BR 3 ← Mosquito (Myrm1don Suggestion)

Trying something Different. One by One Approach


Move the Mosquito to BR 3 (Buff is the Alternative)


Possible Opposite Comparisons: BF110, Me410, (Japan Has no Comparible Twin Engined Attackers - Another Topic that requires attention)

*NOTE: While the ME 410s are both BR IV and V - (another post will focus on these later).

Comparing the Mosquito (BR 4) to the 3x BF 110s (BR 3) we can see Performance is VERY similar accross the board. Speed, Agility, Armament, Ammo Capcity, climb rate and payload are all very similar or negligable. Enlisted Energy Retention and Drag Coeficients are unknown to me.

To recap The Mosquito (according to paper in the least, and in experience in practice):

  • 3rd in top speed
  • 2nd in best turn time
  • 1st in Climb rate (largely redundant with airspawn)
  • 4th Technically the lowest “bomb” payload (BF110 G2 has cannons and rockets)
  • Comparable Armament (either 2nd or equal 1st)
  • No Defensive Turret (so No rearward Vision in Enlisted)

There is also a Hidden Con. The Mosquito has a “Large default Fuel Load” That makes it very heavy and affects performance. Enlisted has no option to set fuel load

Warthunder Placings for Reference:

Over a decade of Balancing Matchups

(Enlisted Appears to have equalised the Flight characteristics for these planes somewhat)

Mosquito BR 3.7

BF 110 - G2 BR 3.7

BF110 F-2 BR 3.0

BF 110 C-7 BR 2.7

Me 410 A1/U2 BR 3.7

Me 410 B-1 BR 3.7



The Mosquito Bombs are comparable, but “technically not as Good”

Current USA Tech Tree:

Currently USA BR 3 has “One” Tech Tree Attacker, The AP-1. This plane itself is in Dire need of a BR shift, Bomb Sight and/or a Payload Buff. (Another post focusing on this one later). IMO this plane would be one of the Contenders for “Least Used Vehicle

There is Also the Event “Whirlwind” Attacker which for all instensive purposes, is a Discount Mosquito.

Premium Squad:

This is a Premium Squad of a “Hugely Iconic” aircraft. There should be “appropriate” placement for the Enjoyment of the Patrons.

Potential Alternative Buffs:

Instead of Lowering BR, ordnance could be increased to either

  • 8 RP-3 Rockets (Devastaing Rockets, Like the Beaughfighter BR 4)
  • 4 Uncle Tom Rockets (Would probably have to be toned down for Enlisted. HUGELY more explosive Mass than German Rockets But less armor Penetration)

And also perhaps reduce its fuel load (as fuel is currently irrelevant)

As a side note, Historically, the Mosquito should be Faster than A BF110 and it IS in “Warthunder”…perhaps a speed buff

That would solidify its position at BR IV

In Conclusion. Please Consider moving Mosquito to BR 3. Thanks!


I cant get over how you format your posts. How do you add those lines?


It’s the best approach for suggesting br changes
When it’s too long, it’s hard to know exactly why people liked the suggestion, as someone might disagree with some of the choices, but still like the post because of some choices


Thanks. mainly picking it up from observing other posters. A little bit here and there.

Want it to be easy on the eyes. People might take note

Those lines are, New line “3x underscore”, then “enter” (___)


It makes perfect sense.

I see no problem putting it br 3 instead of 4, in light of all present facts.


Really thorough and well illustrated post. I hope you make some more of these more detailed suggestions for certain BR changes because I think they could be very helpful for the devs.


I plan to write up a few more :slight_smile:


Seems theres not many “Mosquito” lovers :man_shrugging:

It’s a premium. Maybe not many ppl got it.

However, no one is really against it either :thinking:


That will do

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Making it more suitable for BR 4 than dropping it to 3 would be my preference. I think adding the rockets would be the face lift this plane needs to get more usability.

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Hey I will take either or. While putting this together i was a bit weirded out that it was slower than the bf110s in enlisted. It should be MUCH faster.

So im all for buffing it for use in BR 4. Rockets and speed

But that would require more work than just changing the BR number. Perhaps BR 3 first while they work on buff

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I agree, lowering to 3 and eventually buffing back up to 4 would be nice. I know that the max fuel load screws with a lot of the planes in this game.

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It’s overpriced for what it is rn. People can just use corsair instead and spam HVARs at BR4.
I’m not saying it’s wrong. It just requires a much smaller skill level.

I do own mosquito, but I don’t play it very often. Since the BR4 US lineup seems so very dry to me, especially when it comes to infantry weapons. The only weapons I enjoy there are the Johnson LMGs. Everything else there feels so mediocre and dull. (At least you still have interesting vehicle options as Jumbos and Calliope tho)

It is…

I got it because Commonwealth & it’s iconic status.

But at br 4, it has no place.


For sure. Its a beautiful plane with a great service history. I want the game to do everything justice, But “Especially” the stuff that carries the tag “legendary” and “premium”.

…and commonwealth :joy:

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I have the Mosquito, but it it is defenceless and doesn’t have half the speed it should do, it was one of the fastest flying aircraft in WW2.

In Enlisted one strafe, your bombs miss and then you are dead 99pct of the time. I remember using this when it first came out and asking them to fix the gunsight, then everyone on forum saying that was correct and it should not be changed. Now it’s fixed and nobody complains… as People say this plane as it is isn’t very competitive, I do have it in my BF4 premium 11th slot, but it’s sluggish, hard to aim bombs, defenceless an not like the Tempest which can burn away! I use it because the Mosquito is the most iconic British plane to me


Indeed. Lets make it worthy of its name