Changes to the upgrade system

Ah, so this update is a waste of time; wonderful.

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It’s Datamining time!


So it’s simply annoying. I don’t see why keep annoying things.

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Well, that’s the intention.

If you want upgrades for weapon that’s under squad you don’t want to play. You can easily solve your problems/discomfort with premium currency.


So all weapons will cost the same to upgrade?

is a meh change if upgrating a weapon don´t will cost more than the usual it´s fine for me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You know what you should change about the upgrade system?
The first level of aircraft upgrades that degrades them instead of upgrading.

FYI, the green color is misleading here, there is no benefit - drag increase only reduces speed. The drag on the 1st star is increased so much that the stock aircraft is faster than a fully upgraded one. The engine power increase on the 3rd upgrade is not enough to recover from that


God I hope not

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What about the players that have all 6 stars completed? So if it goes to 3 stars then what do we get since we already upgraded equipment fully to the 6 seeing how 3 stars is half of what we have right now? So are we getting compensation for the other 3 stars that already have been upgraded?

It’s just visual change that was needed for further upgrades.

Exactly I said the same thing I have a ton of 5 and 6 star vehicles and equipment(weapons) and some werent cheap AT ALL when they got to a 5 star and 6 star.

OH okay well that was a quick answer but each star does a different upgrade so it kind of still doesn’t make sense. How can you make 3 stars do what the 6 stars does? If you look at the upgrades they list what each star does so it really is confusing on how this is being changed without a much deeper dive on how its going to be changed besides telling us that its going to go from 6 to 3 stars so does each star get filled in half way for each upgrade? I ask because there really is nothing explaining really much on the news page.

you know a eco new just drop after you said that what a coincidence

I believe this is the developers’ way of trolling me, lol. I welcome it none the less.

Well done Darkflow!


With 6 stars you started with 3 stars by default
so 3 upgrades
With 3 stars it’s the same thing, from 0 stars to 3, so still 3 upgrades


complete scam dont waste your silver on this… look the only notable difference is in br 1 and 2

br 1 (1)

br1 (2)

br 1 (3)

br 2 (1)

Br 2 (2)

br 2 (3)

br 3 (1)

br 3 (2)

br 3 (3)

br 4 (1)

br 4 (2)

br 4 (3)

Im not going to do the same with br 5 since i saw that the first upgrate costs 720 : /


wait what? I didnt start off any of my weapons off the rip with 3 stars it started at ZERO stars and I had to go up each star 6 times. So how does that make any sense?

no, you never did, there are only 3 upgrades on weapons/vehicles, so you could’ve never upgraded something 6 times