Balance the Japanese please

Playing against the Japanese is unplayable. It took 1 minute for the Japanese to bum rush and take the cap point. Keep in mind we have 4 marshals. They’ve got a tank that doesn’t exist, so forget realism. The planes outturn anything regardless of weight. The Tier 4 SMG that the Japanese have has little to no recoil, with a vertical recoil of 28 and a horizontal recoil of 6, all with a fire rate of about 1200. The American Tier 5 SMG has a vertical and horizontal recoil of 22 each, with a rate of fire of 700. So, the handheld weapons completely outmatch the allies. The plane imbalance is also clear; their new planes are as fast as our fastest fighters, yet their turn rate is way faster than ours. Basically, their planes are a combination of an energy fighter and a turn fighter. There is no counterplay against them since they can just outturn you, and jumping them isn’t viable since they are already faster than you, unlike in War Thunder where the Ki 84 ko is actually balanced, i.e., it’s fast but has a slow turn rate. The new Type Hei automatic rifle is also extremely unbalanced. It is given 30 rounds whereas in real life it had only 20, and it has negligible recoil even though it fires rifle cartridges, which in reality would result in high amounts of recoil considering how fast it fires. Their Type 100 MG, same thing, a double-barreled handheld machine gun that weighs 16kg, has negligible recoil, meanwhile, in reality, such a monstrosity of a weapon would produce significant recoil while in-game it has none.

All while the Japanese complain that they get shat on constantly. NO, it’s the players. THE PLAYERS ARE DOG SHIT.

I am not singling out any person; I’m merely complaining about what I see. If you’re an ally player and notice this BS, please upvote. It’s unplayable.


I have argued from the beginning that the Japanese are not as weak as people say about them. I play for both sides and I have no problem winning for the Japanese. Unfortunately, there are people who write more than play, they only look at weapon statistics and make their opinion accordingly. If you want to win against the Japanese, you have to go around them and build a rally point to the right or to the left of the point you have to capture. However, if you have four or five good Japanese players against you, then desert and find another game, it makes no sense. They will shoot you with rifles at 150 meters and you won’t do anything about it. You will be just like a target on the shooting range while you wade through the water.


You won’t think so next weekend

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The people that I play with are very compitent and they know about flanking. It dosnet matter because the speed at witch they can get to our flanks is insane. Try playing as an allie now.

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This means your enemies are more united and stronger than you


I know I play for both sides. If it doesn’t make sense, I just desert. I have a rule, if we don’t charge the first point within 500 tickets, the game is lost and I desert. The Japanese have been very aggressive lately and kill you on spawn with rifles from the forest. This is terrible and should be fixed.

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Wrong. Both 20 and 30 round magazines were available.
See this for more info on the gun (including a picture of the 30nd mag): Japanese BR5 automatic rifle - #27 by Killerwolf1024

Should be noted that 6.5x50mmSR has extremely mild recoil, sadly there isn’t really a point of reference besides the Type 96 LMG (which is ~4kg heavier than the ULMG) being fired standing at 550rpm. (timestamp)
But I do agree the recoil feels too mild even in this case.

Yeah the Type 100 (Type 1) MG annoys me for a few reasons as well, the rate of fire should be higher (900rpm each gun), the recoil should be worse and the firing sound is pretty boring.
I’m still not sure why they choose this gun over any of the other aircraft conversion options.

The key in the Pacific is infantry, always has been, sure tanks have their uses but the reason the US has been beaten so hard recently and before this update on T4 is that US players are way too focused on their fancy tanks and CAS while their infantry gets cut down on mass on the points. The few games I lost as Japan recently and before on T4 were because of US infantry actually being players instead of bots.


Apart from the event squads, the combination of automatic weapons and rifles worked best for me against the Japanese. Lee Enfield in particular is good. Get a 9-member squad with a combination of automatic weapons and rifles. Machine guns are useless against them because you simply can’t get into effective range and they’ll just shoot you from a distance.

If they gave the machine gun a higher rate of fire, the recoil would also increase. In fact, the developers helped you out.

I know, I don’t want the higher rate of fire because “it would make the gun stronger” but because it would be accurate to the real weapon.


I used to be a main player in the Allied Forces when they were extremely weak, and compared to that era, I consider the current Allied Forces strong, rather OP.

