ALLIES need BETTER ANTI TANK WEAPONS!, is O U T R A G O U S, the fact that the BEST AT weapon the allies have is 102 armor pen or whatever it is IS OBJECTIVELY horrible and unfair

here is something helpful for you, the C key is free look for vehicles, inf and planes it will also snap back to the center when C is released allowing you to quickly look in the other direction


Apart from the fact that I have 10 slots in each army, I can deal with an enemy tank in the gray zone. I just don’t focus on him, or rather, I don’t focus on destroying him. The problem is greatest when you are on the attack. Instead of focusing on destroying the tank in the gray zone, I will instead show a place to place a rallypoint in a place that will be outside its line of fire.

So… doing nothing?
Wow… that is skill.

AA overheats after I think one magazine in genereal.
And I dont know since when the Bf109 and Fw suck at killing planes.

No. Thats dumb because planes have no magical greyzone protection and have no armor.
And I still would like to know how to destroy a grey zone tank with TNT, a nuke pack, or mines or launchers that have a 101mm pen at max. Or how you can pen a Tiger 2(H) with an AT cannon that already struggles against a Panther and Tiger 1 beyond Pixle meme.

Yeah Lets talk about the non-issue. It worked in the past, so it surely will work now again.

Of course. This is the best solution because if the enemy tank has no one to shoot at, it will change position, and sometimes it has to leave the gray zone.
And if he leaves the zone, he is an easy target for infantry. Don’t think about how to reach him, but how to force him to leave the gray zone. The best way to do this is not to focus on him, but to do everything you can to get out of his firing zone.

Unless of course his position is already good enough…
Then this entire premise falls flat.

There is no such position. There is always a workaround. And you can always dig a passage.

U can drive jeep quite far in greyzone, just incase the allied cas just aint enough.

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My point exactly, can’t kill a plane you can’t find? Can’t kill a tank you can’t reach? There’s ways to git gud and stop crying.

You have to set it manually on Plane and it only works on plane for console, they removed the other free looks.
And it still messes with Ailerons depending settings, I’ve got a great set up on my settings though, I’ve not had any problems flying.
Besides that point, the reason I brought that up was to show the silliness of their reasoning, with the same in my own reasoning. These are problems with solutions, no need to make every nation the same. Let each have their own advantages.

You figured it out! I’m trying to show you how stupid it is to complain about a problem that has solutions!
Rocket launchers and cannons have good range if you’re skilled, EPs and TNT you can suicide into the greyzone to get them.
If they’re at the true back of the map? Take a plane🤯
A fun solution if you’re so inclined to ignore all the great problems solving toys at your disposal is you could complain to the devs to remove greyzone, then everyone will be your biggest fan.

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In Berlin you can camp the cps on the street. In Normandy you can use hills which can cover the Allied spawns. A lot of cps and routes in Pacific can be camped with ease too.
Yeah Sure…

Most maps dont even have jeeps. The allied thing is not my point because Japan has the same issue but under worse conditions.

A plane arrives every minute to drop bombs. Maybe you’ll find it. I believe in you. and stop crying.

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No. Its not.

And you still fail to explain it beyond saying it.
It just hot air coming from you. Might as well calling those solutions the Tesla-solutions.

Nice to know that all those other solutions are ultimately pointless.
Because its weird that its all coming back to tanks and planes and I NEVER see any of those morons here with such solutions actually using it on their own.

They are sooo great that you still dont bother to actually explain them and dont even use them on your own beyond planes and tanks.

kubels, riders theres other options unless it has to be specificly be jeep.

Can I get a HUGE anti-tank missile launcher for the United States so that I ĐŻEACH?

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Like p47 or 38 that often is used in manner of being that exact huge antitank missile ?
Especiatly in defense missions when murrica dont have to worry about tickets.

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like Ju188 with 6,250 kilaton bombs. I have 2.
Or maybe a 1,500 kiloton bomb?
Hmm, let me think. And what brings victory in this game? What is it, let me think. I can’t remember. Capturing something. Something needs to be captured. AND THE PLANE CAN’T DO THAT. Didn’t you know?
While you’re flying your favorite P what’s the difference 4 something is out there 7. German infantry is walking on the ground, blowing up tanks, destroying soldiers. Captures points.
The axis has the same strong planes. Powerful tanks. A powerful weapon. But you keep saying that the United States with 1 plane can crush all this. You’re a joker, aren’t you?

According to german mains, P-47 is always the solution. Sure this plane is busted, but a team can only have one at any given time, and their opponent can reduce their effectiveness with their planes.

Sure the allies can deal with german tank with their CAS, but both their own tanks and infantry would still struggle.

Germans can use their planes, tanks and infantry effectively to blow up allied tanks without needing to flank.

Basically any german can deal with US and soviet tanks at any given time, while the allied team has to rely on one or two planes to do the job.

Well, anyone can do this, particularly in defense. This is not a US exclusive honestly.