Why did my M1 Garands go from 6 stars to 3 stars?

I just noticed this that all my M1 Garands just got changed from 6 to 3 stars? I guess I don’t care as long as the performance is the same, just thought it odd. I did not look at the other guns, maybe they were changed as well…
6 stars to 3 stars

Probably this:


Well, that answers that. :joy:

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Why did you strip your garands of bayonets? :DD

I still have for the regular M1 Garands, but snipers can’t carry the regular ones so I just bought a second M1 sniper gun for them and got rid of the scope so it is a basic M1. I like the snipers having one so they are basically a rifleman for me, and a sniper if I need. I never tried to put a bayonet on it, maybe it will, IDK>

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Welcome to the community!

Not sure why that would be, but it’s probably worth double checking. :slight_smile: