the most common excuse for that I heard was “the silver grind”.

While there is definitely a learning curve to this game, there’s been quite a few newbs playing from Steam and they sure seem to pick it up quite quickly.

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Thanks for the heads up. Appreciate it.

95 % of players will never pay Gaijin a single coin for their work.

Quality of game is already worsen. No updates, no new content, new maps, fix of bugs.

I join the match and very often I have to leave… because Im the sole player to build rally point, destroy enemy tanks, attack / defend objective - while the rest of a team has fun in sniping with Kars98k or Mosin-Nagants (I play BR 5).

Improvements of economy might seem to make players happy… but they also make game cheap and too easy.

Wrong, I believe many players have at least purchased battle passes.In addition, the equipment on the technology tree can only ensure that you have powerful weapons. For more interesting equipment and squads, you still need to purchase the Gold Squad.

The tank with rockets is not the most powerful, but it is interesting enough that many players are willing to buy it.In addition, there are KV-2 and APC.
Gaijin has the ability to create Gold Squads that attract players, Your concern is unnecessary.