Unlike the Allied Forces of the past, today’s Tier 5 Allied Forces are extremely fortunate to have a stable player base, powerful weapons on land and in the air, blessed airborne and APCs, and a strong and balanced M2 carbine, T20E1, M1919A6, etc.
There is no need for any adjustments to the current situation. If the number of Japanese players leveling up decreases, it will be to the advantage of the U.S. military.


It can be seen that you used to play and you don’t play anymore. the “powerful” M26 ground weapon will also be shot by a Panzer 4. The “powerful” HVAR missiles have already been nerfed so much that I can hit an area of 100x100 meters and kill 6 soldiers. The balanced m2 carbine is perhaps a dream, compared to the FG-42-2 and the new Japanese weapon it is a joke. The T20E1 is a golden weapon and the M1919A6 is useless in the pacific because you can’t get anywhere with it. A stable player base should not be balanced.

Do not use up all 10 HVAR rounds of the P-47 at once and handle with care; with the exception of the Tiger 2, a direct hit should easily destroy all Axis tanks. The M2 carbine is also very powerful if aimed at short range from the upper body.
The M26 is strong enough in the Pacific if not attacked by skilled Hayate pilots, and the M1919A6 is very useful in the Pacific where there is a lot of open range fighting. The damned paratroopers… The US has 3 paratroopers equipped with OP weapons while Japan has only BA equipped paratroopers.

If you are a coalition main, you might want to keep fighting in Tier 5 with the Revenge flame burning or move to Tier 1-3.
Don’t make a decision right after the update.


I believe all weapons and vehicles should remain historically accurate
Because then there will be no protest for balance.
Are you ready to be tortured?

I play for both sides. HVAR has not been shooting tanks for a long time. I have flown several thousand hours in war thunder simulator, so I think I know how to fly. Yes, the m2 carabiner is very powerful for short distances. The FG-42-2 and Japan’s new weapon is powerful at all ranges. No, the US does not have 3 paratroopers in the pacific. They were only in a limited event or are premium. Balance is determined based on what’s in the tech tree and what everyone has available. Not based on limited or premium items. The M26 must aim to shoot through the HO-RI. HO-RI will shoot the M26 everywhere. This is not balanced.

  1. those stats are fake
  2. their controllability are about same. tokyo arsenal has same vertical recoil per bullet as BR5 thompson, but with almost double rate of fire it has double vertical recoil per second. thompson has recoil dir of 0.4 that means it will always go right so it is controllable, unlike tokyo arsenal that has recoil dir of 0.1 which will have its horizontal direction random forcing you to compensate for horizontal recoil on the fly (instead of easy down and left movement).


This is genuinely a skill issue. While Japan now has one of the 2 best ARs in the entire game, you have all the tools you need to win. Keep in mind America was stomping Japan back before the merge when Japan mostly had defense, because defense is a massive disadvantage in this game. All I see is American players camping in the grey with their Jumbos/Pershings, spamming nuclear HVARs, and genuinely not playing the objective, losing in seconds because the Japanese have been forged in fire and know how to play the objective. Plus most of the experienced players are playing Japan to get the new equipment.


mmm… yummy allies tears…

Truth is currently the high-tier Allies playerbase just sucks in comparison to the Japanese in terms of skill. And the reason for that is that all the veterans that have been playing the game for years and have everything unlocked from every tech tree have suddenly all jumped on Japan to play with their new toys. That’s it, just a population shift. But it will pass, the hype will die down and things will go back to how they were, so just calm your tits

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Keep in mind America was stomping Japan back before the merger when Japan mostly had defense, because defense is a massive disadvantage in this game.

This is an outright lie. I’ve been playing Pacific since the beginning. Good players knew how to win against the Americans at the beginning, the problem was that no one wanted to play Japan. Is defense a disadvantage? Have you ever played Pacific? Pacific has the best maps for defenders. Islands and water wading. Zero possibility to bypass the enemy. Defenders have unlimited tickets.


Yes I have an above 85% win rate with every faction, and in most cases, 90%+. Defense has a massive disadvantage in pretty much every situation. There are very few cases I can think of where defense has an advantage. I was also one of those Japanese players who was playing and still winning even back then, however defense was nightmarishly painful, because if you died even ONCE they could cap it before you could get back even from a rally point, due to the insanely fast cap speed.

Ontop of that, attackers on most Pacific maps have such free reign without the grey that they can even place rallies behind the defender spawnpoints.

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