Share your offense/defense game play ideas

There was, in my opinion, an interesting discussion going on in this topic regarding offense/defense game play improvements in Enlisted:

I did not create that topic and neither did I participate in it.

Sadly this topic was closed, I do not know why since nothing I read there was in violation of the forum rules.

I nevertheless found the discussion interesting to read, even though I had nothing to add to it. I am generally interested to read what others have to write on certain game aspects, irrespective of whether I agree with them or not.

Ideas make you think. And thinking is good.

So I open this topic to hopefully allow the forum members to continue to share their ideas regarding the current pros and cons of the offense and defense side in matches in Enlisted, and especially to let them share their constructive ideas regarding possible offense/defense game play improvements.

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The reason the topic was closed is because it’s a necro pose and after the topic goes inactive for a certain amount of time it becomes that so it’s not right to bring them back from the dead and if you would like to bring them back from the dead you just make another topic linking back to it and continue from the new one.


Only thing we need is bigger maps to be able to flank enemy

basically what @Greyparrots said, just open a new topic and dont bring back old one… we already have zombie in the game we dont need them in the forum to :wink:


As requested this topic is the new one concerning the sharing of offense/defense game play ideas.

I like offense the most. Defense can get really boring if the enemies wont push and it can get really annoying if your teammates refuse to defend. In offense you have more room to maneuver and it is less stressful

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As regards gameplay ideas, I often watch the forum contributors’ replays. It’s interesting to see how different you all play the game. Some of what I see I use in my games, it`s a good way to improve :slight_smile: