Now that I’ve seen both the new styles of BP, namely one where it gives a Gold Equipment Order and the one where it gives you a Predetermined Equipment itself, I can finally say I am not the biggest fan of predetermined weapons
To go deeper, lets have a comparison
This is the Golden Weapon Orders shop, here I can have a selection of unique type of weaponry and a respective BR to go with it, I can lets say pick a BR2 gun for my Machine gunner or have a BR 3 gun fit for my engineer, I can pick whatever equipment I want catering to whatever I need
Now here’s the new BP, it gives me a specific weapon instead, for comparison lets use the PPSh-45, in comparison to the Gold Weapon Order, the weapon here is limited, limited in the way that its already a PPSh-45, a soviet only gun, fit only for BR 4-5 matches, and can be either used by only assaulters, pilots, or tankers.
Here’s my question, did I make the selection? No, I have no say in the rewards I’m getting.
Let’s have another situation, Let’s say I am a big german main, we’ll say I’m not a vehicle user to ignore that I received a skin, but I want an assault rifle fit for BR 4-5. Now looking at the BP, I have no reason to play it, why? The rewards isnt something that I’d use, a.k.a, a gun that isnt on the faction on that I play. Now if I were to have a regular Gold Weapon Order, I can make my way to the shop, test a fancy MKB 42, learn that its not good to use, and buy a Conders MG instead. Compare that to receiving 4x of a weapon that I wont use, now thats waste. See what I mean, its the fact that, I ,as a player have the choice to buy what I want and need .
I can hear one arguement, then isn’t the event format bad? They give predetermined squads or weaponry, no I’m not saying those are bad, events and the BP are separate entities.
The new system aint all bad though, 4x the gold weapon orders is pretty good though
My point is Gold Equipment Orders are nice because it allows me to have a selection and I fear giving out Predetermined Weapons can remove incentive on buying the BP, for selective players.
My suggestion? Why not just retain the Gold Equipment Orders? You can probably give 2x predetermined weapon and a Gold Equipment Order by the end