A feedback on the Predetermined BP weapons and the removal of Gold Equipment Orders


Now that I’ve seen both the new styles of BP, namely one where it gives a Gold Equipment Order and the one where it gives you a Predetermined Equipment itself, I can finally say I am not the biggest fan of predetermined weapons

To go deeper, lets have a comparison

This is the Golden Weapon Orders shop, here I can have a selection of unique type of weaponry and a respective BR to go with it, I can lets say pick a BR2 gun for my Machine gunner or have a BR 3 gun fit for my engineer, I can pick whatever equipment I want catering to whatever I need

Now here’s the new BP, it gives me a specific weapon instead, for comparison lets use the PPSh-45, in comparison to the Gold Weapon Order, the weapon here is limited, limited in the way that its already a PPSh-45, a soviet only gun, fit only for BR 4-5 matches, and can be either used by only assaulters, pilots, or tankers.

Here’s my question, did I make the selection? No, I have no say in the rewards I’m getting.

Let’s have another situation, Let’s say I am a big german main, we’ll say I’m not a vehicle user to ignore that I received a skin, but I want an assault rifle fit for BR 4-5. Now looking at the BP, I have no reason to play it, why? The rewards isnt something that I’d use, a.k.a, a gun that isnt on the faction on that I play. Now if I were to have a regular Gold Weapon Order, I can make my way to the shop, test a fancy MKB 42, learn that its not good to use, and buy a Conders MG instead. Compare that to receiving 4x of a weapon that I wont use, now thats waste. See what I mean, its the fact that, I ,as a player have the choice to buy what I want and need .

I can hear one arguement, then isn’t the event format bad? They give predetermined squads or weaponry, no I’m not saying those are bad, events and the BP are separate entities.

The new system aint all bad though, 4x the gold weapon orders is pretty good though

My point is Gold Equipment Orders are nice because it allows me to have a selection and I fear giving out Predetermined Weapons can remove incentive on buying the BP, for selective players.

My suggestion? Why not just retain the Gold Equipment Orders? You can probably give 2x predetermined weapon and a Gold Equipment Order by the end


The old BP style has a selection of around 16-24 copies of guns that can be sold per season, with a measly 1-2 gold weapon orders to buy copies with, excluding events that would hand out 1 gold weapon order, maybe.

The old system literally had missable content.
The current system gives you all the content.

I can understand players who do not play other factions feeling frustrated, but they’d just have to wait their turn for the new BP, like everyone else.

If anything, given the scarcity of gold weapon orders, you’d have to wait several seasons to acquire enough to procure enough copies to equip an entire squad, and the old BP style had longer seasons.

The new BP being faster and giving every possible copy of the gun is a more stable and consistent improvement.


While yes the old system did add a lot of weapons which might be bad if you want to collect them all, but to be fair 90% of the weapons were not eactly exiting or a must have.

If they add a terrible weapon for the BP then what is the point of buying the BP. Now you cant even spend real money/gold for new weapons so there is even less reason to spend money.


BP has been consistently used as a means to maintain daily user count.

The fact that it has effectively remained a single-time real money purchase provided that you play the game regularly demonstrates this.

After the old gold weapon orders are removed from the shop, they’ll likely change their approach to the game’s monetization of otherwise battlepass equipment.

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To add insult to the injury:

  • they also completely removed gold vehicles. Now it’s just some paint job.



The one time it was germanys turn to recieve something nice they had to rework the entire system around it. XD

Well to be fair giving germany another Tiger 2 H would have been a shitshow just waiting to happen.


It more the contrary now we will have more to miss with only getting 1 weapon and no vehicle in the BP. When before that order give you what 20 possibility


It just implemented to create more FOMO

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hmmmm they can mix both systems then, the quicker BP system, introduction of better GWOs or GVOs to the shop, not removing said orders


Personally, I think DF is becoming to controlling. So, the vast majority of BP weapons I would never consider buying and the ones I wanted I already bought, but at least when they gave you a gold order for a BP weapon it was “YOUR” choice as to what you bought. Now, Dark Force is taking your choice away, and deciding for you. :wink:
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The gold order was clearly the superior system. What if I don’t want the weapon they’re forcing me to get in Battlepass

Unique weapons added to the shop that we can browse will always be better. I get a gold order maybe I’ll get this gun or that gun


Just like endless image quality improvements and negative optimizations
They need to find a way to force sell their crap to prove they are working hard
this is how they do it
There is nothing simpler than forcing you to eat shit


The problem is that most of the stuff they put out is garbage.
If they make more equipment types like Condes or T20 or R50 or G2 or Tiger E that are in demand, then players will definitely be very happy to spend money or work hard to play.
Instead of putting out a bunch of crap and then complaining that no one wants to buy their crap and then forcing everyone to eat crap

Of all the weapons they released last year, the automatic pistol was the only weapon that people wanted.
Everything else is no different than garbage
I even regretted buying 4 tier 2 Soviet submachine guns with bad sights
If I can save until this time, I will buy 3 more LADs or replace the US military with semi-automatic rifles with lower recoil.


In the past, you only needed half a year to obtain about 4 weapon cards, 1 vehicle card, and 2 personnel cards through seasons and activities.
You can get more cards by paying money
You can choose the camp and equipment you want
So you have a goal to work towards and plenty of time to wait

Now you can only get one weapon with random performance every 35 days and cannot be equipped in batches
Even if you pay, most of the time you’re just wasting your time and energy on more useless garbage.
Without a goal, there is no reason to play.
You may not have enough time to get the content you want


“Only half a year”

Sure, with the new BP system, you’d be getting 4-5 different guns with 4 copies each in the same time.

You call 4 copies of a gun not enough to equip in batches?

So there’s a very simple, very easy solution for this

Don’t buy the BP. If the rewards don’t interest you, don’t spend the EG. Save it for when a BP rolls around that has something to interest you. Sound good?

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Here comes the problem
How many of these guns are actually useful?
Assume there are 10 types of guns in a year
Ten to 40 guns a year? Sounds like a lot, right?
How many are (wanted and useful by most people) rather than (collectibles)?
Think about it
How long do you have to wait a year to find something usable from the garbage?

Only paying players, right?
It takes free players nearly 2 years to save enough entry tickets
How much have they missed before this? How long will they have to wait for this stuff to reappear?

Like I said above
They can increase sales by improving quality instead of forcing everyone to eat shit.
This not only does not help retain the permanent population
It’s just wearing out the players’ patience.

Same problem with the old BP guns.

Gold order guns are collectibles that may or may not be meta, and lean into the not meta part for the majority of its implementation.

No one is going to fork over their rare GWOs over mediocre guns, especially when a tech-tree counterpart exists.

Might as well make every new gun they release something everyone is pretty much guaranteed to obtain.

You put too much emphasis on the “choice”, but the new system makes it so you don’t have to choose. You just get everything the devs have on offer without any compromise.

Battlepass is an optional 1-time purchase that, assuming you play the game actively, will allow you to pay for the next season, and then the next. The very fact battlepass seasons are shorter also means that free players can accumulate gold faster.

in addition
There is often a gap between their propaganda and reality.

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You can choose to eat shit or cake
So even though last year’s products were pretty much garbage there weren’t many people complaining about the mechanics, right?

No choice = forced to pay = forced to eat shit

1 year and 9 months?
Really fast
If you are a new player or a free player
Will you be patient enough to wait for the day when what you want comes after wasting almost 2 years and missing out on 18 weapons?