Balance the Japanese please

Of course, because the attack wasn’t painful, was it? Have you tried playing the opposite side? The attack is even worse because we are running out of tickets. Not defenders. Taking a point quickly is important because there are 5 points in the game. For one you get 100 sometimes 150 tickets sometimes nothing. Mathematically calculate how many tickets you can lose for one point to win. Give the possibility of a counterattack to an occupied point and the game will be unwinnable. You have to overcome the defense 5 times to win. If taking a point takes too long, you’ll have to go through the defense 10 maybe 15 times. That can’t be won. The Pacific is a tough game for both sides.

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Yes I have played America. I’ve played Japan. Both on attack and defense. The only painful aspect of America is the playerbase.


i smell a stack player…


Maybe it’s because Americans get one thing a year, and they always get the worst in events. Remind me, before M26, what was the last thing Americans got? And when did they get the event 5.0 squad now besides the paratroopers a year ago?

I don’t stack. At most I play with one friend.

Then you’re a wallet warrior. You buy golden weapons and give them to everyone. How else do you want to explain such a high winning share?

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Tell me which server it is on because things always go wrong for me with Japan xddd

the only issue here is a playerbase issue, US has enough equipment to win against japan, they simply lack competent players.


If you say it for me, I wrote it wrong, I was referring to me playing as a Japanese. Because when I play as Allies, victory is sometimes easy, it barely gives me experience.

Or perhaps I’m just better than most.


Lmao, literally a month ago the US was steamrolling the Germans in exactly the same way. Why weren’t you crying then, too?


Welcome to the actual meta in Enlisted. The silent majority of try hards going to X faction because they actually get new meaningful content or the new OP thing, then people get frustrated and decide to change to another factions or BR leaving even less players.

There is no need to remember how the campaigns player base shifts were, look at recent history: just after the merge the Germans were dominating but after receiving pretty much no meaningful content since the Tiger II H was released on Berlin there is not that much incentive to play with the Germans. Also, the last 2 event squads were the later unlock or less popular than their counterparts.

I am pretty sure the moment they release the 100 belt MG-42, the Jagdtiger or similar, the post about how OP the FG-42 and Tigers are going to be spammed again.


There is no shortage of weapons in this game. Every nation has roughly equal weaponry; some are stronger than others, but the other nations have advantages elsewhere. If anything, you could talk about the fact that you can build the PaK 40 with the Pioneers from Berlin and also with the Soviets, and destroy everything in the low tier with the 7.5cm PaK. Others don’t have these troops and therefore don’t have the possibility to build them. If you want balance, you would have to adapt this to the respective map you are playing, no matter which pioneer troop you use. What is always described as OP is the sheer number of players in the nations and the number of veterans. Japan got new equipment so now most veteran players grind Japan. Logically, the Americans are getting their asses kicked. This is happening with Germany right now, even if you play 6 matches you can be lucky and win one of them. There are very few players, especially experienced players, who simply only play certain nations, even if they are inferior. This means that if a nation is superior, a lot of players switch to that nation. The players who are missing are simply replaced by bots = cannon fodder and you have already lost if you are not the total top pro and spam units without end. There’s very little you can do about it, but Darkflow still shines here with a lack of ideas and a total unwillingness to change anything.

For example, it would be a good start to change the ranking system so that you can move up the ranks even if you lose. At the moment, the best-case scenario is that you don’t lose anything, which puts the icing on the cake if you play for the weaker nations. Players who literally hold the line get a kick in the pants, to say the least.

And regarding recruiting new players, you should get a grip on the server performance problem. More players = more load on the servers. It’s just stupid that some of the servers are already unplayable with connection problems and lag.

And to complete this, you should also consider really testing patches before releasing them - see non-functioning rear shooters, wobbling PaKs, to name just the most blatant things in the past. Whereby it takes ages until these are fixed. For me, Darkflow as a publisher is no better than the quality of the bots in this game. And I don’t think much of Gaijin Entertainment in general.

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Developers who constantly tilt the balance to one side or another are to blame for this.

If you’re better than 90 percent of the player base, you don’t have 90 percent of the wins. That’s not how it works.

Rather, I have the feeling that weak players said to themselves “I will have easy wins here” and started playing the Germans. Apparently the allies had better tickets, I didn’t notice anything. Taking a point takes maybe 5 seconds longer.

Japanese planes are very OP because of the environment we have.

It’s impossible to build up max speed in this game as there is no real diving.

Planes cannot climb at all for some reason. Gravity is set to 20x. This is bad for BnZ and Diving planes.

Altitude above 1000m does not exist.

Therefore all BnZ fighters like p47/p51 just get rolled by Ki-84 even Ki-61. Defensive flying is impossible in this game because of lead indicator and MA.

Not really true.

Japan had everyone playing their max, BR4. Very few of the playerbase were playing BR4 USA by itself, rather going full BR5.

Why were USA going full BR5 before? Because if you made a BR4 Lineup, you would be BR4 vs Germany BR5. A complete waste of time

This meant that in most games it was 8 Japan vs like 3 USA on NA Server anyway. All the US mains were BR5, stragglers were left behind.

Post ur kill stats we are bored.

Either stack or quitter on lose. Unless they have a really big kill count / kd than it’s just irrelevant cheesing. I’ve seen people with 1.2kd have 93%, complete laughfest that’s why no1 cares about win%

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Guilty as charged! But usually, it’s with one friend. I don’t stack like those jap stacks do…

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You are funny. It probably would be even more so, you get your clown getup on!

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Yes, japs need a rebalancing right now. Though the main problem stems from the stacks and simply the number of long time players on japland right now. Again, like I posted somewhere else. The problem could be somewhat stemmed if US players right now got good at the fucking game, honestly. This isn’t me saying the whole faction has morons right now, so don’t get my words twisted.

Also, welcome to the Enlisted forums! Careful you don’t get flagged down or something…

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