Coming Soon: Economy Changes

Finally !!! I’m feeling like the Japanese economy at the end of the war bankrupt :rofl:


welp i practically just double my money from 300k to like 700k nice and now i will wait for this eco update

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as you told us there this plans promise a better balance in economy hope it will work

Why? What a stupid demand. Your expectations shall go unfulfilled

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Good news, therefore I m happy.:smiling_face:


Because this game has to treat new players and verterans equally for their time and money spent on it.

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Do you demand your money back when the price of bread falls at the store too?

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Why not, and put you on a pike for the bread price manipulation.


They say on Reddit that pistol price reduction is included in the changes, fear not


It’s just interesting to see that the first thing all of you think after economy changes isn’t “thanks DF for giving us what we think we want,” but rather “how do I exploit this for maximum gain”

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Victory will be ours!
Der Sieg wird unser sein!
Победа будет за нами!

dam nice

If’s funny that the first thing darkflow does in not “how do i make a fun game” but rather “how do I exploit this for maximum gain”.

I play them how they play me


Pistols are supposed to become equal to same BR guns, like Browning High-Power will cost like a BR 3 gun - 750 silver vs 3000 currently.


Very nice change and good call for your vets, looking forwards to more news on preferred map MM tweak, that will bring back even more players I’m sure. (Also Research point get boxes wow, just wow, you are listening)

Then I will finally get my Ju87 Cannonvogel, Indirect Artillery, Spitfire Mk19 for Normandy HA, Archer artillery piece, Soviet Vs Japan battle options, bullet holes in cockpit and wings can’t think of anything else right now.

Thanks for listening Devs, CMs this is how you keep a game growing and not fading away :ok_hand::guardsman:


good because…how a pistol cost like certain br weapons

You know what? Fair enough

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It’s great to see new news.
But! How much time , players can be use to prepare for the updata? How long does it take for these measures to actually take effect?
I think this is important.

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I think most likely next major update which I guess is a bit earlier than mid next season of BP which means around 6 weeks from now I should again say that these are my guesses nothing official just guessing based on past seasons

Oh nice I literally just wrote about how I hope this is the reason for the change in the other post over there :slight_smile:

Will there be a BR indicator for weapons inside the reasearch tree? That would make this even more nice, since weapon tier kinda doesn’t mean anything anymore and BR is the more relevant information you want to quickly see on the tech tree.