Coming Soon: Economy Changes

Ok thats a nice change.

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dam really thought it could be a loophole like selling bullet that you buy from npc on market for higher price (not gonna say which game but good time)

Yeah i guess.

But now we are in a funny spot where it would benefit us to sell most of our soldiers, even the perfect rolled ones and already leveled up to buy them cheaper later.

Imma sell tier 1 for 3k now, and but 5 soldiers for that later. Even with rolling for perfect perks it’s free silver. But man the hassle of redoing everything is pain

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Sell high, buy low.

You can sell your soldiers than buy again for less than you bought them for.


What about soldier’s perk deletion cost?

Before the merge my soldiers were getting random perks by the game.

Now in order to undo that rng I need to pay up to 5k silver per soldier?

And I have hundreds of them


Are all of you this poor?

how much you have big man? i have 300k myself at this moment

Nah I’m actually sitting on 750000 silver XD

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Cheaper to buy new soldiers that rerol old perk, this definitely needs a change too


Only worth it for premium and event soldiers atm.

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im guessing they are also included with the weapons, hope they are at least

Good question. Anywhere from 80k to 130k
Oh wait I recently leveled some Garand’s
Uh…probably bout 80k. I’ll check once home from work. More than enough at the moment though. All my needs are filled. I’ll get around to my wants when I feel like it

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that not bad i would occasionally went down to 270k when i buy new br5 gun for setting up my guys (with no upgrade of course)

if major says it, ill believe him, also when next vid

I burnt a solid amount outfitting with T20’s, but haven’t had any mass purchases in a while other than that and SVT 38’s a while longer back. Upgrading my BR III set up probably burned some 20k

so your soviet are on like br3 rn? i am just grinding their tank tbh since i need that IS2 1944

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Yeah my Sovies are full BR III

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Most of my expenses aren’t even weapons, because I have piles of them from pre-merge.
Soldiers and gear (pouches, flasks, pistols, melee weapons ect…) have cost me the most.

Creating just one new squad from the ground up can cost more than 200K, these changes will significantly reduce the costs though.


I had large stockpiles myself. Just had to fill a hole or two here n there
Misc gear I do whenever I feel like

Thank you devs, very cool :heart: