Coming Soon: Economy Changes

Thank you community managers and developers for listening to the community and revising the economy changes. It’s greatly appreciated, keep it up all! ^^


I’ve been playing Insurgency: Sandstorm and Hoi4 lately. I love Enlisted, it’s one of my favorite shooters, but I need breaks sometimes so I don’t get burnt-out. I’ll always come back to this game.

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Remove perk point RNG or allow us to purchase the remaining perk points to max out a soldier.

Perk point RNG is a vestige of the past when everyone obtained dozens of soldiers on the cheap by redeeming the very old bronze troop orders, back in the days of the academy where you were expected to spend up to 54 soldiers to get a single rank 5 soldier.

At the present moment, it’s a 1:27 chance to get a max roll soldier.

Either remove perk point RNG (Which would also make the game fully compliant with certain EU laws) or introduce a system to let us “train” soldiers for their missing perk points.


I ain’t played for a couple days myself. 7DtD’s taken my attention. Lol. Probably will play tonight though

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with the current event finish i have been doing wolfenstein and RTS tbh it a nice change of pace


It makes the min/maxers work harder though! Lol

This way it also enpowers all the existing currency so it is even more more impactfull for existing players.

This will also fix the problem with old Gold Order soldier not having max stats.


Why would i let 20-40% of that go to waste though. Thats just cleaning my reserve which i should do long ago anyway.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

~10k gold in silver for just one faction

Will probably be 2 veteran boxes which give me hammer skin but whatever lol

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New / returning player (from 2021, early BR2 on USSR and Axis, soo fairly new still) perspective:

First of all, these changes are all very good. This will make it much easier for players to grind for new unlocks, maybe dabble into the other nations a bit as well. I consider the changes very positive for sure, and my motivation to continue playing/grinding has just gone up by a lot, knowing that the path forward will be easier.

BUT, in a way, this feels “punishing” for players like myself who may be new or freshly returned (mostly due to the Steam release). When I started playing again ~2 weeks ago, I was in early BR2 with Axis. Now I’m about to unlock Tier 5 researches - it now feels like I have “wasted” tons of Research Points on unlocks which will be much cheaper in the near future.

Same thing can be said about Silver - I have purchased and upgraded a bunch of BR2 guns, preparing to grind with them for a long time until I am deep into BR5 unlocks.

It would be nice if there was a possibility to partially refund the difference (the difference between old and new price) of Research Points and Silver - maybe only for unlocks made in the past 30 days or so?

Either way, this is a huge step in the right direction - much appreciated!

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Unfortunately no, then you’d get 381637153 XP and 3519631 silver back, so it’s just making stuff cheaper for future battles

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Have you read my entire post? It doesn’t seem like you did, because I did mention how good this change is overall and how it boosted my morale to continue playing… :roll_eyes:

so anyway im going to start selling my tier 1 and 2 guy now after all im an opportunist cant miss this again (like when i miss maxing out mp717) not gonna happen again

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wait if weapons cost is going to be BR based, we shouldn’t upgrade any not BR V weapons for now? when this update goes live stuff like MP-40, Lanchesters and Lee Enfields will be cheaper?


yea, in general you should upgrade basically anything after the update since it’s much cheaper


No, they’re bad. We don’t want newbs getting into High Tier before they are ready for that jump into the sweat fest. Now you’ll all be fast tracked into BR III-V and get frustrated because you don’t have the experience to play competitively in High Tier. And genuinely, BR III isn’t the problem. High Tier is. I don’t care if you have full III’s or full V’s, new players will suffer in High Tier regardless because of the sheer increase in difficulty from fighting all the vets. You all need to stay in BR II longer to hone your skills more before making the jump. Now that jump will be made even sooner than it already is, and the whining about it will as well


My head probably just got stuck on the punishing part to much and shut off for a moment. sry

praise the snail then, i guess it is time to look into my stash of weapons to see what can be converted to silver. Any ETA about these changes? next update or in a “making enlisted a better place”?

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Good stuff!

Great, but what about the compensation plan for the players who already unlocked all research and purchased so many weapons with huge amount of exp and silvers. We expect to be compensated!