Another update gone wrong:

Weapons I had already upgraded have been downgraded, so now I have to pay to upgrade them again a second time. Just another reason to stop playing again! Great job RETO!

nothing has been downgraded. it is just change in visuals. if you have rifles downgraded then it is a bug and you need to report it.

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I checked last night. Items that were maxed out before, are maxed out now.

The sketchy area is when, like me, I would get, say 4 out of 5 starts, or 3 out of 4 - and be downgraded to 2 out of 3.

Yeah, it’s not great, but the impact is low. From the few I checked, most of the abilities remained the same, they just condensed them up. Given how much cheaper soldiers are, there’s a lot more silver in the budget to upgrade and the costs aren’t as high, given the fewer number of upgrade steps per item.

The guns usually started with one or two stars, so if you upgraded them twice you’d still have 2 stars. Even if you were somehow “slighted” the upgrades are so much cheaper now, so you’re still benefiting heavily from these changes

Doesn’t matter.

You could upgrade all weapons 3 times, doesn’t matter if it was 6 star weapon or 3 star starter weapon. That’s why they normalize it to current state.

Literally nothing has changed in matter of abilities or number of upgrades

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I literally said that in my own post.

I definitely and heartily endorse all the changes made in this update, as far as we know about them and have said in much in at least half a dozen posts. :slight_smile:

You’re right - I didn’t realize they dropped all new weapons to 0 stars.

So, what used to be three upgrades, with some weapons starting at 1 star and going to 4 stars, or 3 stars and going up to 6, for instance, they now all start at 0, and get 3 stars, one for each upgrade and they can all be upgraded 3 times.

Wish they had explained that a little more clearly, but it makes sense in retrospect.

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