To do list for Enlisted Devs

It’s just one suggestion. Do you think that 6 or 9 is too many for one squad? I do.

One squad should not have that many in my opinion.

You’re welcome to disagree. When I encounter cancerous players, I do what I can and then shrug it off.

That’s not my answer it’s Darkflow’s answer it’s either Firefly or Jumbo or just get wrecked for 20h or wait for merge no other choice.

Man never heard that it takes 75h to grind that rocket launcher we were talking about newbie that need to grind or purchase shit to counter Tigers not dude that is max level, max lvl dude will just use p47 or 76mm Sherman to kill any Tiger with not much trouble and low lvl dude can’t do anything except dying well you could try to take it down with P-51C but good luck with that 50kg bombs are just worthless.

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Heck No. Mines may be useful, but still take time to set, must be placed manually, can only be carried one per soldier, are only useful on defense really, and are one of the ONLY ways to lock down flank routes.

In comparison to grenade spam its barely an issue.

Yet for some reason you guys keep going back to “limit mines” as the solution.
Think a little bit outside the box perhaps!!!

  1. The perk as I mentioned earlier to see them in advance. This is balanced as it would require players to sacrifice other perks in order to get that ability.

  2. Flak Jackets. Make the current binocular slot into a “utility slot”, and add other options such as flak jackets. Their purpose would be to reduce fragmentation damage to the soldier. It would be balanced as it would require players to CHOOSE between their utility items.

  3. Overall it comes down to what is done for OVERALL balance, even further down the line, not just for one thing at a time individually.

True, our 100lb bombs ain’t the best tool for the job. I believe it is still possible to kill a Tiger with them though. Just gotta know its exact location

And as for a newbie trying to kill a Tiger, unless they know where to place an explosion pack and can do so or can use the PIAT, they’re kinda just screwed on that. Mark it for your team and hope someone else can kill it. You have teammates for a reason after all and surely someone’s got something useful

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Ooohhh I like the utility slot and flak jacket idea

Plus didn’t pilots all get flak jackets anyways? If such a mechanic is added, think they should get one like a Radio Op gets his radio. Sure would be a cool little detail

Pilots get the parachute in the backpack slot. Whereas radio operators get the radios.

Like I said, changing the binoculars slot into the “utility” slot would open up to a lot of different options that would be game-changing, as binoculars definitely have their use (though it could be improved!), but having other options of equal value would really help.

  • Binoculars
  • Flak Jacket
  • Gas mask
  • Etc. (Other gear that is not considered a consumable)

Yeah I’m saying like the Radio Ops get a radio in their backpack slot, a theoretical utility slot should make pilots have flak jackets

should make pilots have the “option” of flak jackets.

By all means they could use one of the other ones too, especially if they made the suggested change to binoculars to where spotting marks (that gave points for nearby kills) were a thing.

  • Imagine a plane gets shot down but the pilot parachutes down behind enemy lines, and rather than just running into the fray and dying, they instead start marking out enemies for accurate strikes from teammates!

Oh man I’ve been thinking it’d be cool if when people killed enemies around my markings if I actually got something out of it


Yeah, but the issue with giving it to the standard marks is that they are often spammed to indicate any number of things, not just enemies.So trying to differentiate them would be key.

Thats why i suggest giving the binos their own unique mark and giving the points to those that are dedicatedly spotting for the team!

Not a bad idea

this has more to do with current economy where it is pretty pricey to equip 12 sides with mines. post merge i expect to see a lot more mines.
high level players use them cause you can easily get 10-20 extra kills without any effort.

this would be good idea if it is cheap perk.

well it is quite buggy cause you can highlight part you want to be repaired, just for it to try to repair something else.

Not TOO cheap though. You shouldn’t be able to get it AND the meta perks on the same character.
Post-merge this will change to some degree, but the same idea still stands.

The cost is high but that isn’t the only reason why they aren’t taken much. It takes a bit of time to set them, and even more so to set them in advance of an objective.
On top of that, most people would currently rather just spend that cost on a grenade pouch to spam grenades, which as I’ve noted before I believe needs to be changed to an “explosives pouch” and allow you to carry more grenades OR mines.

Also, there is usually more thought to high level players using them rather than just “more kills”. Often times its one of the only things that puts an effective stop to paratroopers, flamethrower spam, or even just flanking units, as is what their purpose is supposed to be!

the 10% reduction is only for pistol caliber bullets

Not true it’s been tested that it works on all bullets and let you survive lethal damage. And even i can confirm that while just playing

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The 10% reduction is for all gun but only pistol are affacted just a bit by it, all other gun have too much dps for care about a 10% damage reduction


-Hard limit AP mines ~ 2-3 / person on ground adding another one would delete previous one.
Or even better, make it like AT gun you cant set another one before you disarm previous one.

-Destroy blocking tank carcasses with detpack

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The limit is a terrible idea

true, ap mines could be removed all at once tbh.