Binocular Marking, "Spotter Pings" to address incentive for teamwork, even for solo players

Essentially when using the binoculars, pressing the “fire” button will display with a different symbol than the standard mark. (Spotter Ping)

Enemies killed within a 10m diameter will give an assist to the player that placed the spotter mark.
Additionally, direct marks on tanks, weapon emplacements, rally points, ammo boxes, etc will give a little extra score beyond the standard assist points.

It helps make binoculars more useful and gives players more incentive to work together.


It has come to my attention from talking with many other console players that they REMOVE their ability to mark targets in favor of other controls due to lack of buttons.

By adding this method of spotting, it resolves the issue for console players, while also adding an incentive for players on all systems to not just mark for their team, but focus on highly accurate marks. This way they benefit as well.


there is a ping system in the game

I don’t think this will help since binos are only useful in certain maps and even then they are only real useful for the mortar squad and maybe if you want to call an artillery attack, and while I understand the marking enemies point well people barely pay attention to the 2 different marker types anyway a third one is not going to improve that I do agree console players need to be able to mark, maybe by making the binos to be used with the aim sights button and the shoot button to place a mark

I get the distinct feeling you only read the title, but not the post.

I like it.

as an addition, maybe the ability to place a artillery marker. Standard ping - no one knows what it means but if you could put a target down telling artillery and morars “fire here” - it would be great. Bino guy gets some points and artillery guys can FINALLY stop spamming chat with “need enemy location”

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Artillery, mortars, aircraft, tanks, field guns, ampulomets, HMGs, ALL benefit from this a lot!

Even just standard troops killing targets in those areas. It would just help differentiate between marks that are specifically for enemy targets, in comparison to trying to tell someone to move up or something.