Big Action mod and no XP gain

I have maxed all the campaigns, I generally play base game to help clan, do event or just for enjoyment (trying to fly c-6 on Tunisia axis and dogfighting and rare chance of damaging a tank!), but I digress.

The reason I told you this, is because I’m an end gamer, there are lots of long termers who are in similar positions. So what do we do, we look for other entertainment and that’s when I heard about custom mod Big action, which has Stuka air attacks, Katyusha strikes, essentially is large scale battle, with some very clever nuances.

An average battle will go for 2-3 (now 1-2 hours max), with 60players and bots either side, the battles are amazing with no performance drop.

However, we do not earn XP, I was mistaken and thought devs allowed us to earn if over 10 players? But according to the modder who built this amazing, highly recommended mod, there is no XP and it doesn’t even count towards forum activity?

I would like the devs to relook at this and agree that if player counts are met a proportion of XP is gained for the campaign army players on this mod select.

@1942786 @James_Grove this is where we would like you to listen to your regulars and pass feedback on please :+1::guardsman:


I played that mod yesterday but sadly it crashed midgame for unknown reason


Sometimes happens, what version did you play, the crash was hotfixed and providing the mod said 703fix at the end of the title it was resolved (AT gun blowing up was prior cause) but new version being tested as we speak by modder.

My point is about XP gain suggestion not what happened, does that mean you want XP to be earnt playing it or you not bothered and if so why?

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A known issue is that anti-tank guns to crash. All versions prior to this version will have this issue…

You can see the version number when you enter the room. BIG-ACTION!SQ-Battle-Of-Volokolamsk.703fix3

But there may still be other cases of crashes.


Hi, just asked fried to launch, link shows version 665?, manifest file looks ok, I think description is wrong, parameters may be max 40 players 40 AI.

Game mode says 665?

It is a problematic version and you need to download the link again. It should be 707

update with this link. redownload the mod in the game

max 50 players and 40 AI

703fix3 === url number 707.

sry, I didn’t rename the mod title.


Sorry is this 703fix3, or should it say 704, because it is saying former on manifest file title?

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url manifest number 707


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Ok, version states 707 in Json file, but Game mode lists as 703fix3

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Im not sure what version because i wasnt the creator of the match


It says in game mode in browser, try and play version 703fix3 until new release, I have played all morning and not crashed yet!

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Yup, this mod deserves a lot more play time. I would love to play it more, but I still need to progress.


What factions have you left to max out?

I’m finishing allies Pacific (lvl 21, the Bar a2 is a game changer), then I need around 5 allies berlin lvls.

Would be axis Normandy too, but I’m not interested in it. Having maxed the other 4 axis campaigns, I pretty much already have all it offers :no_mouth:

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Im currently working on tunisia axis. Started from lvl 0


Normandy both sides (about halfway)

Berlin Allies (lvl 10ish)

Pacific japan (lvl 10ish)

Moscow Allies (lvl 15ish)

Still a bit left to do.


You’ll get there I ain’t worried.

But as we saw earlier, I really recommend buying as many high rank soldiers, that you roll best stats, as you can… because between 1000 and 11500, there’s real savings to be made here!


Yeah not too fussed. Have most of the gear unlocked between campaigns. More just making sure I get some unique squads (italians)

As i said, i had already suspected the arrangement and have already grabbed all soldier types and min maxed their perks via stalingrad and pacific haha. Have soldiers and weapon’s ready for all BRs :stuck_out_tongue:


A beta version with a lot of new features has been pre-released~

Welcome to try it~, but it may still be unstable or crashing

Feedback me any time ~

Change log draft WIP here:

Update engineer build list

Updated machine guns, small fixed machine guns can now be deployed more flexibly

Added sandbag foundation, which can be used to stack multiple sandbags @61839981

Updated the appearance of tank barriers so they are now based on wood instead of steel

Updated construction vehicles for all factions

Light vehicles move the spawn point, now directly replace the vehicle for deployment, and will give a construction tool that can be used to build a medium anti-tank gun.

  • You can deploy Zis-3 and Pak40 this way.

Some vehicles that were designed as support vehicles have been replaced with artillery tractors and can be used to build supply facilities.


  • Added new vehicles sdkfz6 half-track tractor and sdkfz6/2 half-track anti-aircraft gun

  • It has a unique sub-quest that you can access 2 tech tree nodes.

  • When you successfully complete the missionof building facilities, you will receive a construction tool for a heavy artillery or howitzer.

Mission1: (left to right)

Respawn ------- 500m -------> capzone (build frontline ammunition box)

Mission2 : (right to left)

build tractors rally <— 500m <---- capzone

Alll vehicle with rocket launcher now adds an aiming camera for indirect aiming, toggled in the gunner position.

All the above-mentioned heavy curve firepower can have a brief impact point mark on the map when firing, so you can know the location of the impact point of the shell.

  • From the movable engineering construction hammer, you can build unique things, different from ordinary engineering hammers.

  • Po-2 and Fw-189 are now TPS view as Warthunder; They transformed into a rallying point as they successfully landed into the battlefield

and Po-2 can airdrop spawn points;

  • Added concrete bunkers in certain locations on the map. As well as the tank’s turret on the concrete bunker.

  • Replaced the appearance of all bombsites, now you can actually blow up a bridge. And the power of bombsite explosion will match its animation effect

  • Updated the animation effect of plane crash. Now the plane crash will not produce a big explosion effect. The original explosion effect was used for bombsite

  • Special radio support to hide opponent’s shelling marks

  • Increased explosion range and damage of all infantry rocket launchers.

  • All melee weapons can initiate sprint runs

  • With a magazine submachine gun, you can sprint and run faster

  • Adjusted the team score and increased the deduction points for the attacking team for blast points

  • Added a crude deployment points system, now the second deployment of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th slots requires specific spawnScoreCost to prevent spawning. @VoyoMayPL @ErikaKalkbrenner @gastanofrizzi

I can’t set it up by squad ID or weapon, currently only by slot. I designed a threshold where the scores are not that high, and they will end up being really cheap. Just a nominal to remind players not to spam








Also added Punishment measures for downed aircraft have been added. Now a downed aircraft will deduct an additional 2 points from the team.

To save the scroes, you can now destroy them at the airport as the ability to recycle aircraft.

Slightly increased the distance from rally point to capzone

  • etc

@5057039 updated to ex3a4~


Nice will do. I need some more footage :slight_smile:

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o0o new rally truck and new HUD symbols? is that a 17 pounder At gun??? cant quite see