Changes to the upgrade system

Tier 1 720SP
Tier 2 3601SP


Tier 3-5 5490SP



If I understand correctly, nothing was changed in regards to upgrading weapons? Only the appearance of weapon upgrade level in UI has changed?


Luvleh to see these small but useful QoL improvements :slightly_smiling_face:

What for this change ?

It is only confusing, not helping with anything.



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ok this will resolve all those weird star weapon of the same thing (thing like kar)

The SMLE upgrades still cost the same amount as the T20 upgrades. Did you only do this for looks?


well it only about the star so cost didnt get change

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Oh that would be terrible

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thanks for clarifying, the title made it sound like there were changes to the weapon upgrade system, not just the UI

I actually like that aspect. Forces you to use all squads at least a little bit. There is no “useless” squad

Basically yes, this is only a visual change apparently

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for some future changes that might happen, that’s all

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Should I start being afraid of more BRs being added?

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I’d rather have actually useful squads than be artificially forced to use useless squads.
Make squads useful so ppl want to use them, instead of forcing ppl to use them.


more br would mean post ww2 era yea?

Yeah and I would stop playing this game too.
Unless BR6 is hard locked and can’t meet BR5.

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It’s the same squads you’d normally use. Engies, Riflemen, Radio Ops, MG Gunners. Not like you’re having to level up the specialized ones like Mortar Men or Flametroopers

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nice change, but can i get my silver back from the upgrades that i did to my stuff, or is that lost forever

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Why make a separate thread for such a minor thing? Why not put it in the next “making enlisted a better place”?