Can we stop accommodating for the fast-paced lunatics and cod Players and make this game more about strategy and tactics

The game accomodates and even promotes the usage of automatic weapons precisely because it is a target-rich environment where even the smallest infantry squad gives you 5 lives to play with per player in a 10 player team.

The fact lives are worth as much as peanuts are also precisely why medic classes don’t do anything as they are better suited to slower-paced milsims.

The meta is a product of the game design giving people multiple lives per spawn, the inherent fragility of soldiers, the fact that attacking teams are on a pseudo time limit due to attrition via ticket loss, and the desire for a means to clear out objectives as rapidly and efficiently as possible.

If individual lives were rarer, more impactful and weapons made to be generally harder to control or require far more preparation, then the meta would’ve been different.


Agreed. The game should allow for the addition of some fast pace areas and straights in invasion. I.E the timers on some capture points should be changed. The beach should be MUCH more difficult (difficult as in longer in time) to capture. After the beachhead is captured, it should be a slower timer on the bunker buildings while keeping standard the open areas and light trench capture zones.

Maybe what I’m saying doesn’t actually workout, but if we could expand upon this idea, maybe for some maps and game modes, and not others, I believe it would definitely slow down the pace of the individual match being played, while allowing the players who wish to be fast paced to still play in the regard they wish.

I can also play devils advocate against myself and say that the “sweat lord” defenders would make it too difficult to capture the zone, or the attackers are too good at rushing, but with that being said, more respawn tickets would be given to the attackers once they capture the “hard point”.

I feel that it would allow the attackers and defenders to be able to have their engineers build rally points and defenses and not feel that it was “too quick pace” and feel as if their time spent defending the objectives or attacking a defense was for nothing… It would allow trench builders to actually make cool trenches or defenses!

What do you guys think?

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All good things to slow the game down but from what I’m seeing at this point DF does not like us actually getting things done and they would like us to do this game as slow as physically possible to keep us playing and keep the servers active.

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You may like it the way it is but not everyone else does and I don’t wanna play 16 matches just to get a few things done on the event because someone stealing all the kills or someone just made it their mission just to get some things done and rob other people stuff that you need for the event score

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I would honestly like it if DF followed the big actions philosophies because in that game mode almost no one suffers unless you’re truly incompetent and you can get most things done

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We could have both, make the Stalingrad maps larger with more objectives and add a cluster of players and force the capture points into buildings for extreme close quarters slaughter just like the real Stalingrad.

Then make the Normandy maps excluding Dday a large strategic open field war mode thats slower paced.

Or just add realistic and simulator battles like warthunder since the player base can support it now.


You sure about that ? A basic mauser is lethal and accurate for 600 -700 meters.
You shot a guy’s chest about 100 meters away and it just downs him.
Mgs using bolt action cartridge but they just “tickle” enemy soldier and you have to use so many bullets to kill one enemy.
Tank mgs performs absurd, you shoot 10-15 round and they cant even finish of 1 soldier, enemy just shrug off and keep running.
Somethimes they come out of barrel within 45 degree angel or some $h.t
Smg damage drop offs and dispersion is literally insane. You aim perfectly to enemy’s chest or head just 15-20 meters distance and bullets dance around him, half of it never finds their intended target.
This is not even generating a gun fight.
It remind me the morrowind’s janky weapon system where your strikes have %15 random chance to deal any damage .
Not even counting that you are able to sprint, jump and bayonet charge with 50 kg or so mortars and at guns.
Enlisted soldiers are not fragile, they are literally superhumans.


they’re pretty much like everywhere, 5 bullets from a SMG, one or two from rifle, pretty standard for a game, what gets me though is how people praise the fast TTK, bruh it’s not anywhere fast.

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it’s much faster than cod or battlefield where rifles can take at least 3 shots to kill, smgs can be 4 or 5 though downing someone is effectively killing them (since you don’t get downed without a medkit) which drops the TTK to 1 bullet for rifles, and 2 for SMGs

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Apparently defenders need even more advantages. It is definitly not enough to have unlimited ressources, the high ground/ map advantages 9/10 times, being able to insta spawn on points as well as having no time pressure.


When you’re trying to stop a death stack there’s not much that can really stop them unless you have another one and in general death stacks usually own the lobbies they’re in.

No, I don’t believe defenders should have advantages over the attackers, what I am asking for is a slower pace for each map/game mode. Depending on what the map entails and what defenses features are in the area.

Defenders and attackers are fairly balanced, if the attackers or defenders are very experienced players, it can be a dead stop slaughter or a lighting rush. If the maps had different capture times based on the specific zone or objective, it could allow a game to have much more depth to it. Allowing engineers on both sides to have enough time to build defenses and structures, set up MG positions and medic/ammo stations. I mentioned that if an objective was a “longer timer”, the attackers would be given 400 instead of 200 respawn tickets. A wonderful reward for a hard loss of soldiers. Granted, if the defenders are absolutely incompetent and lose the position, there would be no difference to what the current game plays like at this moment.

Again, this is what I am thinking and discussing, I’m not saying I’m right or wrong. I’d like to see an improvement and a better result for this game overall. I wish for enlightenment and good discussions from my fellow Enlisted players.

Thats also affecting attacker so why do defenders specifically need a buff again?

How would attackers profit from more TF2 Prepare Time if they have to move, while defenders dont?
They dont need sandcastles and wires.

Longer capture time doesnt make the game more deep, but just longer unless defenders had luck in the mm, which would make victory for less lucky attackers even more unlikely.
And longer does not necessarily equals “deep”.

With how they’ve done things Germany is on permanent defender mode and unless I come in with a death stack the odds don’t look too good for me if I wanna play solo


Not really. Its mostly 50/50 who defends as well as 40/40/20 who is superior or 20% chance of equal mm. Germans now even attack in D-Day.

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Then what’s wrong with my luck I get nothing but defense stuff at BR 5 and if not that it’s conquest or train


Idk havent really counted but definitely feels like theres alot more defend games for germuts than attack.


I want a “fast game” to be 20 mintues at least and a “good game” to be at least like 45 minutes.