To do list for Enlisted Devs

Hope we can make Enlisted a better place together.
Feel free to add stuff to the list or make suggestions how to solve things, if something comes to your mind.


  • hitreg is really bad (most Berlin rounds soak 50% of bullets without collision or damage)

  • related to that, serverload in lobbies spike at 160-180% every few moments, especially in Berlin where hitreg issue is most common (so probably a dynamic tickrate issue here)

  • lighting/shadow issues, especially with lightscources on the screen such as flames, basically turn your monitor off on 80-90% of your screen

  • colouring and contrast issues (always feels like too much gamma, grey filter on top of everything that kills contrasts) [as far as I have seen this has been fixed on the new client, and it looks way better. Quite excited for this one]

  • depth of field problems related to shadows (looking into a building from outside or entering a building will cause huge contrast and colouring issues, to a point at which you can’t destinguish foreground and background anymore with point3 related issues).

  • Arisaka sniper rifles have bugged single round reload animations (slightly misspositioned hand and feeding no bullets into the rifle)

  • Bipods are way too hard to place down and are way too restricted, to a point at which it is basically impossible to use on anything but perfectly even ground such as street concrete.

  • Animation of construction while proning is not properly looped and looks off

  • invisible walls around buildable AA guns in pacific and heavy MG constructions are very common

  • AT Gun construction needs perfectly even ground most of the time (needs same treatment as rallypoints)

  • vehicle marking with pinging straight up doesn’t work against tanks half of the time if the tank is on distance and should be looked into

  • hitting ppl that are operating constructed weapons (Engi heavy MG, AT gun, AA gun) or open top tanks (GMC, Scott) sometimes behave as if you would hit them through a wooden wall with severe damage reduction on hit, resulting in you needing 3 headshots with a bolt action rifle to kill said target.

  • tank track point of contact and acceleration should be looked into.
    It is really common to get stuck on literally every single object or uneven ground to a point of unmovability or needing more than a full minute to free yourself again.

  • “fall down recovery - animation” triggers way too easily, to a point at which walking over stones and rubble or even going down stairs (even crouching or slowwalking) is triggering it like you would jump down from somewhere (which makes your weapon disappear for 1 second) and needs to be way less sensitive

  • lower positioned windows in tunesia and moscow maps are still triggering “climbing on the windowframe” instead of “climbing through the window” when pressing space-bar way too often

  • AI soldiers are still constantly getting stuck in upper building spawns in berlin or under bridges in pacific or in houses around the ship objective on the new ship map in pacific


  • map design issues on new maps (open spots paired with 150-200 meter from main spawn so it becomes an absolute explosive fest is frustrating. That maps commonly share this issue on the entire Tunesia map, Monestry and coal mine on Moskau, Ver Su Mer south on Normandy, Moltke Bridge on Berlin, is very bad for the health of the gameflow.)
    That map reworks or new maps all commonly share this designproblem is worrying to me.

  • flamethrowers and ignition need a complete rework, since everyone just uses them without care while spinning 180° and muting counters (ignition needs to be harder to prevent spinning flamers or it should be really easy to ignite yourself. Damage and aimsway on ignition needs to be torn down, since you basically always die to flames on instant tag when you don’t instantly start to extinguish yourself without the perk)

  • mines need a slight rework (especially in berlin lobbies, ppl with 50 mine kills and 10+ mines on the same objective or house by the same person is really common. Either the lethality of mines need to be torn down or it should be limited how many mines you can have active at the same time per player. Feel free to make other suggestions)

  • tank repairing is unnecessarily iffy right now, since the range of the repair collides with the size of later tanks. Repairing some modules or the barrel need way too much finetuning in your character position and therefore feels low QoL

  • tank armour powercreep to leverage out AT weapons and AT guns can get problematic with regards to the recent long range mapdesign choices and should be looked into.
    Tanks not penetrating each other (Tiger vs Jumbo) or AT guns simply being useless constructions (Anything that is T50 and above on Moscow for example) is not a fun and makes the game feel way less rock,paper, scissors to me than it should be.
    Maybe just an overall look into how AT guns work in regards to lategame tanks would already go a long way here, since they seem to be close to useless in most of the lobbies but for some spots with HE right now.

