Changes to the upgrade system

Greetings, commanders! Do you often have the feeling that you can’t easily tell how upgraded you weapon or vehicle is? Worry not, we are changing how we display the upgrade level of your equipment.

We are leaving behind the 0-6 star system that is based on the old progression system, and we are replacing it with a more intuitive 0-3 system, where stars will now represent how upgraded your gear is.

We hope that this change will make it more easier for you to understand and use the upgrade system, while it’ll also allow us to implement further changes to it.



There’s huge potential this is going to introduce a some very ugly bug.
I hope it’s going to be tested properly. I don’t want to lose all my upgrades or something.


How are we gonna recognize the cost of upgrading the weapons now, before it was based on base star level, but now they’re all 0 stars by default.


Just an UI change, I did get my hopes up when I saw the title.
Well at least newbies will be a tiny bit less overwhelmed by the menu.


140 mb of ui change, :sweat:


I’d say it’s a tip of an iceberg. But it’s a good start.

Could you conciser disconnecting weapon/vehicle/soldier upgrades from the squad upgrades? This only adds unnecessary complexity and it’s really annoying that I have to grind some semi-random squad so I can upgrade the gun I like.

I have to grind the tech tree weapon so I can unlock a squad so I can grind the squad upgrades so I can unlock the weapon upgrades so I can buy upgrades for the weapon that may not even be the one I grinded in the tech tree at the beginning of this sentence.
This needs some serious simplification.


Huh? It’s already live?

yes, before the notice goes live

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I think that is linked with base game logic, unless they revamp the coding.

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Based on the weapon’s BR

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so what

you mean weapon tier? BR is separate from tier.

So, how it is calculated, BR1 is base one; BR2 base two; BR3 three? Does that mean than weapons like MP40 are now cheaper to upgrade, as before they were BR2 three star weapon?

he probably made mistake referring weapon tech tree tier as BR.

Yeah, true, but kinda bad on a side of the developer to not mention this, as base star level was an important part of a weapon.

Weapons with different default “stars” numbers have different costs. How do you visually display this information after changing it?


It’s already live and there is no very ugly bug


Yeah, weapon tier. No BR.

Happy to hear! They did a great job.

Ngl, expected more than a simple UI adjustment. Still a good one.