ALLIES need BETTER ANTI TANK WEAPONS!, is O U T R A G O U S, the fact that the BEST AT weapon the allies have is 102 armor pen or whatever it is IS OBJECTIVELY horrible and unfair

Quite sure neither one is a fighter plane, nor bombs aint exactly as effective as rockets against infantry.

And tanks can ?

Perhaps shoot the infantry with hvars that kinda is the core issue here ? Dont just let them walk to cap do your job rather than fly for beautiful views.

Which german fighter has 10 rockets for cas & can actually fight in the air ?

Sure, german has tanks US has planes.

True, forgot that US doesnt have anything but spades.

And with what logic this 1 greyzone tank does the same ?

Except as above said bombs aint exactly comparable to rockets once it comes to deleting infantry as well as the lack of fighter that could actually be used as fighter as well as doing cas.

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Yes, the US faction has to put in more effort to achieve the same result as germans


If you can’t find a safe path on the city map, you are a really bad player. Normandy or the Pacific are also areas where the shape of the terrain helps to hide them from enemy tanks, and in Tunisia it is quite easy. There is no universal position in the game from which you can clearly fire on the entire map.

A brave statement. Of course, you do not need to check it. Gentlemen take your word for it

like Ju188 with 6, 250 kilaton bombs. I have 2.

idk description says its bomber, also couldnt find it anywhere under fighter tab.
But must be a error on my version of the game.

however, what disadvantages does the Axis have?

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Like fighters without cas in BR V ?

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Is this a matter of principle?

Since you started answering. There are still disadvantages

If the subject is lack of fighter with cas ability in BR V & lack of huge amount of rockets to deal with infantry.

Yeah I think its quite important.

Not on most maps

Not everyone uses them as they take up entire slot and have only 2 people. Especially f2p

Subject was how to, not exactly my problem.
Just like germuts require a engineer squad to build AA’s to fight the cas, I dont mind the US has same requirement of having special squad to deal with tanks.

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They should give more slots for f2p so these thing would be used more. Also the motorbikes are janky as hell and get stuck everywhere.

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Sure, would also limit the vehicles max 2 / player.
Regardless how many butthurt cas spammers it would offend.

Lol so this is a bad solution. Since most people can’t do it.

Why not ? How come you expect every german to be able to build AA but apparently same thing of having special squad cant be expected from US ?

Lol many players did bring engineer squad or premium/event squad. But barely any player bring rider squad, this is the difference.

And ? Not exactly your opponents fault if you dont select a squad to deal with tanks.

Quite same as earlier offered “Use fighter against cas” since fair share dont.
A) Its a fighter, in those rare cases when theres no murrican cas spammers you have entirely useless vehicle since it cant do cas.
B) If you get sent against sovjets the same usually applies as soviets dont spam cas like murrica does.

Aka, germans are just as much required to bring dedicated squad against murrica cas.
So how come same cant be expected from US ?

Lol aa gun can be build by engineer squad or event/premium squad. Your solution is only rider squad. So it is not a fair comparison since there is multiple choice for aa but only 1 choice for rider.

Still not all. D-Day for example has none and they dont respawn iirc so this option is still limited.
And it still doesnt solve the inf anti-tank issue of US and especially Japan while Germany and USSR inf dont need those dumb ideas to engage greyzone campers.
And if it is so simple, Im wondering why the Germans never did it in Moscow before they got the F2 (or any faction/ player for that manner).