To do list for Enlisted Devs

Not TOO cheap though. You shouldn’t be able to get it AND the meta perks on the same character.
Post-merge this will change to some degree, but the same idea still stands.

The cost is high but that isn’t the only reason why they aren’t taken much. It takes a bit of time to set them, and even more so to set them in advance of an objective.
On top of that, most people would currently rather just spend that cost on a grenade pouch to spam grenades, which as I’ve noted before I believe needs to be changed to an “explosives pouch” and allow you to carry more grenades OR mines.

Also, there is usually more thought to high level players using them rather than just “more kills”. Often times its one of the only things that puts an effective stop to paratroopers, flamethrower spam, or even just flanking units, as is what their purpose is supposed to be!

the 10% reduction is only for pistol caliber bullets

Not true it’s been tested that it works on all bullets and let you survive lethal damage. And even i can confirm that while just playing

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The 10% reduction is for all gun but only pistol are affacted just a bit by it, all other gun have too much dps for care about a 10% damage reduction


-Hard limit AP mines ~ 2-3 / person on ground adding another one would delete previous one.
Or even better, make it like AT gun you cant set another one before you disarm previous one.

-Destroy blocking tank carcasses with detpack

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The limit is a terrible idea

true, ap mines could be removed all at once tbh.

Even worse idea

True but once in a blue moon it can save you but don’t expect it to happen more than 0.1% of the time.

Whos going to miss them ?
Few bob the builders that cant win defense even with all the mines of the world :person_shrugging:

I updated the list a bit more including:

  • AI soldiers getting stuck on some pacific and berlin spots
  • climbing on windowframes in lower placed windows in Tunesia and Moscow, instead of jumping through them
  • way too sensitive “fall down animation” trigger on walking over uneven ground or down stairs

Added following points already mentioned in this thread by other users:

  • bipod sensitivity and placement position
  • tank acceleration and point of contact on the ground in regards to getting stuck at surroundings and uneven ground

Thanks for all the participation and likes on this list.
With a little bit of luck, we can actually raise some attention to these issues.

Me. I will miss them. I love trapping certain areas, or placing mines on offense so when the defenders come back to kick us off point, they get a nice surprise