Can we stop accommodating for the fast-paced lunatics and cod Players and make this game more about strategy and tactics

And defenders and engineers are in serious need of an overhaul so defenders know where they’re going and engineers having reliable structures to rely on and if we look at @GuardianReaper0 maybe we can use some of his stuff.

and I’ll possibly find more things to add

Engineer SQUADS (1& 2): Unique Defensive/ Offensive Structures - Suggestions - Enlisted


I wish we could, but hardcore history and simulator fans are not enough to upkeep the game.


defenders need more time to prepare, paratroopers can spawn into the objective the second it is up.

defenders need time to retreat and rally up - and they should also be forced to do so, too often they stay behind and keep fighting at the attackers spawn area, which is bad gameplay.


I’ve had enough of the attacking tank being blown up by TNT 70 meters behind the control point.


Defenders really need at least 30 seconds to fall back to the new objective while attackers are held back by grey zone.


Well then we’ll be stuck with knockoff version of cod at this point


When defenders don’t even know where second objective is I don’t exactly blame them for holding the line on the first objective to buy more time for their team


and I’m sure the defenders have had enough of being raped to death as well


as defender/support player, YES please


But the current game pace is already slow enough compared to regular fps games. A fast game usually takes 10 minutes, and longer games often take more than 30 minutes.

The reason why I gave up HLL and PS is because these games took too long to play in one match, and these “tactical” games were very tiring to play. You can’t play the class you like freely, you have to obey the orders of your squad leader and commander, and you can’t act alone. Therefore, I am satisfied with the enlisted game which is quite relaxed. A game that emphasizes tactical aspects may not be a good thing.


paras require a massive overhaul.
Arguably the most broken thing in the game at the moment.

Other than paras I dont really think theres any need to “buff” defenders.
Fair share of maps are already quite painful bottlenecks for attackers.


Problem is, you tell me where next objective is and ain’t no one going anywhere near it anytime soon. Gonna make that thing a fortress

forced to run back and build a rally?
or stay and buy time for team,
umm, as i used to do what you say, i would run back, but i am sick of it,
and now, i will stay behind to buy time.

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but thats the thing, you are not simply buying time, you are spawnkilling the attackers, this area should be off limits-



I spawn in game, i run 70 meters or so lay a rally, advance to point for it to be lost, as i get there.

fall back to next point, except i don’t stop, i have to keep running to get another 70 meters behind point to lay a rally.

So me staying behind is spawnkilling?? GTFO



WTF are you on about, both teams advance onto a point, they meet in middle, how is that there spawn you ^&(%^&$%^^&&(

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you just said you lost the point, now you are inside the enemy spawn point.

I have said, if you would dare to read, that defenders should get forced back into the next objective - and then they should be given enough time to regroup BEFORE the attackers are allowed to advance.

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I don’t stay in it,
i have to fall back, but as i do, instead of turning my back to get shot as i run away,
i try and take a few with me, and slow there advance, if you really don’t understand this, maybe you should go back to playing sonic, or something.

What we just beam up, and reappear on next point??

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Lots of poeple are confused about terms i see.
Why people always bringing up hll to these type of topics ?
Hll is not a sim.
Enlisted simulates more things than hll.
Hll is a typicall team based hardcore shooter and doesnt simulate too many unique mechanics anyway.
X-sim means games that simulate tons of real life stuff things.
war thunder is more sim game than hll.
Also why you always assume tactical = sim ? Or think any tactical gameplay must be slow paced ?
Counter strike is very basic, fast paced but tactical game if you know how to play; but simulates less than hll or enlisted.
Many years ago, me and my friends were having way more tactical gameplay in half life 1 multiplayer than enlisted.