  • HP perk is really unhealthy for the game, since it straight up makes you tank 1-2 more bullets of every weapon in the game but bolt actions for the most part.
    Leveraging out the core gunplay like this doesn’t feel right to me and I would like to see it either severly nerfed, so you might tank 1 more bullet to the limbs or 1 more MP bullet (so from 35% to maybe 7-10%), or utterly removed.

  • heavy MGs (buildable by engineers or as 12.7mm on GMC) should looked into in regards to their penetrating and damage dealing capabilities.
    That they oneshot everyone through multiple wooden obstacles or strawbuildings in pacific, while also being able to pen 20-40mm of effective armour seems to cover way too many roles at once.

I still think Enlisted is one of the best shooters I have played to date, but I find these points severly decreasing the quality of the experience I got in the game for years at this point.
Feel free to add stuff to the list if you find any more bugs and problems.
Hopefully we can make Enlisted the best game it can be.


buff smoke grenades and smoke in general / explosions should contain more dust


improve collision body/tank/plane, fire in point blank sometimes miss even in very close range because body collision not exist, sometimes i crash toward other plane (the other plane dead first) it also should be explode or make my wing broken, you cant push tank deadbody (in some case u can)

deathcam/killcam should not pinpoint killer location, should just tell bullet direction

improve AI pathing, should at least follow player movement

make steel object destructible, sometimes my tank stuck over them, and cant move

matchmaking, i know this one gonna be add soon, but i say this anyway

Better AT gun for AT squad, like give berlin 88mm, give tunisia 75mm, give moscow 50mm, etc etc

improve tank hitreg, some tank survive even ammo rack show red (it should explode at some point) (debatable)




I actually heavily disagree with your solution on this.
You have options to build out a character that is resistant to mines and actually clear them relatively effectively already, such as higher vitality, medkit use speed and amount healed, greater chance to be downed rather than killed, etc.

Perhaps adding another perk to the combat tree that allows you to see the icon from mines up to 10 m away I could get behind.

Personally, I think mines are generally UNDERUTILIZED. In many of the games I play I am the ONLY one to have mine kills, and only if I’m on defense to I really use them. On offense I use troops equipped with TNT to clear out fortifications (when there are any).

  1. I actually like the repair mechanic now. It keeps tanks from being too strong and being repaired too quickly by the tanker himself.

  2. Its really not that bad if you have allies nearby that carry toolkits. This is most effective when you are pushing with tanks.

  3. I’m sure you are thinking “nobody except tankers carry toolkits”. For the most part right now you would be correct, but I believe there is a HUGE change coming that will change that.
    The name when you use the toolkits in the game now pops up as “engineer toolkit”, leading me to believe they are finally going to implement one of the suggestions I’ve made numerous times, which is to only allow “deconstruction” of enemy fortifications with engineers or by carrying a toolkit. So if that does go into effect, MANY more troops will be carrying toolkits which they can also fix allied tanks with.

I think this will change once the change I just mentioned goes into effect.
Tanks will need to push forward a lot more to support their teams, as they will be much less effective at range, due to fortifications holding up more.

Therefore, flanking maneuvers, use of smoke, etc will have a lot more place in the game, and tank fights won’t just be at long range anymore.

Again, I disagree. The HP perk has its uses, but only when the only method of countering you are using is the gun in your hands. Explosives, barbwire, flames, etc can all be used to soften up their health and make them just as easy to kill as all the others.
In addition, if they take that perk, they don’t have the points to really take any others in that tree. So they are missing out on stamina, less flinch, better heals, etc, in order to get that little extra hp.

This I can agree with to some degree. Though I think the best solution again ties back into engineers and fortifications. Sandbag walls should be much more resistant to HMG fire, ESPECIALLY when it hits through another wall first. This would allow even the Pacific buildings to be fortified in a meaningful manner.

Being able to stack sandbag walls 2x tall would be paramount for this as well.

I agree! The thing to remember though is that just buffing and nerfing independent things only leads to more balance issues. That is why I push so hard on the incorporation of engineering structures, as by adjusting those in the right way will have a down-stream effect on many other aspects of the game, like I listed on this post.

I disagree and think mines are fine. In my experience I rarely ever encounter mines so it’s a good thing if lots of people are using them so they become a more common element of the game

Regarding mines:

Only because you rarely encounter them in your games, or don’t notice them , doesn’t mean the designflaw and toxicity in the design.
Higher gear lobbys regularly use and spam them, and there is no counterplay to them but slowing your game down immensly and triggering half of them by just walking through them.

