ALLIES need BETTER ANTI TANK WEAPONS!, is O U T R A G O U S, the fact that the BEST AT weapon the allies have is 102 armor pen or whatever it is IS OBJECTIVELY horrible and unfair

allies need a BR 4 AT weapon, and a BR 5 AT weapon, br 5 at weapon has 150-180 armor pen, while br 5 weapon has 220-230 pen


Cope, you got P47, your bazookas are still good for most tanks. Every nation has advantages and disadvantages.


Most people dont like flying, I never bring a plane.

Super Bazooka is absolutely needed.


You have to consider that there may be parasites or monkeys taking over these precious strategic resources.
Germany only needs a level 3 60 Iron Fist to deal with the M26 head-on.


My Tiger 2 has been taken out my bazookas many times…So i don’t see why your complaining that US need better anti-tank weapons…

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Tiger 2 can be taken by bazooka from the side but from the front it is not possible. This is huge disadvantage forcing the player to take a risk and flank in order to kill it. If he is greyzone then the task will be even harder. On the other hand even the t3 at launchers from germany can pen any US tank from the front easily.


Allies should at the very least get better buildable anti-tank guns at higher tiers;

the nature of “buildable” setups should also be explored as a means to even out the playing field without resorting to prototypes that are silly;

that is to say; “modify, or design squads so they can actually preform the functions of a MG squad, such as having dedicated loaders/assistant gunners” rather than have everything be COD plus Babysitting AI


Japan has even worse AT weapons, but no one talks about that because they dont have crybabies.


weird, since in BR5 I got to keep the 109 constantly on roster just incase if I end up against allies.
Which is quite massive disadvantage for f2p players.

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This seems like completely reasonable suggestion and not rant


Well not really, since the so called “balance” regarding vehicles has always revolved around that germuts has better tanks & allies has better cas.
Except that one timeline when jumbo was introduced.

None of that was considered in the “suggestion”

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But allies could benefit from better at weapons. I personally dont care because i dont play high br allies but i just wanted to bring this up

Obviously, but that shifts the “balance” which yet again wasnt in any manner taken to account in this “suggestion”

I dont believe that would happen but whatever. We can agree to disagree

Not really a matter of believing or not. Its like giving germans ME jet fighter with ~10 wfgr rockets would probably end the era of allied cas.

Germans have better tank allies have better plane. So why should allies also have worse at launcher? If the p47 is too much then why not add better AA guns


If I recall they just added pershing to “even” the game, sure german tanks still are better but I havent heard of plans to add fighter cas planes to germans.

Carriable AT weapon that can be equipped technically by every squad -/- buildable AA that requires engineer squad.

M26 pershing was needed to make it fair. M4a2 76w can only pen tiger 2h from cupola and most of the time it doesnt work. Germans best fighter plane me 109 k4 can quite easily kill p47. Either how i dont really think this conversation is going anywhere and continuing it would be pointless

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So wheres the german cas fighter ?

Which hardly no one uses due to it being actual fighter without cas ability, unlike murrica has.
Quite sure people would use fighters by far more in german side if they had similar cas capability as murrica has.
Currently the problem with selecting K4

A) You dont know which faction you are fighting against, against soviets K4 is quite useless as soviets dont have such cas as murrica has → they dont spam the planes like murrica does
A1) So against soviets from F2P perspective you have entirely useless vehicle selected.

B) Even against murrica, its just fighter. Not many people intrested of entirely just dogfighting.

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The biggest problem with Bazooka is that it has difficulty dealing effective damage to APCs
You have to find a suitable angle, but in actual combat it is difficult to have this opportunity

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