Thanks sorry to kill you I was trying to see if tank zoom made any difference from base update, it didn’t seem to on TII H, also don’t get why I would deploy a pak43 prefer Lefh
what s this mean for?
Tiger II H, sorry…
Possible bug: when bailing from any aircraft, wheels are deployed, even though when flying they are raised.
Tiger II H cant deploy pak43 and Lefh…
If player is playing berlin campaign He should select base_panzerjager_iv_l_70_a
or base_panzerjager_iv_l_48
(event vehicle) to deploy the pak43 tractor
I think a bit more time refining this and it would be a good suggestion for primary play mode as well. Official servers of this would be quite nice.
I’m not sure if this is a picture issue that I may have encountered in the past, I’ll check it
fixed this issue in 709ex3b22
, and fix some orther issues~
I looked at the Json file and can’t see what is the allied equivalent Truck with AA, what campaign / vehicle do I need?
Looks like everyone still playing v20, can’t launch v22 myself
New bug perhaps: On award screen, error message on clan mates PC and he had to kill client
failed squirrel function?
There might be something wrong, but I still haven’t found a duplicate scenario for the same, yet the ui seemed fine after I finished the game.
I’ll check it out.
Currently the Allies do not have a suitable AA to fill the same role.
I think t17e2 might do it, but his model still seems unfinished and I haven’t found a way to use it
Some things i’ve noticed. Nothing major.
“magic hammer” item that you get when pulling tractors, mobile rally vehicles or building specific constructions.
They despawn rather fast within 60seconds, as they are mentioned no where ingame, many players pulling the vehicles on first try or accident dont notice it and they despawn. Any chance of increasing the time? -
Distance From Cap/Spawn point restrictions on buildings.
It is extremely difficult to find out where you are relative to some cap and spawn locations, especially seeing they move over the map as the game progresses. Any option to make this more clear? -
Airfields / Repairing Airplanes
Are Tools available at the Airfields? Or do you have to bring them yourself? I don’t think anyone has Tools equipped on their pilots as landing on regular maps does not really work.
Incredible job. Is it possible to make the rangefinder more visible? I’ve noticed that in many locations the surrounding terrain (trees, buildings, etc) can make the writing impossible to read, making it difficult to adjust elevation.
It is currently incredibly difficult to spot where artillery is fired from, making it difficult for the opposing team to take you out. You can already see the shell fly through the air on its way to target. Is there a way to increase the visibility? Or to add a temporary marker to the enemy team’s map as the artillery fires?
-Normandy Axis Tractor Vehicle, Pz.3 M
May have been fixed in 22.
Tried pulling this vehicle to get the Tractor and build the axis version of the Howitzer. For some reason i couldnt get it to convert on 20, have yet to try in 22.
- The Big Constructions
Engineer squads and the “special” vehicles can build “large” objects, i.e, the Vehicle Rally Point.
The hologram for this is HUGE and rather hard to place as you can’t see further than your nose anymore. Is there a way to distance these a tiny bit?
It’s occasionally also difficult to finish building them, as you are “inside” of it as you build it, requiring to find the sweet spot where your hammer hits but you are outside of the hologram (for most this works by doing it from the side)
-Engineer Squad MG nest
The hologram for this is in a rather weird angle, makes placing it difficult, gun tends to angle down so far during construction that it cant shoot people on the horizon anymore. Especially when attempting to build it in or on other locations like the Construction Site sandbags or Windows. Even on some flat ground it will angle weirdly.
-Vehicle spawning Bug/Issue
Not sure if it is ALL the locations, due the amount of rallies spawned it is difficult to coordinate spawning on the same one to check. But i’ve noticed that at the MAIN vehicle spawn (i.e, the first one you get) if multiple people spawn vehicles at the same time they destroy each other by spawning inside each other. Lost quite a few vehicles like this ranging from the Tractor to a whole Tiger E because another vehicle spawned inside of mine or I spawned inside one.
- Mobile Rally / Tractor HP
These things are wet paper bags in the wind. A spray of bullets will get rid of them. I can see how they need to be squishy, but they are really weak right now.
-Airplane Rockets / Bombs vs Tanks.
Not sure when this started or if its a feature. But I’ve noticed it has become extremely difficult to destroy tanks with airplanes. Even the lightest of vehicles seem to survive entire barrages of HVAR and 500lb bombs.
-The vehicle hitbox marker window (that wiremesh thing you get after hitting/damaging)
Repeatedly says “empty” even though it is obviously not. Shot at a tank multiple times while it was most definitely shooting back at me, 0 damage and unoccupied according to the hitbox.
++Slight sidenote, I’ve noticed occasionally that i’m hitting obviously hostile vehicles and still getting the “friendly vehicle hit” notification to show up. Pretty sure that Tiger E isnt a friendly vehicle while I’m running around as a bunch of Normandy Allies Americans, seems to happen most on the new vehicles implemented (mobile rallies/tractors)
-Repairing Vehicles
Assuming this is an issue with the current repair system instead of the mod. But it’s impossible to repair parts of the Tractor and the Mobile Rally vehicle. You just can’t ever reach the part to repair from any direction. Not yet checked, but it may also happen on the AA truck thing the Normandy Allies Engineers can spawn seeing it uses the same type of chassis as the mobile rally truck.
-AI/Bot spawn priorities.
For what I figure they spawn closest to their current active objective.
They seem to use both Main spawn, Default rally point and the new Infantry/Vehicle rally point. But seem incapable of using the Mobile Rally points, even if these are parked right on the point and players use them fine, AI refuses to use them. Assuming this is limitations of the AI.
