ALLIES need BETTER ANTI TANK WEAPONS!, is O U T R A G O U S, the fact that the BEST AT weapon the allies have is 102 armor pen or whatever it is IS OBJECTIVELY horrible and unfair

Soon there will be no differences between the sides and it will end up the same as with H&G, where each side could use the same hardware, which ended with everyone using Tiger II (which is only so good in games) and stg44. There was a lack of diversity which killed the game.

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So we should get a counter to the P47
Youā€™re threatening to make this game a flat battlefield.

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I am not threatening anyone i am simply telling my point of view

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Piat, AT Mine, TNT/Dynamite and buildable AT Gun enters the Chatā€¦

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Cant pen kt

Doesnt work for greyzoners that wont move

Only works if you are close

Complete joke in high tier


You just need to make his fuel tank or engine burn

Still better than the type 4

You just need to learn how to play and not cry about balance all the time. Balance kills the gameplay.

Well. Itā€™s also because we do not know of many rocket launchers that Japan could actually get. The Type4 and Type5 are already kinda far fetched since they were made in the late 44s and never saw combat. and the AT ā€œRifleā€ is actually a cannon that is the heaviest normal infantry weapon in the game.
At best, another prototype of the Type4 launcher had a better pen (but donā€™t know if it is enough to frontal pen a M26 or Jumbo). Maybe there is more, but those docs would probably be in Japanese, and most people here couldnā€™t read it/ research it.
I would also argue that Japanā€™s biggest issue is US planes that do not need to be taken off from the carriers. Japan has only a couple of Tier 4+ non-carrier planes.

(And letā€™s be real. There are not many Jap mains here because Japan is boring).

Never used that many WfGr but there is

One day , one day

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Screenshot (4239)
AA cannon, all German fighters and the attacker FW and HMGs enter the shit.


There is this but since its a grenade it will limit its range they have much sharper arch of fire

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Huh Interesting. It should be an option soon.

I mean the Panzerfaust is pretty similar so it shouldnā€™t be a issue.

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Pls, teach us how we can camp in the grey zone and spam mines and autos.

And likewise with AT weaponry from EP and TNT to the buildable cannon to the launchers thereā€™s still plenty of answers. My point exactly that these people just need to git gud.

Not really.
I still would like to know how to destroy a grey zone tank with TNT, a nuke pack, or mines or launchers that have a 101mm pen at max. Or how you can pen a Tiger 2(H) with an AT cannon that already struggles against a Panther and Tiger 1 beyond Pixle meme.

Meanwhile, (most) planes have no armor at all, and the P-47 has awful combat abilities beyond its machine guns unless you are Japan, which primarily relies on carrier planes, which are awful.


German mains getting sweaty in here.

You guys realize the US AT gun is a heap of crap compared to USSR and Germany at high tier? Probably not since you never play US.

Bust out your BF110 with more powerful rockets than HVARs and relax.

Lol, ok, AA has horrendous overheat. Other planes still suck at killing them, how do you expect to kill a plane you canā€™t find?
You can make that argument for AA as well.
I still lose games as Germany while I have King Tigers on my team. I bet you still lose games while you have P-47s in the air.

and not cry

I know how to play dont worry about that. I dont even play high br but i just thought it was funny that they got nothing after m9