Alternate ways to get Silver Orders

What is the status with dismissing soldiers and getting bronze orders for them?


You’ve put it better than I could have
But I’ll throw mine in too

Silver orders alternating weapon and troop like bronzes for 8k XP


Guten Abend kann mich da nur anschließen sollte es so sein das man an keiner Einheit kommt außer mit Echt Geld ist es sehr schade weil das spiel echt spaß macht dann macht bitte die Chance von denn Silber Befehlen Erhöhen so das man welche bekommen kann dann könnte es wider okay sein mfg AllesOderNix_TV :slight_smile:

you forgot to translate it

I hope u find a good way to have a lot more silver order, i was introduce many of my friend to play this game

Thanks and Best Regards.

es macht gar keinen Sinn die Akademie aus diesem spiel zu entfernen… ich habe jetzt keine Lust mehr es zu spielen. viel Spaß

I read the comments
I understand that it is not an easy task to balance this type of game, in the current conditions. I have some ideas:

*) Please don’t let the game become a pay-to-win

*) That the orders can be convertible and / or that the objects (weapons, soldiers) do not depend on an order of a certain type.

*) Prevent players from mining orders that can cause someone to create a super object (Soldier, tank, etc.) that unbalances the game (Maybe on some form of restriction on quantity of improvements apply per object per time)

*) That players can play with others of a similar level, to avoid the massacres of novices on the beaches of omaha.

Right now, it doesn’t help me to have more than 100 bronze orders of soldiers and only 10 bronze orders of weapons.
It also doesn’t help me to have dozens of soldiers in reserve generated by the random purchase, and that currently do not serve me at all (at least, the weapons can be disarmed to improve others)

I also understand that you want to reward in some way, the players who buy the game coins and that it is not easy to find the middle ground.

Keep in mind that this game is still in beta and that many things are being adjusted on the fly depending on the statistics and feedback collected.


updata of the part of new system is good.,but it lost so many Supporting services.
it has 4 place sholud to be done.
1:replace the college ability of Premium account, 2:the new way to get silver,3:delete soldiers and give back some copper change,and 4:show us the new way to let the Junior soldier can be have better rank slides. its not 1start to 5stars. its rank1 to rank2 rank 2 tobe rank3.the soldiers should have a way Promotion to the rank 5 in the future,when rank4-5 is coming.

so i means some planes to work:
1.delete soldiers can give back some copper change, according to how many are the delete soldier have,include the max stars and the yellow stars .
2. maybe it can be exchange copper for silver, like 18 copper for one silver?
3.change back the pass reward, lvl61~64,its dont need so many exp-cards.when they want to use a Warehouse to let people can use exp-cards they have get anytime.
5.replace the college ability of Premium account for : I :you can get more by delete soldiers.II:.have discount to exchange copper for silver. III:.have a biger Warehouse.
6.give us a new way, to let the Junior soldier can be have better rank slides. its not 1start grow to 5stars. It is rank1 Breachto rank2, rank 2 to be rank3.the soider should have a way Promotion to the rank 5 in the future,when rank4-5 is coming. and Premium account should to influence it
[and pls work as soon as possible!!!no time to give you another month to work! although its hard work!]


What about putting some silver orders in the campaign unlocks? Or, just as said above, let silver orders be obtained from match’s XP. But at higher XP requirement.
Currently, especially for new but willing to progressed a lot players, the silver weapon/soldier ticket obtain ways is surely not enough. Also because it’s not the more you play the more your get. Currently, there’s a severe limit of how many silvers you can get PER DAY. Those want to level up quickly may run out of silvers quickly.

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  1. the change that the academy is omitted and that soldiers can only be bought through silver logistics, I think is a very bad idea, because you always had something to do after the game, which made it a relaxed shooter where players were proud of themselves when they finally trained the 5-star soldiers.
    The random logistics cards to level up soldiers and the fact that you can’t draw random soldiers destroys the surprise effect and fun factor as well as the feeling of luck when drawing soldiers. I would like to be able to draw my random soldiers again, because you are happy when you draw a level 2 or 3 soldier with 4 or 5 stars.
    Despite being a Premium and Battlepass owner, I have to say that the changes make the game feel more like a pay-to-win and run-and-gun game than a balanced free-to-play game.
    Bring back the academy and random soldier missions please.
    You need to be able to pull more than one weapon or soldier. It would be best if you could choose between 1, 5, 10 and 20.

Translated with (free version)


bring retrain points back or remove ramdon pool, its just no sense and pointless lvling up a soldier for to long just because you dont have good luck and never got the perk your looking for.

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Allow daily missions to obtain silver cards, allow combat experience to obtain silver cards, and increase the number of silver cards obtained by battle passes. In addition, if weapons can only be obtained through silver cards in the future, please adjust all weapons to consume only one silver card, otherwise weapons will inevitably be lacking.But I still don’t want you to delete the function of drawing weapons from the copper card, because that will inevitably lead to the loss of value of the transitional weapons. In order to save the silver card, many people will use the initial equipment to reach the full level and then use the silver card. very bad.There is also the fact that this game weapon is updated too quickly. Whenever the research and development line is extended, it is very likely that the old equipment will be replaced immediately. For example, when people have the MP43, they will not use other submachine guns in the past. Because it is clear that MP43 is much stronger than them. In this way, the investment of the silver card is in vain. Unless you make silver cards available in large quantities like bronze cards, I will definitely feel that my investment has been wasted.

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I think silver troop order every few thousand EXP would be most appropriate. It would match the progression and need for new soldiers.

10000exp per silver orders

i agree with u 2 hand, u speak for all of us :heart_eyes:

Halo co jest, mam uzbierane 40 brązowych kart żołnierza a nie widzę tego okienka
z " losowym żołnierzem "

Hey community, why this? I wish something different. Like silver order for actual great deeds like zone defense/zone attack kills, zone captures, multiple tank kills and similar. After all, it’s more than a simple bronze order.

I don’t have a proper number, but maybe 1 silver order after every 30 or 50 zone kills…

Because shitters don’t do any of that and giving them via xp would give them a chance to get some

Plus every 8-10k is at least ONE per mediocre match

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You wan’t people to actually keep playing this game? Because right now 3/4 of players suck. You want them gone, so you can stay with your few, pro mumbo jumbo buddies, untill the game drop dead? And they WILL be gone, if they won’t be able to fill the squads they are unlocking.

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Can you explain your questions?

I wish something different than everything-is-based-on-XP. We have trouble with new players staying away from actual battle, and them not having enough silver orders. So “let them get their silver orders right in the middle of the battle, not anywhere else” was the core of my suggestion.

Why is that something that makes you think I wish them gone? If you mean the 30-50 zone kills is too much, I’m OK with a gradually increasing number based on campaign level.

  • I already suggested to add more achievements
  • I agree that campaign specific achievements would be a nice way to add an extra amount of silver orders when starting a new campaign
  • I’m perfectly OK with a bronze <-> silver conversion
  • I don’t think that filling up 2x3.5 squads/campaign needs too much silver orders so 10K/silver seems a bit overkill; swapping soldiers between squads is something I do/did regularly because I don’t have enough soldiers otherwise

Right now what devs could have done days ago is to reenable the random soldiers for bronze, until they decide what to do, but I guess they need statistics to support their decisions, so here we are with a bone thrown at us…