-Mobile Rally Point spawning
Occasionally you spawn on these trucks and you get stuck. Only way to get the soldiers unstuck is to manually enter them into the vehicle and exit the vehicle one at a time. Happens when truck is in open air location or when parked under a sort of roof. As it is possible to lock your vehicle so others can’t use it, this is an issue sometimes.
Engineers can build Jeeps, which carry 4 people at most and there are no squad which is that small.
Engineers are always the first soldier to die and the next point is 680m away.
Two issues in one, even if the engineer is alive, I can’t transport my squad to the next battle in full.
If the engineer is dead, I need to walk for the next 5 minutes to get to a fight.
Are there options to make this less of an issue on the map. By i.e, having Trucks spawned in on the map after a objective caps or allow other soldiers to call in vehicles? Or by allowing i.e, Engineer Squads to build a Truck instead of a Jeep? The mobile rally points are nice, but lack in quantity to transport the large amount of soldiers on the map
-Vehicle Rearm/Ammo
Currently there are no “default” places for tanks to refill their ammo. Makes perfect sense when there are plenty of players building plenty of vehicle rallies. But sometimes your team is stupid. I’d rather drive back 800m to get ammo than abandon my tank due teammates being a little useless.
-Trenches / Rivers / Bridges on the map.
Love them and hate them at the same time.
Normal vanilla trenches have “bridges” over them at regular intervals. This allows tanks to cross, especially the lighter/smaller ones, but you can maneuver anything over it really.
The trenches on the map are rather long in some places, requireing vehicles to drive enormous distances to get around them. This can be incredibly annoying when you need to move because the map has progressed to the point the gray zone is changing.
This same reasoning comes into effect for the Rivers, which are often flanked by Trenches on the map too.
It would be nice if there are more locations in which vehicles could cross a trench or river. Especially trenches more so than rivers. Rivers being a natural barrier makes lots of sense, but given how many trenches there are and how long they stretch, driving around them gets annoying sometimes.
Thank you for your suggestion! I will update to include some of the improvements you describe in the latest update.
I changed the preview hologram of the large rally building to this, so that it may be clearer. Its main purpose is to remind players to build the rally point in an open area rather than indoors.
Construction Site sandbags has been replaced with a larger sandbag emplacements~ @Devenddar
The plane does not need to be repaired manually, you need to land the plane at the airport and it will be repaired automatically.
Regarding planes, the additional mechanic is that if you land at an airport and manually recycle your plane via F you will save 2 points for the team. And if your plane is shot down or crashes, an additional 2 points will be deducted from your team score. (This is a temporary penalty for suicide planes).
I’ll take this into consideration and let me make the howitzer’s tracer more obvious for a moment.
In theory, players can easily spot it in the air. The role of reconnaissance is one of the main functions of the aircraft in the game mode.
As for the half track, I think it’s serviceable, I’m not sure if there’s something else wrong, I’ll have it checked out.
As for the vehicles built by engineers, it is different for different camps. For a camp like the Battle of Berlin, it could only build a 4-seater car.
The Moscow Campaign factions can build trucks. I will add motorcycles or more vehicles for different factions.
Should have been fixed, I’ll check it out when I try out the latest version
I’ve fixed some of the issues. In the version tested yesterday, the numbers did not appear to be restored correctly after fortifications were destroyed. I fixed them.
Maybe I could have a squad of engineers build the truck. And ordinary teams build small commuter vehicles
The shooting angle of the machine gun has been adjusted, maybe you can post it on a higher object so you get a wider range of fire.
But that may all change as the main game’s campaign merges. But I don’t know what to expect and I’m still thinking about how to differentiate them to keep the battlefield diverse.
Let me think about it, but I would still prefer to have players cooperate with each other.
In the updated version, I have reduced the build distance conditions, and now they may require a shorter build distance. Players can build these large structures more easily.
I’m considering showing a special and more obvious minimap icon for the default rally point, maybe to make it clearer
Vehicle mobility has been increased in this game mode and they should now be able to cross trenches more easily, but you can still get stuck. .
latest 709ex3b24
The current game You have running Tommy (on b23), is crashing the client upon loading into the map, so after choosing the squad. Does not seem to matter which campaign army used to enter. Happens for everyone in my group currently (PC and PS4 players)
Yes, I will also encounter this situation. It will appear when I join in the middle. I think this may be a problem caused by the game entities function. rather than mod content.
Try not to switch screens while the game is loading on your PC, I think it might be better.
You can also submit a report to help developer to slove this problem
I think this is very likely to happen when downloading current version of the mod for the first time. I am not sure
The crashes repeat, no matter how many times the client is rebooted.
PS4 seems to have identical errors, even if they don’t touch anything until prompted to pick a squad.
Game crashes once squad is spawned in.
Loaded in to b28 no issues so far
Any new stuff we need to know about from 22 to 28?
Not sure if you can do this, but if in tank it would be great to be able to request the team build an ammo point, even if in tank. So you can still use same default quick chat, but maybe the icon would change also what it shows on text chat perhaps.
It is still difficult to understand vehicle rally deployment for me. I sometimes can deploy vehicle rally, sometimes not, basing my decision on 350+ away from capzone, still not possible sometimes.
Also, I spawn in Su100 (support vehicle) at mobile vehicle rally and still Su100?
The tanks only change to their support vehicles when deployed at main vehicle spawns, not player build ones.
Just had it bug out on me, where I crashed and could not select any squads when rejoining too. I check the map and players in session it shows only me, but I know my clan mates were there.
If I try another instance of v30, it works fine. I was Berlin army on previous instance if that helps.
I’m not too sure, this issue has appeared in previous custom games, but it may still not be fully fixed.
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