CBT is ending!

OMG, I dont know we dont have a proper community manager from the develop team to deliver our feedback direct to the developers…
Their PR is horrible…

It’s a shame that you think so. We tried to talk about the major improvements that we made BASED ON YOUR FEEDBACK.
Example: Core current tasks - News - Enlisted

And as I said earlier. The beginning of the OBT does not mean that the game will stop changing and improving.

It will change even more, because there will be more players, more ideas and opinions.


I am kinda annoyed by the way they chose to release OBT during war thunders build event…
But I guess you can’t have everything XD

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i don’t like " spitting in the plate that i eat " like someone use to say…

but yeah, it is…
quite terrible.

if in my company we had a coordination like this, we would have been closed the week afer.

but in enlisted case, at least they are a bit organized better. although, not for the english side as 1 individual has to do double of the work…

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A lot of people see OBT as “launch” so it worries them.
I won’t deny that I see it that way too coming from WT which was in beta for like five years, but you guys tend to listen to the community for things whether you give word that you’ve taken something under consideration or not.



i don’t understand why we need more people for feedbacks when the already present ones are almost ignored or not taken in consideration.

like, i’m not sure if the devs will like more people filling this forum with complains.


The phrase “more shit to sift through” comes to mind, and it isn’t a positive thought.

not to mention, not everyone will leave a feedback as they don’t expect too many changes during the Open beta as it’s a beta.

luckly, not everyone, but a good %…


My biggest concern for OBT is first impressions.

Open beta is the last chance the game will have to draw in a significant amount of new players.

If the game fails to keep these new players around, any chance of significant growth will be gone.

As such, the biggest issues related to the new player experience NEED to be adressed before OBT starts. These issues include: (and this is their fix)

  • Health perk (delete this)
  • Spawn killing with planes (move back the spawn 2-3km)
  • Certain premium weapons being better than normal weapons (nerf MP41, M2 Hyde, MG30)
  • Weapon upgrade failures (remove these)
  • Premium time / currency are P2W (remove extra squads into battle for both)
  • Main progression system is a Lootbox (not sure how to fix this other than directly buying weapons/soldiers)

All of these issues have been discussed in-depth across multiple threads on the forums, with all of them concluding to the fixes stated above. The amount of likes of this post should be an indicator of this as well.

If those are changed/fixed, I can see massive growth for the game during open beta. Otherwise, the game will be doomed to be small forever.


Figure we need to post more for better or worse.

i don’t know to be honest.

i ain’t in charge.

and if i would, i don’t know.
never been there.

the only time i have been a menager of something in my life was during a charity in my town for something like mr beast by grewing plants in afrika, and our places as well ( roughly and i know sounds generic and memic as hell, but i don’t wanna go too much in details as it’s not the main point of this message )

and the other time, at work. but nothing comparable to video games industry. i can only guess and imagine it’s limits.

but i have really no clue about this situations.

i suppose they have their own reasons?

only time will answer.

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Let’s review and generalize.

  • We collect all the reviews. EN and RU
  • EN reviews go to the developers without editing, so as not to break their meaning
  • Developers can read English (like me)

There is no difference between ru and en communities.


Then the question is, why are the major issues that were raised and discussed here almost never addressed?

Like a handful of things were, like the Pz2 nerf (although it was a stealth nerf, without any announcement), but the biggest issues are still here.


fair enough for all of us

sounds more than good either

no one putted in doubt that ( aside from @sfh0525 )

wheater this is truee or not, i don’t know that for sure.

but i trust you on words.

the problem is as we stated multiple times, and under a logical perspective, why you are the one only one so far, or to be honest, one of the Few that actually communicate with the english and russian forum? that’s quite a lot of work for 1 individual. like, are you the only one that has been selected to speak with almost 2’000<5’000 people?

don’t get me wrong, i really respect your work, your effort. but you have to realize that you, as individual cannot answer for both communites. depsise your best efforts.

it’s not right.
we seriously don’t have someone to reffear outside you?

it’s not working well. like, it’s too much work for 1 guy.
can’t be the work divided between more individuals?



I bought this up and I was branded a racist. Glad to hear that there is company.


Not all of the developers like talking to their players, which I can completely relate to. Especially on topics that get heated.


yes, but than why is keo fox here?

like, why he is the only 1 taking the blain and having to get all the stress?

i do respect his work, along side all his other collaborator and ghost devs that brings our feedbacks to the team.

but something is missing.

there is an overhall feeling of emptyness around the forum.

am i the only one?

trying to think best way to improve the game, providing feedbacks, bug reports…
and keep seeing always the same thing with almost no idea of what i’m doing it’s good or not?

i guess i’m just lost at this point?


When i saw these:
I really wonder why the original reply was translated to russian. The only possible explanation is that he is using translator to read our words… While most replies are normal, but some are left in the translated version.

That is exactly how I feel about it.

he simply uses google translate to make the traduction easier.

which roughly does the job.

better than nothing at all. ehi?