Mines are fundamentally toxic to the game, since they are muting the game with 0 interaction to speak of.
It’s unengaging to play with mines, and it is unengaging and frustrating to play against them.
While a perk might attempt to treat the symptom of this designflaw in the game, it wouldn’t address the underlying issue itself.

I personally would be for removing them alltogether, but if they want to have mines in the game as content, they should be designed differently to make them either more engaging to play against or not as spammable, so completely mining a house in Berlin for example takes more than a single player and a single squadspawn.

Limiting their lethality by shifting them to big shellshocking tools rather than kills to stun the assault, rather than killing them, or simply limiting the maximum amount of mines a player can have active at the same time to 1-3 seems to be the most reasonable approaches to me.

Mines taking grenade spots instead would also be an approach to experiment with, to make them more unappealing to use cause of the restriction when equiped.
This would also be a symptomtreatment tho, and wouldn’t change the problem of problemmaps (especially in Berlin), when people simply keep using them as before.

Regarding repair:

I was also not talking about removing the new repair system, even tho right now the old one is definitely superior in design in my opinion at this point, but the lack of QoL of the new system itself.
The width and height of the later unlocked tanks makes it that certain modules, like turret ring and cannon barrel, can only get repaired if you hug your tank in a certain angle from a certain position or straight up just jumping on top or on the front of your tank.

I am pointing out the lack of repairrange here, so calling for a slight range increase, not that the new repair system should be deleted.


they’re not, the only way to disarm a mine is by shooting it, and what if there’s tiny angle and you can’t safely shoot it? i’ve had this happen many times, because this is how clever players put them,

mines should display an icon if you’re crouching/proning next to them and then to be able to disarm it with a button. It would simulate soldier being careful. If you sprint them over, you’re dead, fair enough?


Could be influenced by completely new perk.


I don’t have any issues with the mines or the HP Perk. They seem fine to me as is

And the M2 Browning behaves…like the M2 Browning. It is anti armor, infantry, AND planes all in one machine gun. Leave it as is

Other than those I more or less agree with everything you say though

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I disagree with mines being “toxic” geez I hate that buzzword

They’re fine as they are and so what if some nerd spams them? They happen what once every some 20 odd games? I mean sure, add a mechanic where there’s a perk to see em. Add a mechanic where slowly approaching one makes you able to diffuse it or something. Other than that though, please don’t nerf the mines. They’re rarely used as is no need to push them into obscurity

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It’s because you only play in the console lobby and we all know what “kindergarten” that usually is - at least a bad foundation of knowledge to base general opinions of the game.

Almost 4/5 high-level players in Enlisted uses AP-mines. 2/5 spams them on the obj.
(maybe I’m somewhere in between). This is in Crossplay lobby. And both PC and console players do it.

It’s absolutely unfun.

Just had this game where I died to at least 15 (!) AP mines

And that’s just me, not my AI-squad mates nor the other players in my team.

It’s not fun. Watch the replay if you like.

Totally agree. They need to rework this. Limit them would be the easiest way, I guess.


The average soldier should not be able to spot or disarm mines.

I’m fine with only Engineers having the ability to disarm mines

Me being in nothing but crossplay lobbies and still almost never encountering them: Visible confusion

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10 year old game with an actual smoke grenade

It confuses me that some players never encounters mines. I see them every second game. The problem is very noticeable if you spend 75 % of your time hunting rallies/playing the objective …

This is the game I was talking about:

Here’s another one two days ago that came to my mind:

This is what a few players can do in one single game.
If you face 8-10 high-level players this is an issue far worse.


Easiest way doesn’t mean the best way though!
I honestly think perks should be done first and foremost!

I play both, I just prefer console lobbies.

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Honestly only about 10% of the playerbase use mines at all due to how expensive they are and how annoying they are to set in mass.

Of that 10% less than half actually use them in buik.

PFFT like you got any room to talk about being annoying or toxic with lean spamming like that

Nah man you deserve it

Right? Honestly I think they’re fine as is. Rarely used and even more rarely spammed. Think I have at most like 20-40 AP mine kills in one match. And that was a very exceptional match I may add for my mine usage. I usually forget I have em to be honest. That and Americans are on the offense more often than not

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