Alternate ways to get Silver Orders

Soldiers! We thank you for your constructive feedback and discussion regarding the new mechanics for training soldiers and recruiting new soldiers for your armies. We’ve reviewed your comments and feedback on obtaining Silver Orders for soldiers and will discuss alternative methods of earning them in the future (not just from the Battle Pass and Trophies).

You can also suggest your own ideas in our main topic on the forum:


you know that the simplest and painless solution, and that everyone has thought (except you at this point), is to earn a silver order, (weapons, soldiers) for every 9000xp obtained, exactly like the bronze ones, so that you can grind both just playing, so you could put more interesting stuff in the battlepass, removing the silver and bronze orders from it (except from the battlepass loop levels)


I think the old method of gaining silvers should be reinstated instead of the obvious solution of XP for silver, where there are silvers in each individual battle pass task, but with the daily missions, I dunno how that would work.


I like this idea.

I don’t understand…is this a bug or the new update i want to play the game today but i cant find academy and i cant buy bronze troops…how i can train my soldiers if there are no academy?


It is the new update.

this would not work, you could earn a maximum of 3 per day, as they probably include them in the difficult tasks and three per day obviously is not enough for new players

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thank you keo very cool :+1:

It didn’t use to work like that, you use to be able to do as many tasks as you wanted, but only the first three would count towards the BP. Each task you finished would net you a silver.

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sorry is a bit messed up as I wrote but I meant that in any case it is at a disadvantage to new f2p players, forced to receive one a day, plus those with the battlepass will have 3 a day however too few, this is not good, bronze orders and silver must be earned simply by playing in an amount that satisfies everyone

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I don’t understand what you mean. I said that you would be able to do as many BP tasks as you wanted, and each BP task would give you 1 silver order. However, for the F2P players, only the first three tasks count towards the BP, and for the Premium players, the first 9. This would allow everyone easily get 1 silver per game, every game.

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now let me explain, the silver orders as you explain in this way are random, I can complete 3 tasks but I could get 3 silver orders per soldier, but at that moment I need them for weapons, your system is too random and al maximum going for probability you will get more silver for soldiers than for weapons

Ah I see. I was thinking it over, and I since there are three BP tasks at a time, you could make it so that the easy task at the bottom has no rewards unless the daily rewards makes it so, the task at the top grants a troop order and the task in the middle is a weapon order. What do you think about that?

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as long as they are not random and are at least 2-4 per task it would also be good for f2p

4 seems a little much, but I think it should depend on the task. say, play x battle(s) in y campaign should give 1-2, but get 40 - 65 SMG kills should give at least 3.

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that’s right

Thank you for considering this and reading our feedback. I think the newer players will get hit really hard by this update as they will struggle to get enough silver to fill up their squads while leveling. They will probably not be able to effectively play newer campaigns.

  • My proposed solution add a conversion option to Logistics with maybe like 20x Bronze orders = 1 Silver order

  • Increase the amount of base XP for F2P players to incentivise them to stay.



Will we have a changes to premium time due to the loss in value created by the new update?

  • +100 Reserve Space is now useless.
  • +100% Training speed is also now redundant.

Is this being replaced due to half of the benefits of premium now being negated.


It is good to see, that position new/casual players found themselves in got attention from devs. Hopefully, game will become more playable for these people, especially new players.

Thank you for listening to these concerns.


I’m going to give you guys Kudos for acknowledging the problem within a Day of it becoming a problem. That is faster, than a lot of others I’ve seen in the industry over the decades.

I’ve posted in the other thread my thoughts on silver orders but I wanted to post here as well.
The F2P players are IMO more vital to me at times then those who pay. You can’t hit them with a MASSIVE mountain to climb to advance if you have any intention of keeping them.
The game needs to be engaging (Not to easy, not to hard). And then you will potentially have more paying customers down the road.

When I pay for a game, and its content in the F2P model, I am paying for me, but I’m also paying to ensure F2P players can stay F2P.

I’ve seen what a tough skill ceiling does. WoWP struggled for YEARS and I was Staff helping develop that game, because the skill ceiling was just too high.

All that said, my other piece of advise, is get an Actual Match Maker. Not so much for the veterans, but something to shield new PLayers for the first half dozen matches or so so they don’t get knocked around.
I absolutely do not want to be curb stomping new players. They need time to get aquainted with the game beyond training.