CBT is ending!

Actually that can happen if the forum language is set to Russian.

This reply is sent when forum is set to russian.

IMO, most ppl is better in reading a foreign language than writing a foreign language… If someone has trouble read, that means…
As a Chinese, I can read most English with aid of translator. But writing something can takes me a lot of effort.
Also, I just remember the Dargar is from WT, so the dev dont really to read tons of English documents…

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After CBT or OBT?

After OBT, wipe after CBT was confirmed some time ago

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yeah, the 6th of april we will most likely lose our stuff.

I need to say bye to my BT-7 5 stars crew and veterans :pensive:

Will still own the BT-7 tho

At least we will be able to rename our soldiers, so I could train my polish soldiers from the beggining

the Twitch drops one - yes
Progression one - no

I’d rather they import the new system a few days earlier so we, CBTer can have a few days to test a little for stability or to find some possible bugs or leave some feedback before OBT’s chaos. Or some major bugs that can lead the OBT incomers a bad first impression.

you will not loose it. it’s part of twitch drop ( the crew and the tank it self )

well, i suppose that’s one good thing.

Lucky I use the twitch drops one

yeah same.

but as we saw for tankers and pilot perks, it was easier for them make it on a new level without counting older things.

like, begin on a " zero ground " level.

I have two more questions:

  1. Any proof that you guys read all our suggestions?

  2. Any news on getting more open maps?
    You guys promised us

Спасибо :slight_smile:

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I will say a little more.

The EN community is larger for obvious reasons.

We also take this into account.


It’s not stressful. I have a thick hide.


I do feel sorry that the design decisions the developers made have lead to community outrage that you have to deal with.

But at the same time, the only reason there is outrage is because we as a community want to see this game grow just as much as you all want, while such growth is not possible without the developers truly listening to the community. And a lot of players do not feel like that is the case right now, as with the issues stated further above in this thread: CBT is ending! - #50 by 5762269


Hello again, I’m having some thoughts on OBT.
First and foremost: I feel its being rushed along, I mean, we were still in alpha 7 months ago, and I know it seems like longer, but alot of the core issues haven’t really been touched up, (in my eyes) AI is still hit or miss in its consistency. They can kill you from 150 meters with a headshot, but misses at 5. I still have my reservations on AI. But anyways.
Second of all: The game doesn’t seem ready for OBT quite yet. As fore-mentioned there are issues that need to be resolved.
Now trust me, I want to see this game grow and become better, but it seems too soon to me, maybe that’s just me. And Im glad more people can play, and that more content will be added.
Keep on making this game better and better. :smiley:


I couldn´t say it better, thank you.

@Keofox You indeed are thick skinned for taking all this outrage and you deserve a lot of respect for that. However, as TCat said, this outrage is happening simply because community on english forum does not feel like we are being actively listened to.
You keep convincing us that what is happening on English forum is not in vain and I really do want to trust your words. But as long as there is no statement/devblog on the worst issues that are holding back this wonderful project (monetization is now prime example of it), it is really hard to have a faith. And what is left, after faith is lost? Only fear, that Enlisted will not be given a chance after (if) first impressions fail.