Coming Soon: Economy Changes

great update… just one complaint about it… why isnt it up yet?


Surely we’ll be refunded the difference, r-right?

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That’s some wishful thinkin right there

I have 4.5 million. So….


So we have a chance to make some silver by selling tier I-II soldiers now

Great news so far, but how long is coming soon? Can’t wait! XD

Min/maxers at it again trying to squeeze every last bit of efficiency (and fun) out of things

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oh nice idea… have to get rid of them before the update hits…

Wow i’ll be damned these actually look decent well done DF I’ll be a lot happier if you guys removed the RNG soldiers but all in all nice job. BTW do you guys plan to do any events for VJ day ?

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Use experience to extract boxes?
This is more wicked than I thought

If silver coins are used in the lottery, it can increase players’ willingness to spend gold coins to buy silver coins.
I don’t think it helps revenue

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They have every year before

isnt that the capitalist way tho? to maximize their profit by any mean? maybe i need to refresh on what capitalist is


You know, you got me there

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Speak for yourself, this is more fun for me than playing yet another one-sided match.

And what min maxing bruh, i’m just selling dudes i don’t need for what i paid. U mad or what?

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You guys scramble for Silver worse than Europe scrambled for Africa. That’s all


some quick questions

  • is this not too drastic? (most unpopular opinion lol) especially for low level costs

-will there be any back adjustment for exp? getting exp back since you spent way more before the rework

-will there be any back adjustment for silver? getting silver back since you spent way more before the rework (slim chance lol - i just spent 270k yesterday on soldiers)

F. What for?


Bypassing the community approval after the last “improvement” go shoot down so hard would definitely look bad regardless of how good it actually is.
Imagine if this included terrible changes and the devs just push it through anyway.
I think the community would be very displeased by such a cowardly move.

All good changes! I’m looking forward to coming back after the new season drops!

Come back now